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Puustinen 01-04-2005 01:39 PM

Re: What do you think about this?

Good Job Jarkko! Can't wait to hear it with vocals!

What's your set-up there? I like it! Keep it up dude!

Thanks Rick! I also would like to hear the song with vocals asap because we will be playing it live on the 15th

The drums were recorded with Roland VS-2400CD with Shure PGDMK6 Drum Mic Kit.

The drum tracks were then burned to a CD and imported into Pro Tools.

My Guitar and bass were connected directly to my MBox and send through Amplitube.

So nothing big but we had alot of fun recording!

Roy Howell 01-04-2005 03:55 PM

Re: merry late xmas

hey Roy, thanks

I believe you have a handle on your mixes, especially the bottom end, what are you hearing on your system there as far as mix


I had missed your question...I think your mix is fine. I would simply bring up the low end overall. On my heavier stuff, I tend to make my mixes bass and drum heavy, with everything else simply clear and audible (in general anyway), but that's a matter of preference. I really like some of your guitar sounds.

rchaffin 01-04-2005 05:20 PM

Re: What do you think about this?


Good Job Jarkko! Can't wait to hear it with vocals!

What's your set-up there? I like it! Keep it up dude!

Thank Rick! I also would like to hear the song with vocals asap because we will be playing it live on the 15th

The drums were recorded with Roland VS-2400CD with Shure PGDMK6 Drum Mic Kit.

The drum tracks were then burned to a CD and imported into Pro Tools.

My Guitar and bass were connected directly to my MBox and send through Amplitube.

So nothing big but we had alot of fun recording!

Wow!! That was amplitude?? Geez!! I better give amplitude another listen!! You did an awesome job with it! Please post when you get some vocals on the tune! Good Stuff!!

Keith Owens 01-04-2005 10:37 PM

Re: What do you think about this? *DELETED*
Post deleted by Keith Owens

Keith Owens 01-04-2005 10:51 PM

Re: What do you think about this? *DELETED*
Post deleted by Keith Owens

scottedog 01-04-2005 10:53 PM

Re: Listen to this then...

Fantastic songwriting, great vocals & arrangments. Could be me but I hear some phase issues with the cymbals (overheads?), I'm listening really quiet so I could be wrong. Really liked all 3 songs though.

rchaffin 01-05-2005 01:29 AM

Re: What do you think about this?
Rick, very nice work...your experience surely shows through..BTW, when you coming back over to see my new (old 1981 JCM 800 modded) Marshall?

************************************************** *************************************************
Thanks Keith!

Yeah I'd like to hear that Splawn Modded Marshall! I bought my son a JCM 2000 100 watter for christmas. I inherited his Blue Voodoo head. I'm going to check out those Randall MTS models that Michael Wagener turned me on to. Man they smoke!! Let me know when you have time for us to check out your marshall!

Take care!

Finne 01-05-2005 02:37 AM

Re: Happy New Year
Roy Howell:

I understood wrongly your comment. Sorry.

Roy Howell 01-05-2005 10:10 AM

Re: Happy New Year
No problem at all.....I should have probably been clearer with my comment, so I apologize for that. I know from the other songs you've posted that you're highly creative and an excellent engineer. So I look forward to hearing anything you post.
thanks, Roy

ScottFB 01-05-2005 10:15 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Would be interested in hearing comments, criticism and suggestions regarding this mix and/or "song"
I was going after the big production feel of some of my favorite "old" bands so I'm sure it will sound somewhat dated to some on this list.
The title of the song refers to the Rickenbacker 360-12 that is the featured instrument of the song.
The drums are Drums On Demand loops. http://www.drumsondemand.com/
Here it is:

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