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DDP 11-06-2002 11:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally posted by Hadjipita:
Hello DUC ... It's been a while since I posted anything.

Hearin some sweet DIGI tracks ! keep it up all (we'll take over the world sooN !) haha [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

heres a new song done by an Ottawa band called The Fully Down ... its called something new

The Fully Down : Something New

check it out ... any opinions / critism is welcome [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ...

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">sounds great. very current.

mixmasterc 11-07-2002 09:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

"Feel it again" is a great song. Nice effect on the vocals. It got me pumped up this morning for another long day at the office.


Great song, nice beat. I really liked the guitar on the song. Are you the guitar player?


NoviceDollars 11-07-2002 11:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks. No the guitar is played by the first vocalist (male). This guy started playing about a year or two ago, described to me his ideas, and we threw it down. Glad you liked it.

I'm working on cutting down two more tunes with the same set acoustical set up to three-minute mixes. Those should be up by the end up next week. One uses a wah-wah instead of the wammy-bar, the other is acoustic and electric intertwined.


Captain_Pants 11-07-2002 02:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Plastik, I just checked out your stuff. I loved the rebel drums man. Always liked those. I was hoping it would be a bit darker, maybe some darker overtones or somehting, but it was cool. Not a lot of stuff posted here on the DUC grabs my interest as much as I would like, but I thought your stuff was really good, and am proceeding to download the other stuff so I can bootleg your album to thousands of my cronies.

no, not really. But I am getting the stuff.


DDP 11-07-2002 02:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
[QUOTE]Originally posted by mixmasterc:

"Feel it again" is a great song. Nice effect on the vocals. It got me pumped up this morning for another long day at the office.

mixmasterc- thanks for listening!
the effected voice in the verses are actually mine from the scratch vocal track when i was writting the tune . instead of waiting around for a couple of days for the singer to learn the song, i just got creative with the effects and made him sing just the choruses and bridge(where being in key counts.....kind of). come to think of it, most of the gutar tracks are from my original "writting scratch tracks". if it weren't for pro tools, that song probably never would have happened......technology man!

mixmasterc 11-07-2002 02:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Being creative sometimes makes up for laziness. Nice job

Captain Pants,

Heard you proposed...Congrats! When's the big day?

Did anyone hear my latest song?
Mean Muggin

Let me know what you think...


Plastik909 11-07-2002 02:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally posted by Captain_Pants:
Plastik, I just checked out your stuff. I loved the rebel drums man. Always liked those. I was hoping it would be a bit darker, maybe some darker overtones or somehting, but it was cool. Not a lot of stuff posted here on the DUC grabs my interest as much as I would like, but I thought your stuff was really good, and am proceeding to download the other stuff so I can bootleg your album to thousands of my cronies.

no, not really. But I am getting the stuff.


<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Cheers,
I’ve got your ‘Kornpant’ on my playlist at work. I hold Autechre in high regard and thought that your track was of that standard.

Nice one.

DDP 11-07-2002 08:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
mixmasterc- is it "burnin' a woodie" in the first verse?
is that just slap back on the vox or is there some pitch trans goin' on?

bi0force1 11-07-2002 09:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
HA!!! i knew i wasn't the only person who likes CAPT. PANTS "korpant"......i told you so captian, i told you so!!!!!!!

Captain_Pants 11-08-2002 01:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

HA!!! i knew i wasn't the only person who likes CAPT. PANTS "korpant"......i told you so captian, i told you so!!!!!!!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Aye there lad, that ye done so.

~Plastik - I also like Autechre a lot. One of my favorite tracks from them is Further, from the Amber album.

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