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Roy Howell 07-18-2006 10:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
-mykhal c

if ya got sec check out 'no matter what', 3rd song in my player at www.mykhalcompton.com.

Hi mykhal...I tried to listen to 'no matter what' on your site, but there's a continuous loop of something else playing too. I do want to hear it. Let me know how......thanks, Roy

Roy Howell 07-18-2006 11:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here



I have recorded a song using my trusy old 001 for a project that has so far received some fantastic feedback, however I need some feedback on the song, the recording, the lyrics, the structure etc. I would really really appreciate it if you could take the time (4mins) to listen to it and let me know what you think.

It's called Roller Coaster...

My Space - Jonathan Haselden

I know lots of people are asking for people to listen to their tunes, but I would really appreciate you listening to it and telling me exactly what you think. You can email me if you want with feedback:

[email protected]

Jonathan...I like it as is. Very good job, IMO... -Roy

mykhal c 07-19-2006 01:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
it's a poor man's website roy!!! i really have to take some time to straighten it out for FIREFOX and MACs. if you can't check it out via XP and IE then go to my myspace page... www.myspace.com/mykhalc i got it up there too. thanks for listenin' my friend!!

mrbobb 07-19-2006 03:54 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Thanks, I'll let him hear the encouraging words, any thoughts on the mix?


rogerhavoc 07-20-2006 07:51 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Thanks, I'll let him hear the encouraging words, any thoughts on the mix?


Hey Bob, This sound really nice! I just have a few comments...
The Guitars sound a little faded. Maybe just bring them up a tad and increase the midrange on them. How many guitar tracks are you using?. Also, i would remove some of the verbs from the vocals and snare. I'm at work now, but if you would like to know more of what i think, let me know.
Excellent job nonetheless. Please note that i am no professional Audio Guy.



Roy Howell 07-20-2006 10:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
mykhal c..... Finally heard 'no matter what' on your myspace link...so nice, I listened twice... ...great feel to it...I like the fade chords...cool guitar work...and as always, great bass sounds. Nice job.


Naagzh 07-21-2006 11:06 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!


Thanks, I'll let him hear the encouraging words, any thoughts on the mix?


Hey Bob, This sound really nice! I just have a few comments...
The Guitars sound a little faded. Maybe just bring them up a tad and increase the midrange on them. How many guitar tracks are you using?. Also, i would remove some of the verbs from the vocals and snare. I'm at work now, but if you would like to know more of what i think, let me know.
Excellent job nonetheless. Please note that i am no professional Audio Guy.



I'll second Roger on the guitars. Too much bass (though the bass tone is quite good! What'd you use?). In the fast sections, the reverb tail on the snare is too long in general, and maybe needs a smidge of pre-delay. Kick doesn't have the flavor of attack that I like, might be worth trying a different compressor on it. During the fast sections, try shortening the kick sound with a gate. Toms could be brighter. During the slow sections, the hi-hat bleed into the snare reverb is phasey. Maybe gate/automate it out? Maybe send all the drums to the verb, instead of just snare and kick (if that's in fact what you did). Make the drums sound even more boomy and 80's cheesy. Go Phil Collins with it, if you must. I dig the boomy kick, though.

Vocal reverb tail is too long in the fast sections, and could use more pre-delay. Vocal delays could be more sparse and/or interesting (making each tap more F'd up than the previous could be cool). When there's a vocal delay on everything, it looses impact. Automate those sends for special moments. On the reverbs, roll of some high-end or use a de-esser. The sibilance is not doing it for me.

In general, the intro and outro sections are not different enough from the fast sections.

Love the vocal break in the middle of the song. And the "turn the radio up" panning stuff.

I'm no expert, either. Just my opinions/tastes. Hope this was constructive.

mykhal c 07-21-2006 11:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks for takin' the time once again roy! and glad u liked it. thought you'd enjoy the guitar work. would you lemme know what browser you were using to try to check out my site pls??? i have no issues with XP/IE. need to resolve the issues with others tho. thanks again!! keep groovin'!! peace...mykhal

snowjiber 07-21-2006 11:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
If anyone could check out a couple recordings I recently did, that would be cool. The song 'Whatever' was just a little piece I whipped up in like 30 minutes, dont worry about that one. Please give feedback on 'Summer of Dissonance' and 'Failing October'.


Sorry about having to use the stupid myspace, I need to get a file host.

mrbobb 07-21-2006 02:21 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Thank you both for the suggestions . Extremely helpful. I'm going to get a few more hours with it this weekend. I'll post an updated mix on Monday.


By the way, I didn't record the bass, but was there for the session. To my memory it was just DI. Lots of massy's tapehead on the bass (awesome plug).

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