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Stiff 09-15-2004 12:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here's something else that IntelDoc just mix/mastered for us..... a song Paul Curtiz and I wrote around a film script called 'Fa's Garden', which is basically the story of a southern lady haunted by a death in her past. Lyrics by Paul, and I wrote the music...with Ev/Nightshadecrisis on violin.

Fa's Garden

Great work Roy, Doc and Nightshade. But I must say I'm a bit dissapointed, I thought that mud-banjo-slide-blues from your last trip would be the next song you'd post Roy

Gene Backlin 09-15-2004 12:50 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy and all...Really, really nice tune.

Thanks for posting, it was a very good listen !

Take Care,

Roy Howell 09-15-2004 12:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Stiff,
Can't wait for you to hear 'Down Dirty Love', which Paul and I just finished tracking...it's a pure rocker...Paul did killer vocals on it last night, and I'm mixing it now...it kicks butt...

Thanks, Gene...

Stiff 09-15-2004 04:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi Stiff,
Can't wait for you to hear 'Down Dirty Love', which Paul and I just finished tracking...it's a pure rocker...Paul did killer vocals on it last night, and I'm mixing it now...it kicks butt...

I'm looking forward to it! Post it ASAP

garrett_la 09-15-2004 09:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all.

Click on mp3s at www.haughtdog.com. There are 5 songs posted.

All comments welcome!


spkguitar 09-16-2004 07:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, Paul, Ev, and Doc, Fa's Garden sounds great! Well done.

P.S. Roy, did you get my email?

Roy Howell 09-16-2004 10:40 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Shawn...your email got me going...I really appreciate your help.

Roy Howell 09-16-2004 04:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi all.

Click on mp3s at www.haughtdog.com. There are 5 songs posted.

All comments welcome!


Some really good grooves on these songs...most of em would make great rhythm beds for killer vocals.
Any reason there aren't any vox?...good job.

Ruben_B 09-16-2004 06:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Gene,
'Mornings Dew' - great tune, i really like the subtle melodies going on in the background (classical guitar/mandolin i think).
I love the intro with the background percussion. Are they tympani drums with plenty of reverb?
Im really interested in how you got that sound.

Great work mate!


mindstAt 09-16-2004 10:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Fa's garden = the hotness. very good work. great vibes, but i really like the sound of that rim shot.

garrett la - i heard some good stuff in those mp3s i downloaded. good jams. solid.


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