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vicwind 06-29-2004 10:57 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
here's a taste of my classical recording.
i'm singing in BEHIND the orchestra so the balance will seem a little off. you be the judge.
the mics were placed about 20 feet from the front of the stage and were a spaced omni pair. neumann km100 mk30 capsules. into 002. no eqing or anything.
this was recorded live in the Chan Center in Vancouver

This was recorded in the UBC recital hall. pair of nuemann omnis.

Roy Howell 06-29-2004 01:10 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Captain Ben,
Just heard 'Just a Tenderness'...some very cool stuff in it, and those vocals are tuff. Nice mix too. Download time is veery slow at about 10kb, but I want to listen to 'Murderer' later.

Captain_Pants 06-29-2004 01:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Roy, thanks for the listen. Sorry again about the D/Load time. Ive been trying to do something about getting some better hosting, but for now its free... Whattya gunna do, eh?

Anyway, yeah, the funny thing about that mix was, I did the song, spent about 5 or 6 hours mixing it, probably 2 or 3 days in a row on my home stereo system. (obviously not the best source).

AfterI got about what I think was the best I could have done with the musical material presented and the equipment I had, I emailed the guy to which the song belonged to, Ruby Ratzinger. He said that due to bandwidth reasons, and the amount of song files going through, he needed the song emailed to him at, get this, nothing greater than stereo mp3, 33kbps. I reply, "Hey, thats going to be a quite a bit muddy and underwater sounding, dont you think?" He says "send away!"
So I did, then he replies and tells me "The mix is a bit dirty, and rather inaudibly differentiating."

Well.. no $&$*... haha. Do a nice clean mix, and then he tells me to send him the file after its been processed through a "200ft UnderWater with no bass" plugin.

Oh well.. Thanks again for the listen.
As for the other song, I know youve heard the regular version before, I just decided to do this live cut for fun.


vicwind 06-29-2004 02:25 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
here's another using that same setup. CHECK OUT "Small Stuff" i really need some critical comments about the mix. i know there's tuning issues and such, but all the tracks are one-taked. we could re-track and will, but how can i make this initial mix sound better? http://homepage.mac.com/vicwind1/Menu1.html BTW: my protools preferences have the conversion quality set at BETTER. the bounce to disc was done to mp3 at medium quality. is there a signifigant increase if one set protools conversion to TWEAKHEAD?

keithl 06-29-2004 05:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, I took a listen to Bigfoot...
good stuff going there..Love the bass tone.
A heavy motif, but also a very clean recording....

graveleye 06-30-2004 06:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks guys.

Roy Howell 06-30-2004 02:28 PM

Re: Newcomer to rolling out my tracks....
Jon Dickinson,
Just heard Fingerwolf/'softearth'...nice...very interesting synth sounds. What type of synth are you using?
thanks, Roy

Captain_Pants 06-30-2004 02:56 PM

Re: Newcomer to rolling out my tracks....
Hey Jon, At Roys mention of "Synth" I had to take a listen to Soft Earth. I must agree, that synth you are using for your Bass loop is really cool. I like the track a lot, but something about the portamento sound gets me at the end.

Nice track though, I really like what I heard.


Jon Dickinson 07-01-2004 04:47 AM

Re: Newcomer to rolling out my tracks....

Hey Jon, At Roys mention of "Synth" I had to take a listen to Soft Earth. I must agree, that synth you are using for your Bass loop is really cool. I like the track a lot, but something about the portamento sound gets me at the end.

Nice track though, I really like what I heard.


Ben/Roy, thanks for the comments - the lead sound is a Pro53, which I find an excellent Prophet simulation, I'm using it more and more these days. Funnily enough, everything else on the track comes from Reason, but I bounce each track from Reason down to a 24 bit WAV and then import into PTLE so I get all those lovely sounds but without using the Reason mixer, which I reckon is 99% of what gives Reason produced tracks their distinctive sound, so I bypass that completely:-)

The bass loop is a really meaty Malstrom sound going into the Reason Vocoder at 16 bands, being modulated by a Rex loop of some indian percussion, but with the attack and decay in the vocoder tweaked a bit to give some 'surge' to the sound.

The Rhodes is the freely available 'Matt's 8 Layer Suitcase Rhodes' going through a Scream for some mild tape saturation. Nice.

I just bought the impOSCar, FM7 and also Novation V-Station after giving them a go on a friend's rig and I'm totally immersed in some sound design on all three, so I'll post something up here when I can snap out of it and use them on some compositions!

Chris Cavell 07-01-2004 07:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello guys,

Here's the latest version of that jazz tune I've been working on: version C

I really like it now...let me know if you hear any problem areas or anything that could use some more work.


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