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Gene Backlin 03-22-2004 08:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thank you Roy for listening and your kind words.

badperson, Thank you also...Nice tune, it has a nice feel to it.

Telepc, nice song and really nice voice. I always appreciate a nice voice, especially since I do not have one !

Take Care,

stut5 03-22-2004 04:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Tele pc
you have quite a vocal range.Avery nice job on your tribute to your grandma.If you happened to watch star search this season the guy that won is a singing piano player.You remind me of him somewhat.

Micah I listed to Joshua Caleb.this is definetly a heartfelt song for your son.You have honored him well in your writing and really good acoustic guitar playing.Beautiful job.

Later Stu

gYs 03-22-2004 06:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The guitars in 'Static' sound good...I like the chugs at the beginning. Keep em coming.

Thanks man! Though this project is far from 'professional' (we are both no pro musicians at all) I liked to post this one because it is something where we actually recorded something we wrote and played ourselfs. That doesn't happen that often

groovilator 03-22-2004 10:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Trying to catch up on some listening here. So, for what it’s worth…

telepc – really nice tune, great f!@$ing singer, very funny website.

Roger – you’re awesome! Great rough mix on No Name. Really cool track with some happening changes around the middle.
I’d love to hear an expanded version of Hip Jazz. What a tease. Made me think of Herbie Hancock’s “Dis Is Da Drum” album which is one of my favorites.

Gene – wow, those are some talented kids! Nice work.

BP – yeah, man. I love “All The Time.” Reminds of something Billy Joel might have written. Though, ironically, in spite of your being in NY like BJ, it has a very southern flavor. What kind of mic are you using to record what kind of an acoustic guitar? Nice and crisp and real.

gYs – Stay Away is a cool tune. Guitars sound a little thin for my taste but I like the overall vibe of the song. Good job.

Try to get more in later, ya’ll and I should have more to post pretty soon.


clorox 03-23-2004 07:33 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I'm in rush mix mode with my band. A couple of A&R guys were at our last show and expressed interest. They want to hear our new album. Problem is, we're just in the mix phase.

We're going it alone, and need some professional criticism from folks who have some perspective and experience. We also need to get this into their hands before they lose interest.


Here's Track 1: Stoop to Kiss

All constructive criticism welcome. No egos here!

badperson 03-23-2004 08:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

What kind of mic are you using to record what kind of an acoustic guitar? Nice and crisp and real.


I'm playing a Martin D-36 there. I didn't really mic the guitar and vox separately, I got a sound I liked with an ntk (thru a great river) a few feet away in mono, then I added an nt1a right near the 10th fret or so, to fill it out. I then panned to taste. I'm getting some new gear in the next few weeks, so I'll try it again.

I also agree with Chris that the verb was a little heavy.

thanks again.

antiphase 03-23-2004 03:05 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
ok........ here are some of my thoughts man:

Where is the bass guitar?
Try getting rid of that room noise by using a high pass on the overheads around 1.5k to 3k. This usually helps clean up lots of ambient noise from the other drums the overheads get.............if you're not wanting that stuff of coarse.
Where is the kick? It needs to cut through a little more
Vocals down a little
Try doing some harmonies on the vocals too....... you have lots of opportunities for it......give it a shot, see what happens.
This song really needs a strong foundation........ you've got to get the bass guitar growling good and locked with the kick. Try smoothing the mids out a little with the guitars and bring them up a touch. Low cut the guitars and let the bass guitar take its spot. i think once you get the foundation set you'll be good to go.

Roy Howell 03-23-2004 03:13 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Micah I listed to Joshua Caleb.this is definetly a heartfelt song for your son.You have honored him well in your writing and really good acoustic guitar playing.Beautiful job.

Later Stu

Micah...I agree...it's not easy to put something like this down in a song, but you did it, and did it well. I can relate, because I went through it...twice. Anyway, great song.

Telepc 03-23-2004 04:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the kind words on my tune folks. BTW, just so we're clear, that's NOT me singing. As I said in my post, it's my good friend, who sings lead in our band. I write the tunes and play guitar, but my producing brilliance is revealed by never singing a note. Leave it to the folks who can!

nightshadecrisis 03-23-2004 06:58 PM

question for roy
hey roy,

just a quick question...what are you using to get the signature Roy Howell guitar sound? is it amplitube? or stomp boxes? i really like the contour that it has, and am trying to find some similar tones...


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