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ryanstack 10-03-2005 05:54 PM

Two instrumental rock songs
I figured I'd post a couple of songs that I had recorded/mixed of my band from this past February.

I did these with my 001 and presonus firestaion for the extra 8 A/D via light pipe. 24 bit @ 44.1 khz

As far as pre's I used the two on the 001 and the two on the firestation. For the other pre's I rented
a presonus blue tube and a Mackie CR1604-VLZ.

Mic's: Oktava mk319, CAD M179, (2) c1000, beta 52, a bunch of sm57's, nady small diaphragm (i forget the model, it was only used for the hi hat, but rarely got used in the mix due to the overheads and room mic), and a few crappy nady dynamic mics for the guitar scratch tracks.

After reading this you can tell that this was a very 'low budget' recording. However given the total use of low end gear I am fairly happy with the finished product. We had a lot of trouble micing up the rack toms, due to our drummer's massive kit of 4 toms, 1 roto tom, 2 snares, and 11 some odd cymbals and bells. It was very hard to get the mics at a good angle on the toms, leaving the tom tracks VERY woofy and lifeless.

please feel free to leave me some feedback.

sweatsuit type of guy - this song is a some what laid back

Command Center - this song is a little on the heavier side


superpenguin79 10-03-2005 06:19 PM

Re: Two instrumental rock songs
Ryan: cool tunes man! Sweatsuit has some cool dynamics, and I dig the entire vibe of Command Center. Sort of reminds me of some Perfect Circle meets System of a down they way it keeps changing tempos like that.. good stuff on a low budget recording man. peace

Joz 10-04-2005 03:34 AM

Overnight Lows
Ok so here it is the final version of little lives and delay the wait(an old song remixed and I played guitar like I do live). I'm very happy with how they came out.



superpenguin79 10-04-2005 10:57 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Joz: dig the ambience on both tracks, guitars are great! vox are a tad buried on little lives slightly, maybe a low shelf filter on her voice during the verses or just a level raise? . I dig the harmonizing you guys put in on the backup vox also and the rocked out half time part in the end of little lives is cool man! nice work! peace

tempest18 10-05-2005 04:19 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Ok so here it is the final version of little lives and delay the wait(an old song remixed and I played guitar like I do live). I'm very happy with how they came out.



Great work man,

How are you tunes so loud?

I dont wanna start another debate about loudness wars and over compressing but anytime I try to get one of my tunes to that level I have to blast the crap out of a couple limiters and it just sounds really distorted.

My mixes before I consider trying to master them never have that upfront presence or loudness that I have heard from unmastered mixes by others. I never understood that.


superpenguin79 10-06-2005 10:26 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
not sure if anyone has given these a listen yet, but got a couple new ones... please let me know what ya think about them. They are demo's at the moment pretty much.


Joz 10-06-2005 06:29 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Great work man,

How are you tunes so loud?....

My mixes before I consider trying to master them never have that upfront presence or loudness that I have heard from unmastered mixes by others. I never understood that.



I hear you. I really took my a long time to get mixes right so they wouldnt be destroyed in mastering (they still do ofcourse but not so noticeble) its mostly in the mixing. And when I get a decent balance for the mix, I insert a waves L2 on the master fader not to hard just to check how it's going to sound later in mastering. Then I leave the L2 there and finish the mix from there. But the most important thing is understanding what freqs make the kick punch and bass sit with the kick, Mid fres that give the impression of power etc... We all have a rough idea of this, but it is really hard to get it right without making the lows a mess and the highs harsh



skhand 10-07-2005 07:19 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
These are all in the box mixes:

If you like any it check out:
http://www.burnyourrecords.com for more Rock

powerjoe 10-08-2005 10:35 AM


Here's a version of Zep's "Kashmir" that I did with my friend Jacques Soubra and our band: Jacker.


We kicked around about 6 versions of the song, and thought this one was interesting..


~ J

Scotty_OiArT 10-09-2005 01:52 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

These are all in the box mixes:

If you like any it check out:
http://www.burnyourrecords.com for more Rock

Good Tunes, Great Band, Great Studio --> (Threshold Music??? I am just guessing you tracked and mixed them there I followed the link from your website. I really like the design of the Live Room)

Anyways my comment / question is.... How Exactly In the box mixing are we talking for these tracks ? (TDM Summing Bus? LE Rig? External Clock? Analog Console?)

They are good tracks, love to know how they were done,
Thanks in advance,

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