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underbiteman 06-13-2005 01:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED*
Post deleted by underbiteman

BretFarewell 06-13-2005 01:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc, the song lovekiller sounds like bands that I'm used to recording! haha. I used an Oktava Mk-213 in the past for vocals until i bought my 2 rode nt1's and latest my groove tubes gt67. I never thought to use my e609 for screams though, that's a good idea. I recorded some screams with the groove tubes yesterday and it sounded awesome. (also a good trick, use the Lo-fi plug-in, put the noise at about .1, distortion around 2.0, and saturation just one or two clicks over, i think it's .1 or .2, and it makes for an awesome distorted sound for screams).

and Roy! Lovers turned out awesome. Had a very epic sound to it.

I'm currently in the process of recording 2 bands right now. One of them the drummer is pretty bad to say the least (took 9 hours to track 5 songs with mediocre results) but the mix is coming out fairly decent for the skill i was working with. And i'm also recording a band who's singer is an actor (3 years in The Young And The Restless, was in Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Swing Kids, etc.) he's got potential on his voice but something just hasn't been clicking for me. we'll see how it sounds.

IntelDoc 06-13-2005 02:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

makes for an awesome distorted sound for screams

Bret, I tend to just push the pre's harder and get a natural distortion, but I know the trick you are talking about. Thanks! The 609 breaks up by itself so I was good to go.

- Doc

BretFarewell 06-13-2005 04:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


makes for an awesome distorted sound for screams

Bret, I tend to just push the pre's harder and get a natural distortion, but I know the trick you are talking about. Thanks! The 609 breaks up by itself so I was good to go.

- Doc

I think I might be recording some screams today. I'll have to try the 609

Roy Howell 06-14-2005 12:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Thumbs up for "Lovers" Very well done and the vocalist has a wonderful voice. Perfect for that song too.

I thought the drums sounded just a tad thin, myself. Someone else commented on how good they sounded. *shrug* Whatever floats your boat I suppose.

All in all tho, great production on "Lovers"

SSR...and BretFarewell...
Thanks very much.....and I agree with you(SSR) about the percussion...it was done about 3-4 years ago with some of the first samples I had collected...I'll eventually redo it, but I elected to go ahead and mix it as is for now with Anna's new vocals, because I'm busy with other newer stuff.


clausiii 06-14-2005 03:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Please listen to the song and give me some comments if you like.
The instruments are:

1st Bass (clean and dist)
2nd Bass (clean and dist)
Guitars (clean and dist)
and a bit of piano sound sometimes...

This music has to be played loud, so turn it up!

Thanks for listening
Have a nice day

Roy Howell 06-15-2005 01:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I originally posted a version of this song a couple of years back when I first started using Pro Tools. I started recording it in Cakewalk, then exported those tracks to PT (good ol' 5.3.1). Since then a lot has changed. In fact, I re-recorded most of the tracks and added some new things too. All in all, I think it's a much better production now (the guitar solo at the end really rounded things off too). Anyway, check it out and let me know what you guys think:


BTW - the sound quality will be much better if you download the MP3 file instead of listening to the stream file.



Sounds very good...nice choices on the elements of the production...the drums seem a little repetitive after a while...some very minor changeup would do wonders there...my main suggestion is that the end solo sounds slightly buried by the overdrive background guitar(I assume). The solo itself(and it's level) are good...I would just pull the background back.
Good job on the song overall.


Finne 06-15-2005 11:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Very angry and very aggressive music, I love it! I have listened Hymen 5 or 6 times in 2 days and it becomes beter every time. Excellent work!!!

Doug Farrar 06-15-2005 06:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
File is "I Believe- DrumTest20050615.mp3"

Hi Guys,
I have been lurking in these forums for a few years. During that time I have progressed in my recording but have a ways to go before I reach the level of some of you.
I am a drummer and work with 2 other guys who also have PTLE setups. Between the 3 of us, we have some demo projects in the works.
My gear is (Used for drum recording):
Yamaha 01V with ADAT Card (used for mic pres recording drums)
SM57 Snare
D112 on Kick
Sennheisser E604 on Toms
Rode NT5s overheads

With that said, I humbly ask for critiques of my drum sound on this recording.
BTW, I have the overheads panned at 50L 50R rather than 100L 100R. This just seems to make the drums "fit" in the mix more. Is that typical, or maybe I am just covering up another problem.

Thanks in advance.

Doug Farrar 06-15-2005 06:50 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

The song is by no means finished. Its just the basic tracks recorded with a bit of compression very badly. I just blasted the raw mix through an L2 to get some volume for now.

It should be fixed now



Chris Tempest

I really like the vibe of this song. I would like to play drums on it. I have been working on my drum sounds alot and am willing to collaborate.


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