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Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I would like to get your input on my band's music. We are more of a melodic hardcore thing so it could be a little too harsh: http://www.indieuprising.com/remnant..._to_pieces.mp3 Thanks a bunch! |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
other than that, im glad you enjoyed it. looking forward to hear your latest. regards |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hi, i recently joined this group. i have some non pro tools music that i recorded via a tascam da 38.
go to http://goldcoastcreations.com then choose michael wolfe's music link then choose any song to play. would be interested to have comments on music and recordings. this music is all guitar instrumental. will be getting pro tools le 002r system soon to incorporate with the rest of my recording gear. happy listening, michael |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Chris,I saw in an earlier post that you were having trouble getting email which may explain why I have gotten back email marked as "undeliverable" to the address on your website.
I would like to submit a tune for your project.It's nothing new as I have not even been able to sit down at the piano in almost a year but would still like to participate if that is OK.Here is my tune. http://stutunes.0catch.com/andy/KILLER7.mp3 Its reaL title is Ding Dong the Serial Killer is Dead Thanks and Merry Christmas Stu |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I am not kidding; I loved this! Awesome and totally fresh! Get that to a publishing company quick. Try Pacific Electric Group. They are looking for stuff like this for their catalog. I LOVED IT! |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Stu,
I haven't talked to you in quite a while...glad to see 'Serial Killer' on the list of DUC stuff(very cool piece). Any new music from any of the family lately? -Roy |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Hopeless, I like!
I especially like the vocals in the second half- from the in-your-face screaming, then singing, then the "radio" distortion - they seem more present than they did in the first half. The doubled rhythm guitars in the first half seem kind of weird - sort of a "beating" sensation (not like with sticks, which could be appropriate - more like a tape flutter kind of thing going back and forth really fast). Is this intentional? Thanks for sharing! Eric |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Glad you liked it.It's sad to say that it's the last thing I have done and I think it's at least 1.5 years ago.I'll try your suggestion with the Pacific electric GroupThanks again I'll give your stuff a listen tonight. Thanks and Merry Christmas Stu Roy It has been a really long time.I have just been swamped at my real job that puts the food on the table thus leaving no time for creative endeavors.I have been stockpiling ideas in my head for quite a while now which usually will yield a couple of tunes. The only thing I have done with my kids is just another Christmas tune from my youngest I can't take any credit or the production of this one because it is simply a karaoke track that she asked me to record her vocals on.She did do a nice job though. If you want to here it I think this link still works. http://www.stutunes.0catch.com/SilentNight.mp3 I must confess that I did recently download a bunch of your songs onto my new laptop at work.My favorite is still Springtime Girls and Everyones a Fool which I really think is a great song.I would love to hear that tune completely acoustic with Sheryll Crow singing it. Later Roy Have a great Christmas Stu |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm trying to catch up on listening...downloaded some recent stuff today I'de missed.
spkguitar- Quote:
Very nice, Shawn...those guitars bite real good(cool offset tone on the solo guit)...and again, impressed by your vocals. Cool song...good job, sir. -Roy |
Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Although the vocals and drums were recorded elswhere, this is my first mix in protools, How Did I EVER live without it?!!? Am running a 1.25G Powerbook w/1G Ram. any advice given is much appreciated.
http://homepage.mac.com/joecraft/FileSharing2.html (Its called Enchanted, and i think theres some mention of Helen of Troy in there) |
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