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16yearsjeff 11-18-2004 09:54 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
hello. this is my band. i recorded it on my 002rack, a friend mixed it on a rig in his basement with a mouse, in fact the whole session never left the computer. they're not the best sounding mp3's but the cd sounds pretty good. this is 3 songs off of a full length disc. i would really appreciate it if you could take a listen and let me know what you think. thanks. -jeff


Roy Howell 11-18-2004 10:30 AM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
Chris Cavell-

Just a quick update on the 2004 DUC disc (not to be confused with the x-mas disc ):

I sent out emails to all entrants yesterday and to some interested persons who've not submitted anything yet. If you fall into this category but haven't gotten my e-mail...alert me to it!

Anyone who hasn't submitted anything, or expressed interest in submitting anything, but feels now that you'd like to participate...don't hold back. A deadline has not been set, but will probably come sooner rather than later. Some of the tunes on the page have been reworked some...I encourage you to come check out the entries (link in my sig). Pretty soon this 'project' will be given a thread of it's own...hopefully so we can get a better representation of the fantastic music often submitted here. The current selection, while great, is but a tiny slice of what could be represented, so I encourage anyone with even the slightest inkling of submitting something to contact me.


Just bumping Chris's newest post on the 2004 DUC Update to this page...don't want it to be overlooked. I encourage you guys to submit anything you want.

Chris Cavell 11-18-2004 10:35 AM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
thx roy

FSM 11-18-2004 01:37 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
Thanx Aussie for the comments... I thought you could download them there, but found out you couldnt, just like you said. We are still building our website and once that is up, then you will be able to download them there... ill let everyone know when that is available..

thanx again,


nbennett 11-18-2004 01:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's a few tracks that I've recorded & mixed with my 002R/powerbook setup:


any comments much appreciated-

WestPhillySoulzition 11-18-2004 04:52 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I just put up 2 more songs, Please listen and tell me what you think. they are mostly instrumental. it incorporates alot of live instruments, percusion and sampling.

Gene Backlin 11-18-2004 06:29 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
Hey Chris,

I would appreciate your listening to this recording I made of a local High School, not one that my kids go to. It was a favor for a friend of mine. I tried to use some ideas that we had talked about. It is the Symphonic band and their concert that took place last Tuesday. Thank you.


Take Care,

SimpleNatureSpirit 11-18-2004 07:12 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

...I sent out emails to all entrants yesterday and to some interested persons who've not submitted anything yet. If you fall into this category but haven't gotten my e-mail...alert me to it!...

Hey Chris, you should have an email from me with some questions about the graphic arts.
I'll wait till you get to it

Chris Cavell 11-18-2004 07:47 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

I received an e-mail on the 16th and promptly replied to it. Let me know if you got the reply or if it is a different e-mail to which you are referring.




I just resent the reply per your request...let me know if this one goes through.

Chris Cavell 11-18-2004 07:49 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

I'll send you an e-mail with a detailed response in the morning. In short: good job, sounds great.

Take care,

badperson 11-19-2004 09:30 AM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

I wanted to post a note in this forum thanking Chris Cavell for mixing my tune, "saving all my time." It really is a nice job. For those who want to compare listen here , and then listen to the version Chris has on his duc compilation site.

great work.
(oops, should I have waited until the compilation was done?_


Chris Cavell 11-19-2004 09:49 AM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
For the record bp,

I didn't try to change your mix at all really. I just heard a great song being neglected (in fact shunned even ...not here though) by some members of the internet community b/c of some noise issues. I thought it a shame to see a great song being held back in this way. So, with your permission, tried my best to clean up the tracks within the session while changing your mix as little as possible.

Thanks for allowing all of us here to listen to such a well written song.

Seriously folks, this is what the craft of songwriting is about. If while listening to the lyrics here your brain doesn't automatically create a technicolor film to accompany the story...there is something fundamentally wrong with you! This type of writing forces the listener to "go their in their mind". Again bp, well done (and you can quote me on all this).


Stiff 11-19-2004 10:01 AM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
Oh indeed! That is one great song! Performance, lyrics, mix and everything... That's great guys.

John Hey 11-19-2004 09:57 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
Sounds great to me!

John Hey 11-19-2004 10:01 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
What was your set-up on this (mics, placement...)?

Chris Cavell 11-19-2004 10:03 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

Hi guys,

I mixed these 4 jazzy songs, they are recorded from a live-PA-school excercise.
Just tried to make the best out of it 'cause i only had like 6 tracks.
Let me know how bad the mixes sound ;-)





Sounds pretty good considering the conditions. The mids seem a bit cluttered and I could stand to hear a bit more sheen on the whole thing. Great tunes and performances though. I really enjoyed listening to them. The syncopation in the second tune is an absolute blast!

badperson 11-20-2004 06:41 AM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
I'm not sure if you were referring to me, but the mics on saving all my time were pretty simple; guitars were all sm57 about 6 inches from the cone of a fender super reverb, the slide was an ntk, vox an re20.

I think everything went thru my great river me1nv, for the one stereo part, the other channel went thru the rnp.


SimpleNatureSpirit 11-20-2004 02:16 PM

Share Your Latest Creations; here:
A new one from a project in process:
Native American flute, Reflections


GORILLA 11-21-2004 07:52 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Doomain- that was a 001? Wow...nice
MadMachinery you guys remind me of Linkin Park. Sounds good man!
A lot of nice stuff here! No wonder Digi won't release the TOURNIQUET on our LE systems!!!!!!

Bossi 11-21-2004 01:42 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

Sounds pretty good considering the conditions. The mids seem a bit cluttered and I could stand to hear a bit more sheen on the whole thing. Great tunes and performances though. I really enjoyed listening to them. The syncopation in the second tune is an absolute blast!

Txs Chris, i really appriciate some pro oppinion. I just finished my education as sound engineer but acctually i didn't learn anything intresting about music from my teachers. So just learning with falling and standing up again.


Chris Cavell 11-21-2004 02:19 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

So just learning with falling and standing up again.

That's often the best way...falling can hurt and nothing inspires improvement more than pain.

Roy Howell 11-21-2004 04:11 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

Here is my submission for the 2004 DUC deal, for now.

'Moonbeam Seduction'

Chris Cavell 11-21-2004 06:56 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
HOORAY ROY!!! The drones of fans have been requesting your elusive entry!!! "Moonbeam Seduction" is now included on the webpage.

A general update on the project:

Special thanks go out to BigBubbaJ for donating the site design...his talent in this department is now up and visible to all at the new location for the project:
Best of the DUC: 2004

We are currently at 13 entries and approximately 54 minutes of music. As usual, all are invited to check it out...there's some really incredible entries...I know it's going to spend several hours in my player!

I'd personally like to apologize for not giving this topic it's own thread yet...I promise, one is coming soon...I've just been swamped trying to get a head start on this and other projects.

To anyone who hasn't done so yet, please try to make arrangements for me to get the unmastered bounces...I think that's only 4 tunes right now. Getting them to me as early as possible will go a long way to ensuring the quality of the final master (and has already done so in a few cases).

SimpleNatureSpirit has been appointed point-man for the graphics on this project after graciously volunteering for the duty. He's made it clear to me that he's welcoming artwork from anyone who'd like to submit something in that department. This is a great chance to get "included" in this project even if you feel that you don't currently have something to submit in the way of music. I encourage anyone who may be interested in supplying some of their own artwork to contact me so I can get you in touch with SNS to work it all out. Keep in mind though...SNS is the executive producer in this dept...what he say's goes and is not in any way meant to be taken personally. If there is simply too much artwork supplied for the album, the means of determining what will be used will be entirely up to him (he's hinted at possibly voting on the artwork in much the same way that songs will be voted on if enough entries come in for that).

If you feel there may be some other way in which you can contribute, DO NOT HESITATE to contact me.

Once again, thanks to all of you that have contributed to this project...it's gearing up to go down as one of the "Great Moments in DUC History"! (that was meant to be read in a bigdeepbellowingmoviepreviewvoice-over style )

Cheers to all,

Roy Howell 11-22-2004 12:10 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

I had mixed this song earlier this year...Chris Cavell just mastered it. Great job, Chris...


Chris Cavell 11-22-2004 12:42 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
Hey folks, I wanted to get your impressions and some feedback on this:

In my current state of unemployment, I've been sending out what seems like hundreds of resume's hoping to pick up a steady gig not too far from where I currently live. I was pretty pumped when I got a call from who is probably the most well known engineer in this state...but my excitement was short lived. He said he took a gander at my website upon receiving the resume and had some advice: that I make what was my resume page and unlink it (but keep it up...just give the address to interested potential clients), putting in it's place "reels" as opposed to full songs given the high stature of one or two of the tunes that were available previously (currently owned by a company known for their animated films), stating that even though the songs in question were performed live on stage by the original artist and I had received permission from him, the big D could still hose me if they felt so inclined and the risk probably wasn't worth it. He added that skirting the potential legal troubles with "reels" is common practice for today's freelance engineer and strongly urged me to do the same.

So, I took his advice...made a couple of "reels" and put them up on the linked page.

I'd appreciate any feedback on them...whether the clips are a good representation of my work...if any suck and shouldn't be included...if the volume levels from one clip to the next aren't too astonishing, etc...

I'd really appreciate any comments that you might have on these.

You can get to my audio resume through my website link in my sig...or directly to it here .

bigbubbaj 11-22-2004 11:09 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

That is some awesome work. You are very talented. Fades are smooth. Nice ending on the Center stage one. Behind the glass has amazing sound quality, even in mp3 format. Was listening on my studio monitors and my reaction was "WOW". Makes me want to hear more, which seems to be the point or these reels.

The reels speak for themselves to the above.

Nice website


scottedog 11-23-2004 12:01 AM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
Just did a remix of God Rest Ye Gerry Mentlemen . Levels are much better, not sure about the overall eq though.


Like bigbubbaj says, everything sounds great, very pro sounding. I find it hard to beleive you're looking for work with talent like that. Hopefully something will come your way soon.

Chris Cavell 11-23-2004 05:21 AM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
bigbubbaj wrote:

Nice website

he he he...

Thanks guys. Maybe I'll get lucky...you never know. If I can't get a job very soon , I'm probably going to move to Lafayette. Pop's is getting a Job in Austin so my bro and I will take over the house there until he graduates. There aren't any studios in the area, but there is a seriously happening music scene in all genres...I'm going to contact the conductor of the symphony there and try to pick that up as a gig...I don't think anyone records it right now.


Gene Backlin 11-23-2004 11:22 AM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

I'm going to contact the conductor of the symphony there and try to pick that up as a gig...I don't think anyone records it right now

Isn't it amazing how much good music is not being captured !!!

Well my friend, I wish you the best on getting something going soon. You are Very Good at what you do !!!

Take Care,

influenceaudio 11-23-2004 12:43 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I really like the mix and chord changes on Sample 4. Solid lead VOX. Congrats !!

Chris Cavell 11-23-2004 09:38 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

GRYMG is sounding great...very clear and good performances on that there geetar. It's a great adaptation of an "old boring" tune...well done. I particularly like the string arrangements in the first section...very uncoventional for the piece. My only reccomendation at this point would be to bring up the pad under the guitar at the end slightly.


Thanks for the compliment...I really hope I can get something going after the move. There are really no mid-priced studios in the area...just god awful expensive and super cheapo roland guys with no talent for the craft. Unfortunately, I don't have the dough to start one properly, so I'm thinking of catering to the live recording scene for a while, primarily classical...borrowing what gear I don't currently own (I've got a friend an hour away who's graciously offered the use of his SM69 whenever I need it...lucky guy got it for three hundred bucks on ebay...they're normally more than five grand) and another friend's project/home studio I helped put together for some additional high quality pre's when needed. I've got spot mics covered, and most of the studio mics I'd ever need to pull out for a live gig...all that's left is a laptop (it would make it just soooo much easier to do remotes) and splitters, which I'll probably build myself (I knew that degree in physics would come in handy somehow...). One good thing about doing classical recording is the number of contacts you meet that own extremely pleasing acoustic spaces...churches and recital halls. With any luck, I'll find a place with a well tuned steinway to "donate to the cause" until things get rolling for me.

My first order of business is going to be contacting that symphony. A not so very far off second is going to be trying to get in touch with the best engineer in the area (although I think I might actually be a little better when it comes to mastering and ITB mixing ...I've sat in on a few projects he's done...he's got 4 grammy's already and just maybe if I use the right words, he'll take me on as an assistant in his own small facility. Most of his work is done out here . Maybe he can try to convince the owner to pick me up as a runner or assistant...maybe even as a tech...who knows.

I'm doing my best to keep high spirits despite the rough times...in case you couldn't tell. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting the raw bounce of "Agnus Dei" whenever you get a chance to send it to me...there's no rush though, so take your time.

Honest opinion though...do you think I should chop off the first five or six seconds of the "center stage" reel? I was happy with it at first, trying to contain as much of the horn part at full volume as possible, but now I'm thinking it's a pretty week intro. Tell me what you think.


Gene Backlin 11-23-2004 10:52 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

Honest opinion though...do you think I should chop off the first five or six seconds of the "center stage" reel? I was happy with it at first, trying to contain as much of the horn part at full volume as possible, but now I'm thinking it's a pretty week intro. Tell me what you think.

I think it is ok, because it may be loud but it is not the start of a horserace. The fact that the instrumentation comes in to join it places it well. I personally like it.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting the raw bounce of "Agnus Dei" whenever you get a chance to send it to me...there's no rush though, so take your time.

It will be a bit, I am currently editing video footage from my daughter's play they just did over the weekend. A female version of the Neil Simon's play The Odd Couple. My daughter was Vera (Vinnie). The kids did a great job.

After that I have her choir concert December 8th, and then the choir in their acoustically pleasant music room December 13-15th. Finally, I got them out of that theater. I am really looking forward to that one.

I will be pulling for you and your opportunities. Like I said before, you are very good at what you do, I truly believe that things will fall in place !

Take Care,

I will get you that music, it just may be a bit....

Roy Howell 11-23-2004 11:59 PM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
Chris Cavell-

You can get to my audio resume through my website link in my sig...or directly to it here .

Just wanted to mention that the website looks great...thanks so much for the mix of 'And Dream of Paradise'...sounds just fantastic.

Aussie169 11-24-2004 12:54 AM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

I'd appreciate any feedback on them...whether the clips are a good representation of my work...if any suck and shouldn't be included...if the volume levels from one clip to the next aren't too astonishing, etc...

I'd really appreciate any comments that you might have on these.


Chris, I made a CD of them and took it to a friend's shop where he has some high end audiophile hifi gear. (he is the bass player on Think Of You").
Anyway, he was extremely impressed with your reels. Quite blown away actually.... especially considering we were listening to mp3s.

Chris Cavell 11-24-2004 07:03 AM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff

thanks...glad you like and dream of paradise...it was fun



Chris, I made a CD of them and took it to a friend's shop where he has some high end audiophile hifi gear. (he is the bass player on Think Of You").
Anyway, he was extremely impressed with your reels. Quite blown away actually.... especially considering we were listening to mp3s.

That's the desired effect...I hope they can get me some gigs in the near future.

So, here's the big question I've been struggling with...should I swap out Randy Newman's clip of 'Louisiana' which has the orchestra accompaniment for his more recognizable 'You've Got a friend in me' from 'Toy Story' which has no orchestra? I think the instant recognizability of the disney tune might get more gigs...but 'Louisiana' speaks more toward my actual engineering??? I guess the real question there is this, "Would I feel like some kind of sell-out?" I think I'm going to keep 'Louisiana'...it just works better for the reel anyway imo.

Pete Weaver 11-24-2004 04:03 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey gang,

Here's a link of two songs from our album, recorded and mixed by me 100% in the box in
Pro Tools LE Digi 001. We got some pretty solid college radio airplay in the US and Canada
this year from these tracks.

Check it out:

influenceaudio 11-24-2004 08:39 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I am really drawn to the depth of the mix on Fragile. Very transparent. I can hear the skin of the snare and kick and the grain of the distortion, Me Likes!! Although your style isn't 80's rock it reminds of how Steve Perry's vocals stick out of the mix on the early Journey records (La Do Da - Infinity). Again, I am not comparing your music to Journey, but I have always been amazed at how "carved out" Steve Perry's lead vocals are. It has that warm UA 1176 "limited" sound and super Aural Excited. The only thing I wanted more of was a "stickier" , more elastic bass track. I like what you tracked, I just wanted to be kicked in the balls alittle harder. I have had great luck using Sennhieser 421 on the 4x10 bass cab (or 15 in.) with an RE 20 on the back of the cab near the floor aimed at the rear of the cone. The final most crucial mic is either a Manley Ref Cond. or an AKG 414 TLII (or AT 4050) 6 inches from the front (watch for phasing) and I still use a hardware compressor (DBX )166A as an insert effect 4:1 / -20. and of course tracking the bass amp turned up to 11! The lead vox is so sexy, what vocal chain did you use? The drums are the jewel of the mix, very impressive. Good luck!

Roy Howell 11-25-2004 09:02 AM

Re: Some Jazzy stuff
Happy Thanksgiving, you guys...

SimpleNatureSpirit 11-25-2004 02:55 PM

2004 Best of DUC Art...
For lack of a better place to post this for now, most of you are aware that Chris Cavell will be mastering an Album for us Duckies. Lets see if the Artwork is going in the right direction for the cover. Comments?

I am open to on-topic artwork that anyone has that would add to this project. Remember there will be a lot of text meaning subtle quiet images will help. I have a few things in mind if you just wanna let me run with this. I will prepare art for both slimline and standard cases.

Featured artist! prepare your one line bio's and pick a smily. No duplicates, first, second, and third choice. First grab gets their smily of choice.

Roy Howell 11-26-2004 11:43 AM

Re: 2004 Best of DUC Art...
Good job!.....the overall image looks great.

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