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John Hey 09-07-2004 10:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I have added this one to my most favorites list. This is great stuff. I love this kind of Rock-N-Roll!!! I love the delay on the lead vocal. The only thing I could add is to try adding a 5th on a harmony track to the line “If This is Goodbye”. It would help accent that part nicely.

Matt Whritenour 09-07-2004 11:32 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks alot everyone it means a lot to me that you actually like the song...


What are you using for mics/pres? good songs, nice performance and production

for pre amps i used mostly my Digimax LT then on drums i used my ART Tube DPS II for 2 of the mics.

Kick - Beta 52 Inside - Sennhieser e609 outside hole "the e609 went through the ART pre because of the phase reversal button.
"i really want to try a 421 inside with the beta 52 outside but i havent gotten around to it yet"
Snare - Top SM57 - Bottom SM57 going to the other channel of the ART pre to flip phase
Rack and FLoor Tom - MD421 - but he ended up not using the rack tom in the song so i didnt use it
Overheards - MXL 603s
Hi-Hat - Audix F15
(we don't have a drummer at the moment so my guitar player played drums and he used my Gretsch
catalina birch kit.)

Bass - Fender Mexican Jazz bass with Seymour duncan 1/4lb. pickups and badass bridge to a
Sansamp RBI then the Sansamp output went into line input 5 on the 002R and the Dry Output went to
Input 1 of the 002R

Lead Guitar - Gibson SG - Marshall AVT50 - Marshall 1960a cab - SM57 and MXL 2001
Rythem Guitar - Epiphone SG - Mesa Boogie Dual Rect. - Marshall 1960a cab - SM57 and MXL 2001
Doubled Rythem - Epiphone Les Paul - Mesa Dual Rect. - Marshall 1960a cab - SM57 and MXL 2001

Vocals - MXL 2001 - with a DBX 266XL compressor at a 2:1 ratio just to prevent peaks.

I feel the only new equipment that i really really need is a vocal mic. I'm saving up for a TLM 103
the vocals were slightly distorted, but i'm not sure if it was from the mic or if it could of been
the compressor.... A cheap mic going into a Decent Pre then a cheap compressor deff wont be the cleanest signal.

Other than new equipment i think i just need more experience. but that comes over time. i've only been doing this for like a year and a half and i deff notice huge improvements from my earlier stuff. my biggest improvements are since i got the 002R Digimax LT and MD421s

thanks again for the input


nightshadecrisis 09-07-2004 11:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
the sennheiser 421 inside the kick with a mic with good low end sounds great! i have been messing around recently with it and find that a 421 inside up to the beater and large diaphram condenser on the outside(i've recently been using a Neumann fet47 and it sounds great!)is a good mix. the MXL 2001 is worth checking out for the outside of the kick. keep posting more!


Matt Whritenour 09-07-2004 12:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i've been thinking about getting an RE20 for the outside of the kick
the have either the Beta 52 inside or a MD421.
i've also been thinking about getting a D112 and D6 that way i have
a bucnh of differnt options.

Roy Howell 09-07-2004 02:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
luzer kidd,
Nice song, man...great energy...I like the guitar parts together...I'de like to hear a little more bottom end from the bass, but good job overall, IMO.

I listened to 'Little World' again.....love it. I can't believe the clarity and warmth you're getting, both on the guitar and vocal...good song too...can't wait to hear it finished.

GenerationM 09-07-2004 03:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks John...

Funny you mention about the harmony comment...I'm probably going to add a couple extra tracks this week..others that I've played it for have mentioned that it could be a little thicker there as well...thanks for the comments...glad you enjoyed it...

Jay Danger



I have added this one to my most favorites list. This is great stuff. I love this kind of Rock-N-Roll!!! I love the delay on the lead vocal. The only thing I could add is to try adding a 5th on a harmony track to the line “If This is Goodbye”. It would help accent that part nicely.

badperson 09-07-2004 03:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Got another one here.

"You Must Know by Now" is the new one.

My computer really blows, a 1.4 pentium which may as well be an idling tractor when I put two mics on an acoustic guitar. Feel my pain...I'm dying for an allensteing.


John Hey 09-07-2004 05:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Jason Jason Jason….

What can I say? You’re a writing machine. I would have no idea that you have a crappy system as your music is great. I enjoyed the harmonizes in the song. Looking for the next one.

Stiff 09-08-2004 09:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Well, I sure can't fool you guys...sure, I call them 'canoe trips' when I go to Arkansas, but I really just hang out up in the woods with the kid from Deliverance......he's the only one who likes to hear me play the banjo with my slide.

Can't wait to hear Banjoslide blues and Mudbanjo blues

Roy Howell 09-08-2004 11:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Can't wait to hear Banjoslide blues and Mudbanjo blues

That's great... ...somehow, the banjo has eluded me all this time, but I love to hear it in non-country stuff where you wouldn't expect it to be...(like say on 'Cloudbusting'/Kate Bush). I did play slide in a session once on a 'guitjo', which was basically a 6-string banjo tuned like a guitar.

How are things in Sweden, Stiff? Good, I hope...


I really like your song.....especially the singer(you?)...some vocal punch-ins seem too abrupt and obvious to me, but probably won't to the average listener....he did a great job on the vocal, IMO. Good song...post more when you can.

Stiff 09-08-2004 02:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

That's great... ...somehow, the banjo has eluded me all this time, but I love to hear it in non-country stuff where you wouldn't expect it to be...(like say on 'Cloudbusting'/Kate Bush). I did play slide in a session once on a 'guitjo', which was basically a 6-string banjo tuned like a guitar.

Yeah, me too, I like it when bands really experiment with instruments in that way. Sometimes it seems like there are rules about which instrument can and can't be used in certain genres.


How are things in Sweden, Stiff? Good, I hope...

We've had two really bad sport days, but other than that everythings fine... Still waiting for the Roy-tour to hit us
How are things in Memphis?
Oh... Btw, I heard there's a Jerry Lee Lewis day in Memphis, is that true?

Roy Howell 09-08-2004 05:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

How are things in Memphis?
Oh... Btw, I heard there's a Jerry Lee Lewis day in Memphis, is that true?

Memphis has been really beautiful this week...sunny and windy...luckily no bad effects from the big storm down below us... and Jerry Lee...as far as I know, there's not a Jerry Lee Lewis day here, probably because he's really from Mississippi, and this is considered Elvis town...you would not believe the throngs of 'Elvis people' that come from around the world on both his birthday, and the anniversary of his death. It's a huge circus...

But Jerry Lee is still 'The Killer', and everybody knows it...definitely a living legend...I'm proud to have been his guitarist there for awhile.


Voideco 09-08-2004 06:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, I renewed Destiny's Decision a whole lot, cannot say it's just a snippet anymore. Still working on it, monday one new synthpart will be added which will cause the whole song to be completely rearranged. The drums is still below acceptable level, only a straight 1-2-3-4 kik but there's a lot of work in the song now. Lots of Reason tracks with modulation and such, basically I'm only gathering material, building stones. Monday will be the last recording day for the song and then a period of editing and fine tuning will start. Very midi and virtual analog, a house song a la Cubase .......

Stiff 09-09-2004 03:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Memphis has been really beautiful this week...sunny and windy...luckily no bad effects from the big storm down below us... and Jerry Lee...as far as I know, there's not a Jerry Lee Lewis day here, probably because he's really from Mississippi, and this is considered Elvis town...you would not believe the throngs of 'Elvis people' that come from around the world on both his birthday, and the anniversary of his death. It's a huge circus...

But Jerry Lee is still 'The Killer', and everybody knows it...definitely a living legend...I'm proud to have been his guitarist there for awhile.

That was my first reaction too... He's always talking about Ferriday and not Memphis.
I've actually thought about going to US and visit the old rock n' roll and blues towns like Memphis, New Orleans, Chicago and so on. My sister and her husband live in US (can't remember where right now) and we have talked about it. And of course I would have to visit the churches there... You know like Lewis ranch (if it's still open), Graceland and Alice Coopers town

Agreed, they say Elvis is 2nd to none, I say he is 2nd to THE one
When did you play with him btw?

John Hey 09-09-2004 06:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Agreed, they say Elvis is 2nd to none, I say he is 2nd to THE one

Elvis sucked.

Stiff 09-09-2004 07:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nah, he didn't suck... he did tons of great songs IMO. I just think the moviebiz ate him up, the songs he had to do for the movies are crap most of them. But the early rock n' roll stuff and also some later songs (mostly ballads) are really good IMO. Of course, he is no Jerry Lee... don't know if he beats Carl Perkins (why doesn't anybody remember him?!) either.

GenerationM 09-09-2004 09:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the input...yep that's me singin'...if the vocal punch-ins that you're referring to are the "If this is goodbye" and each 'answer' in the Chorus...I'm planning to fatten up that part with few extra tracks of backing vox...there is one line in the second verse that I need to redo or shift ahead a bit...I think I came in a bit behind the beat...makes for a good weekend project...

I've got a few more tracks...I can surely post them...

Keep on keepin' on...



I really like your song.....especially the singer(you?)...some vocal punch-ins seem too abrupt and obvious to me, but probably won't to the average listener....he did a great job on the vocal, IMO. Good song...post more when you can.

John Hey 09-09-2004 10:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Of course, he is no Jerry Lee... don't know if he beats Carl Perkins (why doesn't anybody remember him?!) either.

Hey - I remeber Carl Perkins. I liked his 1956 hit classic "Blue Suede Shoes." Good guy!

What does "IMO" mean? I see it used a lot here.

John Hey 09-09-2004 10:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I've got a few more tracks...I can surely post them...

Keep on keepin' on...



You got me hooked on this song. Actually went to your FTP site and downloaded the rest of the stuff you had there. Love you sound! I would love to hear anything else you have.

John Hey 09-09-2004 10:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
The only thing I don’t like about this stuff is you put keyboardist like me out of work! Let’s here more.

Stiff 09-09-2004 11:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Of course, he is no Jerry Lee... don't know if he beats Carl Perkins (why doesn't anybody remember him?!) either.

Hey - I remeber Carl Perkins. I liked his 1956 hit classic "Blue Suede Shoes." Good guy!

What does "IMO" mean? I see it used a lot here.

When you say "Blue suede shoes" today everyone says "Hey, that's Elvis!". He actually made a whole bunch of good songs... IMO...

It means "In my opinion", at least it does when I say it

GORILLA 09-09-2004 02:44 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Gene! WOW!!! That guitar sounds bad a$s!!!!!! You used a C4 Studio Projects? WOW it sounds freaking BIG!!!! Like the mic was in it
Good recording my friend!!!!!!!!

Straatocastoer 09-09-2004 05:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well ... these couple are definately NOT some of my latest stuff, but I did recently find a box that had some old 4-track cassettes that my buddies and I did a little over 11 years ago. It was fun to find them, so I dumped a couple into PT to goof around with:

"Buttercup" (6MB 44.1/16/192 mp3): This one was an idea that never got polished up into a final song (seems that I have had many of these over the years [see Collaboration Perhaps? thread]), but the 'meat' was there. Beware: I did a little playing with phase on the drum/bass track in an attempt to give the track some depth. So if you play this in mono all you get is guitars. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at the sound quality of the recording since it is on an 11 year old 4 track cassette -- and, if memory serves me, all I had to record with was a couple of 57's and an EV ND257. We did pretty good for having no equipment of which to brag. My guitar solo is embarassing after 11 years of growth, but hey, whatchagonnado, eh?

"It'll All Go To Your Head" (1.3MB 44.1/16/192 mp3): This one was an experiment with the pitch control on the 4-track during recording. I just love his lyrics ... too funny. We did this in about 20 minutes at 2:00 in the morning after rehearsal. I forgot about it, and then BAM here it is 11 years later. How fun! Well, fun for me at least

IntelDoc 09-09-2004 11:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Alright all,
This is a rough mix and defintely a rough track of a new song from an old client. This is one of the six songs that we tracked (Bastiaan was here too) and had a goodtime. Basically doing a pre-production thing right now. Really just threw 3 mics up and let him fly.


Main Vocals: RODE NTK into the Vintech 1272 into the 1176 then into Pro Tools.

Guitars were the 2 x APEX 435's into the Digidesign PRE into Pro Tools.

Next time, we will obviously do the guitar tracks to a click, then apply vocals. This was more of the G-Love approach and really just wanted to see what he had new from the last time we worked together. It has been almost a year, and seems that his stuff has gotta pretty good. This was a short song....


Enjoy, it was fun. Hoping to make it bigger when the new gear gets in! So far so good though. Very happy with the RODE into the 1176 on his vocals.

Should be cooler when is is just vocal night, but these were all one takes for the night.


- Doc

Roy Howell 09-09-2004 11:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sounds fantastic, Chris...congrats on your new stuff.

IntelDoc 09-09-2004 11:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cannot wait to see what the other 2 Pres will do.... The Apogee will be a nice feature, plus the Distressor... Cannot wait...

Thanks Roy!

- Doc

IntelDoc 09-09-2004 11:53 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Sounds great man! Really smooth sound!

Great work! May need you again too BTW. Starting a few new projects. May pay too. I will let ya know.

- Doc

Roy Howell 09-10-2004 12:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here



...if the vocal punch-ins that you're referring to are the "If this is goodbye" and each 'answer' in the Chorus...I'm planning to fatten up that part with few extra tracks of backing vox...Keep on keepin' on...


Yes, that's where I meant.....I listened again, and what might work well is to have background vox simply finish each of the chorus lines without your solo, continuing the same melody in unison(no harmony)...in other words, you sing each line up to 'held each other tight', 'in the morning light', 'as I drove away', which would be background vox....(a few tracks of you in unison on this would be fine).

This would free up your solo vocal to sound more natural, and still finish out each line in a cool way...

Worth considering.....again, I really like your voice on this...


Hypnotist 09-10-2004 02:42 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
This was mixed in headphones.

A little subby in the bass, but I like the version for a headphone mix.

Hip hop, with live guitars, I'm on the vocals too.


Feedback appreciated!


Gene Backlin 09-10-2004 07:37 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

That guitar sounds bad a$s!!!!!!

It is an amazing sounding guitar. I have made friends with some really dedicated fingerpicking guitarists, and the guitars they have, I have never even heard of, but each have their own really beautiful sound. I have been playing around with guitars since 1964 and am absolutely humbled by my lack of knowledge of what is around.

For example, a good friend of mine http://www.dougyoungguitar.com/guitars.htm
played this wonderful piece at a recent open mic I recorded, http://s94545301.onlinehome.us/music/RJ0405_28.mp3
The range of this thing is just amazing !


May need you again too BTW.

Any time my friend, just let me know when, and thank you for asking !

Thank you for listening !

Take Care,

GenerationM 09-10-2004 07:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Roy...

I read the post below a few times (and maybe cause it's early morning) but I was a little confused about which vocal lines would have background unison vocals. I'd like to try a few things this weekend, and this idea of yours sounds very interesting...thanks again for your input...




Yes, that's where I meant.....I listened again, and what might work well is to have background vox simply finish each of the chorus lines without your solo, continuing the same melody in unison(no harmony)...in other words, you sing each line up to 'held each other tight', 'in the morning light', 'as I drove away', which would be background vox....(a few tracks of you in unison on this would be fine).

This would free up your solo vocal to sound more natural, and still finish out each line in a cool way...

Worth considering.....again, I really like your voice on this...


badperson 09-10-2004 08:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc, great sound on that guitar/vox thing, the vox especially sounded great. I'm starting to get into some diy stuff and hope to build an 1176 clone in the next several months, I can't wait. Any and all gear purchases are going to have to wait for a new pc, though, I'm absolutely dying for an allenstein, I'm still running a 1.4 if you can believe that.

Anyway, that tune sounded great. I think when you are able to do the guitar and vox separately it will really shine, but it's nice to do them together. Anyway, you are really in the pro realm of things now, though, imo.

Looking at your site's gear section, I'm curious about your mic selection. How do you feel about the tlm-103 as your A mic? Do you find yourself pining for a soundelux or other condensors in that league? Just curious.

Also, are you on hd now, or going there in the future?



IntelDoc 09-10-2004 09:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
not on HD yet. Maybe by next year, but no rel huge need for it, well.... I have a need, but not a demand yet. One day... As for the TLM-103. It is a good mic, use it on voice-overs a lot. I like it, but I hate it too. Sometimes it is too accurate and clean. That singer I just recorded TOM, sounds better on the RODE NTK, then the TLM-103. he actually hate the way it sounds. Great mic though. I think that I will get a Lawson L47MP or Telefunken one day. Just cannot see spending that cash on it yet. Can get by with what I have at least. Still want another pair of 421's. that 7 piece needs em. I can make do with the 2 small toms using the SM-57's though.

I always watch for old stuff too. One day I will get a vintage U-47, but the maintenance is a pain with that caliber mic. Still, I will land a few monsters. I may get a B.L.U.E. KIWI mic. I have a connection to get them at cost pretty much. They sound pretty damn nice too.

We shall see!

Thanks for the compliments. It should be a lot more focused once we really start to track with a click and all. This song has a nice natural feel though too, so I have to be careful. Too tight and it will sound a bit too produced. Clicks are good, but G-Love was cool by having a very natural feel too ya know. Not that we are heading that way, but again, clicks are nice at times, bad at others.

Thanks for listening...

- Doc

nightshadecrisis 09-10-2004 12:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

One day I will get a vintage U-47, but the maintenance is a pain with that caliber mic.

yeah....they sound great, but damn, we spend more time working on it than actually using it.

sounds good doc, cant wait to hear what the new gear sounds like!

IntelDoc 09-10-2004 12:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Probably end up with the LAWSON. Get the interchageable capsules and go from there. Who knows? I am spent now though until next week at least!

- Doc

Roy Howell 09-10-2004 12:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
The tracks are on your site...finally... .....and by the way, the violin parts were played by the infamous nightshadecrisis.

I'll buzz you later tonight.....we're gonna party on The Memphis Queen(riverboat) for a while tonight...

IntelDoc 09-10-2004 02:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Call me Sunday!

Heading out with Bastiaan tonight. Party like Rock Stars and then I am heading to Wilmington for a bike race tomorrow...

- Doc

Roy Howell 09-10-2004 04:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry if I was unclear...I think we both have the same basic idea in mind anyway...repost it when you're done so I can hear it.
thanks, Roy

nightshadecrisis 09-10-2004 10:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Probably end up with the LAWSON. Get the interchageable capsules and go from there. Who knows? I am spent now though until next week at least!

- Doc

doc, you belong in GBA(Gear Buyers Anonymous).
how'd the time with Bastiaan go?

IntelDoc 09-11-2004 11:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This is yet another song by a different client. Old, and first real paying client actually. He was blown away with the sound change! Pretty fired up. The drum track is NOT staying. It was used as a click in REASON and we just kept it for now. We will be adding real drums, bass, and some solo parts. Did this in 2 hours tonight, and the chain was this.... VERY COOL SURPRISE AT THE END TOO! - keep reading...

VOCALS - TLM-103 into the Vintech 1272 into the 1176 and then into the box

GUITARS - Numerous tracks with various strumming techniques. APEX 435's into the DigiPRE into the box

GUITAR was a SEAGULL Signature Series - SWEET!

Then after I got the rough mix on it, I mastered it, but.............

This is the SWEET PART! The TRIDENT MTA 80B came in the other day. Bastiaan and I messed with it some and then applied it on the MASTER fader. Well Bastiaan, got me fired up that night, so I then applied it tonight and man what a huge difference it makes in the overall aireness of the sound. Really makes it come alive

The Master fader chain was:

TRIDENT MTA 80B as a stereo channel strip - used the EQ and gain stage to eq.

Waves linear Multi-band EQ


This thing (trident MTA 80B) is awesome and I really think that I will start to use it more once the new setup is all finalized..

So.... with that! Enjoy the rough and NOT YET finished song....



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