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rgdrummer 10-22-2007 03:11 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
JP didja ever get down to Muscle Shoals?

TNDoug 10-24-2007 12:33 PM

Latest stuff...
I have just completed my latest album Periodically. It is 119 songs from the first person perspective of all of the elements on the periodic table. For the conclusion I made up an element DBLFesium #119 which I am very proud of. Please have a listen. The first 2/3 of this record were recorded on a Digi 001 then I upgraded to M-Powered with a Lightbridge and 7.3 which was totally sweet.

At any rate, I hope you enjoy

DBLFesium www.dblfstudios.com

Joz 10-27-2007 11:11 PM

Overnight Lows
Here's what I've been working on. I made the drums sound fake but they are real(except for a couple samples here and there).



freezegelman 10-28-2007 02:11 PM


Hey guys, I'm new to the whole pro tools thing, but here is some of my solo music I've been working.
I'm a bass lover at heart, but I decided to do something on the side. I'm really interested in compositions with samples, so I guess my music is based on that. Take it easy everyone...



Joz 10-29-2007 11:12 PM

Overnight Lows
and here is more


robob 10-30-2007 05:47 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

First time I've ever posted on the DUC without a technical issue. Here are a few mixes in progress on myspace. Suggestions and constructive criticism would be great. Unity Gain Recording

I've really enjoyed listening to all of your guys tunes.

Stuff sounds good best I can tell off those mp3"s or whatever they are.

What do you folks think of the Motu 8 pre you have?

Take it EZ,

Magnus Hedlund 11-01-2007 01:14 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Magnus, great song. Strong mix. Get that dang thing to Nashville and make some $$$$$$$.

Thank you very much...
If I'm gonna get the dang thing to Nashville, I really should get going 'cause I really, really wanna make some $$$$$$$...


jpf99 11-01-2007 07:25 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
hey thnx 4 listening!really lusting after a pre amp 4 vox and a stereo pair of mics 4 cutting acoustics...anyway i'm going to check your myspace out as well ,cheers -JP

jpf99 11-01-2007 07:31 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
hey your stuff is none too shabby as well! checked out your myspace,nice 1..thnx fo listening!cheers -JP

jpf99 11-01-2007 07:37 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey Mr Drummer ,spent quite a bit o time in your fair state!played for a Mobile boy named Ray Sawyer for a while, got a first rate musical education from him and as for Muscle Shoals they had probably my all time fav section w/ Hawkins and Co. i mean "Land Of a Thousand Dances" alone!!now i'm pretty much just around LA...hope the music scene is thriving dwn there ,lots of "pay to play " clubs etc. here lol ...did the main Title song to "Lets Go To Prison" w/ my friend Andy Paley on drums and that was a hoot,he's got a feel i dig anyway cheers-JP

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