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Roy Howell 01-03-2005 01:02 PM

Re: merry late xmas
Hey Keith,
Sounds great, man...those guitars sound really good, and it definitely sounds like you're having a good time recording. Post more when you can...

Keith Owens 01-03-2005 01:07 PM

Re: merry late xmas *DELETED*
Post deleted by Keith Owens

rchaffin 01-03-2005 05:37 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
Here's a tune my sons band recorded in my studio. Warning.....kinda' hardcore.


scottedog 01-03-2005 05:56 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

The link doesn't work for me....

rchaffin 01-03-2005 09:40 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update


The link doesn't work for me....

Sorry Scottedog! The link is fixed now!

Roy Howell 01-03-2005 10:33 PM

Re: Happy New Year
That's wild......

scottedog 01-03-2005 11:02 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

Wow, what are you feeding those kids!!???? Not my kind of tunes, but very well done, tight!
Gotta get some Buckley's now...my throat hurts just listening to it.

Puustinen 01-04-2005 02:04 AM

What do you think about this?
Hello everyone!

I've been busy getting ready to record a demo for my band and trying to learn as much about recording as I can so I can avoid any big mistakes. This forum has given me alot good ideas and inspiration!

Here is the latest song were working on (no vocals yet):

new song

This isn't a demo or anything. Our band has a gig coming up here in Finland where most of our band members live. The thing is that our singer at the moment lives in Latvia! So this is the way we work for now. We make and instrumental version of the song and send him the PT session for him to sing the vocals on. This is the latest of those track and I kind of like the way it sounds.

Any advices would be greatly appreciated so we can make a killer demo



Finne 01-04-2005 07:38 AM

Re: Happy New Year
Roy Howell:

I can not make love songs. Sorry.

rchaffin 01-04-2005 08:33 AM

Re: What do you think about this?
Good Job Jarkko! Can't wait to hear it with vocals!

What's your set-up there? I like it! Keep it up dude!

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