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Chris Cavell 10-23-2004 11:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Unfortunately, the model number eludes recollection at the moment. What I can tell you is that they were B&K's, not DPA's and were phantom powered...so they had to be toward the end of B&K Pro Audio's production. They were free-field omni's, in a matched set with a beautiful case and two extra "screens" per mic for changing the frequency response characteristics. They were half incher's too...not the super tiny's or the larges. That info probably would narrow it down to a single model number...but I just can't recall that number for the life of me right now.

Gene Backlin 10-23-2004 04:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

gene; your "agnus dei" is by far the best thing I've heard you do, you really got a fantastic sound for that one...this sounded like it could be on the radio.

Thank you Jason, it was my favorite of the whole concert. It litterally sent chills up my back, especially the beginning before the piano comes in. I really enjoy these kids, they are just so sincere.

Take Care,

Aussie169 10-23-2004 06:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Unfortunately, the model number eludes recollection at the moment. What I can tell you is that they were B&K's, not DPA's and were phantom powered...so they had to be toward the end of B&K Pro Audio's production. They were free-field omni's, in a matched set with a beautiful case and two extra "screens" per mic for changing the frequency response characteristics. They were half incher's too...not the super tiny's or the larges. That info probably would narrow it down to a single model number...but I just can't recall that number for the life of me right now.

I have ready access to a pair of B&K 4007's which are the tiny diaphram omnis. Fantastic sound and almost zero self noise. I can open my Buzz Audio pre right up and all I can hear in the cans is ambiant sounds. Every other mic add some degree of hiss in the same test.
The only reason I don't use them more is that they'll really show up a bad room LOL

Roy Howell 10-23-2004 11:54 PM



some new tracks
this isnt radio garbage. its jazz infused groove soul . I do the tracks in one night and then put them to bed. tell me what you think, reviews are key.
thanks for listening.


Some very nice grooves here...good variety...good job in this genre.

bigbubbaj 10-24-2004 08:12 PM

I wrote and recorded this song in memory of my dog, Jollie who passed away last week.

Thanks to Dan Walker(http://www.danwalkermusic.net ) for recording vocals and harmonica.

It is a bit sentimental, but you might like it anyhow.
Run To Heaven

Info on the song and others available at 5198 Studios


Roy Howell 10-25-2004 03:03 PM

Good song...a very heartfelt dedication and well done...thanks for posting it.

skyking 10-27-2004 05:48 PM

heres a full length version of a song i posted on another site a month er so ago..this site works better than the other one.......chas


spkguitar 10-27-2004 08:51 PM

By My Side

Here's a new one I've been working on. It's not even hardly mixed, but the pieces are coming together.

spkguitar 10-27-2004 09:00 PM

Justin - Great dedication to jollie. Well done.

Skyking - I really like that tune.

bigbubbaj 10-28-2004 10:26 AM

Roy, Shawn...Thanks!

Shawn - By my side is a cool tune. Nice prechorus/chorus. Like that part a lot.

A bit on the depressing side. But very brave self-expression. Takes big balls to write a song like that. Job hunt got you down?

I think a lot of people can identify with your message.


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