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PreacherManDraw 04-19-2004 06:19 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the compliment! Yeah, that's me on my strat going direct into AmpliTube, with a big reverb insert on everything (guitars, bass, and drums). Didn't have any songs in the cooker at the moment, and wanted to give Live a quick test-drive with Drums on Demand.
Drums on Demand is drum loops on CD, but they are a live drummer in a real studio, better than anything else I've heard. Check 'em out at

duanebonney 04-19-2004 06:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Gday all

Thought I'd might join in and show you what we have been recording. The mix not finished yet - of course
Let me know what you think of the song 'Alone'. I love constructive critisism.


Thanks to you guys, you have made the recording run a little smoother!


Roy Howell 04-20-2004 10:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I meant to ask you...what synth/software was used for the virtual strings on 'Get Right'?
thanks, Roy

AfricanCaneKing 04-20-2004 01:43 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i actually used a cmobination of sources for the sounds in that song. the strings are a chopped up sample i had on a sample cd from years ago. i used the FM7 as a synth in acid and tweaked it to come up with original patches and i had the roland xp50 for the rest. oh i did use the mpc for the drums. i sampled them from the roland and used the filters on the mpc to make em sound the way they do. i think thats about every thing, i did that song over a year ago so some of it is still hazy

Check out the infamous AFRICAN CANE KING

nightshadecrisis 04-20-2004 06:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I like the songs you have on there, Evanescense definitely comes to mind with the dark female lead. The only thing i can see, is maybe the snare drum could be a VERY small bit down on the reverb(it does have reverb on it correct?). Very solid recording though, my hats off to you, rock can be difficult with this kind of band trying to get them to have a BIG sound. The beginning of the song Faded Full is IMO very nice production, with the reversed piano hits, sounds amazing. anyways, thats just what i think.

MadMachinery 04-20-2004 07:41 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I painstakingly program "live" drums from samples the way a drummer would play. Each hit is a different sample, and each drum has its own track. I use stereo samples for kick and snare, and mono for the rest. It's worth it in the end, it sounds pretty close to a live drummer. I also have been using Reason for loops, but sometimes I combine that with the live drum samples.

Here's a link to clips from my album coming out in July (hopefully). Everything was recorded on a digi001 with PT LE 5 in OS 9, Neuman TLM103 for vocals, Shure SM54 (antique) for guitars. All keyboards and loops are from Reason. Mastering on the samples is squashed to all hell. The album will not sound like this. We're two guys that write, play, record and mix everything ourselves.


toddamo 04-21-2004 10:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello everyone,

Sorry I haven't been here to hear
all your wonderful music recently.

I was on vacation in Mexico for a while.
And then I've been working on a theater production
for May.

I would very much appreciate your checking
out one of the songs for this production.

It was written by me and one of the actors,
an extraordinary singer named Bonita.

The song is called UNTIL THE END OF THE TIME

And you can find it here: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~tamodeo/until.html

I would very much appreciate your thoughts and suggestions
on the track.

Equipment used: Roland XP-30 keyboard, Rode NTK Mic, Lexicon MPX-100, BetaMonkey Drum Loops,
T-Racks Mastering Suite.

Thanks very much for listening!

-todd amodeo

Captain_Pants 04-21-2004 06:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys.. In my Prescription Drug induced state here at home, i have created this little mostly guitar based number. It seems ive been getting more into acoustics lately. Thats cool...

Anyway, if you have time, the song is called "My Angel" and it is located:


Thanks for listening if you have time. Im looking to get some sort of instrument at the last minute of the song, I dont know if I want a real flute, or maybe some real strings..



Aussie169 04-21-2004 06:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ben, can you write music?
If you can scribe out a basic flute line, I have a flautist coming in sometime in the next couple of weeks. Will be easy to lay down a quick track for you.
All I need is a basic idea of what you want and she'll embelish it a little.
Let me know.

I'm at work right now, but I'll have a listen to the track when I go home for lunch.

Gene Backlin 04-21-2004 08:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Ben,

I am downloading it right now and will let you know via an e-mail.

Take Care,

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