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egraham 02-24-2005 03:07 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's one I just finished mixing called Hurting Kind. Don't be afraid to criticize! I can take it. Feel free to tear me a new one if you feel inclined. It's how I learn.

She's rocking out pretty hard on this one so I was trying not to make the mix too pretty. Vocal, organ, and guitar were taking up a lot of mid range so that is probably the biggest challenge.

All recording and mixing on Mbox.


Joz 02-24-2005 06:39 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Joz, Sounds GREAT on my 7.1 computer speakers, not time to listen in the studio...but that is usually a good indicator.

Cool 80s pop rock meets modern vibe. i really like it.

What reverbs are you using on the vocals?

D-verb mono, panned to the right. Guitar is sent there too (in the verse the guitar is in the left and its reverb to the right, pretty cool). And another D-verb panned left, harmonies go there and tambo. That way the reverb doesnt clogh the mix. This is the first time I use D-verb. It worked because I needed a "low quality" sounding verb with not much diffusion. Or maybe because I was too lazy to hook up my hardware lexicon reverb.


bigbubbaj 02-24-2005 06:49 PM

Re: Latest stuff


Joz, Sounds GREAT on my 7.1 computer speakers, not time to listen in the studio...but that is usually a good indicator.

Cool 80s pop rock meets modern vibe. i really like it.

What reverbs are you using on the vocals?

D-verb mono, panned to the right. Guitar is sent there too (in the verse the guitar is in the left and its reverb to the right, pretty cool). And another D-verb panned left, harmonies go there and tambo. That way the reverb doesnt clogh the mix. This is the first time I use D-verd. It worked because I needed a "low quality" sounding verb with not much diffusion. Or maybe because I was too lazy to hook up my hardware lexicon reverb.


Funny...I just used some dverb on a few tracks I just mixed...somehow they were the only ones that sounded right.

It is always better than I expect....LOL.

Roy Howell 02-25-2005 12:37 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Killer song and mix...vocals sound great. The guitar sound is exceptional...what are you playing through?
Great job...

Joz 02-25-2005 04:55 AM

Re: Latest stuff

Killer song and mix...vocals sound great. The guitar sound is exceptional...what are you playing through?
Great job...

Roy, I'm using a Les Paul gold top, straight into PT, then I reamped the signal to a JCM800's clean channel cranked up(not a clean tone at all) and also reamped to a Fender DeVille clean channel cranked up as well.


macr0w 02-25-2005 07:14 AM

Re: Latest stuff
How do you post a song if you don't have a website to host it?

Roy Howell 02-25-2005 01:08 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Roy, I'm using a Les Paul gold top, straight into PT, then I reamped the signal to a JCM800's clean channel cranked up(not a clean tone at all) and also reamped to a Fender DeVille clean channel cranked up as well.


It does sound killer, Joz.....I have a DeVille too, but it's just SO clean, I usually use something else for anything that needs a little overdive...I bet the JCM800 is the main culprit in the killer sound. What compressor(if any) are you using on the guitar(s)? Very cool about the guitar/left, Dverb/right verse thing too.


Bigpit 02-25-2005 03:11 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Hi all!

Just posting here to take you in on some music I've been making..

This is in WMA: http://home.no.net/peterdj/Mp3er/Pet...20(master).WMA

And this in WAV: http://www.angelfire.com/music5/bigp...20(master).wav

All feedback's welcome ofcource! Feel free to say what you want..

I know the ending is short but I had to get it online in a hurry... =) =)


Joz 02-25-2005 05:14 PM

Re: Latest stuff


Roy, I'm using a Les Paul gold top, straight into PT, then I reamped the signal to a JCM800's clean channel cranked up(not a clean tone at all) and also reamped to a Fender DeVille clean channel cranked up as well.


It does sound killer, Joz.....I have a DeVille too, but it's just SO clean, I usually use something else for anything that needs a little overdive...I bet the JCM800 is the main culprit in the killer sound. What compressor(if any) are you using on the guitar(s)? Very cool about the guitar/left, Dverb/right verse thing too.


Roy, the JCM800 is only coming in the left speaker, and the fender in the right, they are both pretty distorted. Ecxept on the intro and outro, were theres and extra guitar in the middle.
So left and right are different performances, and the middle guitar is the same performance as the left but reamping using a carl martin distortion pedal.
I used a high-pass on the reverbs at around 600hz to give it that vintage effect and to keep the mix from being muddy.


Roy Howell 02-25-2005 09:17 PM

Re: Latest stuff
OK thanks, Joz...again, great job.

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