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Roy Howell 04-15-2005 11:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

here's one my ex-girlfriend wrote after the tsunami. it has a really cool bridge part about 3/4 of the way through the song. hundreds of background vocals, guitars, etc.


Good song...I really like the piano parts, especially when it returns to the verse...nice chord changes and arrangement...this sounds like something Kate Bush might do. Nice voice too, though it tends to get overshadowed in places by the background stuff. The mix has a 'thinness' to it which might benefit from some more low end, IMO. But it's a very good song and effort. Thanks for the listen.


Roy Howell 04-16-2005 12:24 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

quote]Check out 2 tracks which i did all the synth/electronic work for an established artist (with her permission of course). The tracks are not yet processed, mixed-down nor mastered ... but you'll get the idea.

Wake Her Up...



Great synth work...you brought something very cool to each song. Great sounds and parts. I'de like to hear you on some of my stuff sometime...


Voideco 04-16-2005 10:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Catching up with the latest tunes here.

Cellautomata good job on both songs. I like Sanity especially. Nice synth tunes.

Will be checking some more stuff here later on. Got some concepts ready to post, nearly done with "In the Silence".

Keep it going,



Roy Howell 04-16-2005 12:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is a buddy's son band that I recorded on a 001 (on mac) and mixed with a MBox (on PC). They are not done with it yet, but hope to finish it with inthe next century. Anyway, tell me what you think. It is a WMA file. Thanks in advance

Nice job on your buddy's son's band...I like the simple production...would also like to hear it with a few things added to enhance it. Good job though...


chuck78 04-16-2005 04:51 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy. Yea they just picked up a mando player and a piano player so they will probably redo everthing. Plus the song writer wasnt to happy with the drummer. He wanted everything to be simple.
So that song and the rest that I have are just me messing around.

Again thanks on the comments.


CellAutomata 04-16-2005 11:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks so much for your nice feedback. Yeah I would love to check out your stuff and possibly add synths to your tracks. By the way, I used nothing but Reason2.5 (rewired into Protools) for the 2 track.


Great synth work...you brought something very cool to each song. Great sounds and parts. I'de like to hear you on some of my stuff sometime...


CellAutomata 04-16-2005 11:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the feedback Voideco.
Yeah, at first I thought Sanity was boring, and the producer wanted me to add the usual boring keys such as organs, string pads, and other typical cliche crap that sound like factory presets. But I decided to do my own thing and spice things up with enigma-esque stuff without his pre-approval. Of course ... he liked it in the end. Now I hope the engineer won't muck things up in the mixdown by burying or killing the synths with over-compression and losing the dynamics.


Catching up with the latest tunes here.

Cellautomata good job on both songs. I like Sanity especially. Nice synth tunes.

Will be checking some more stuff here later on. Got some concepts ready to post, nearly done with "In the Silence".

Keep it going,



IntelDoc 04-17-2005 08:23 AM

Here\'s a new one
Started working with a new band yesterday. Doing 2 songs and one is almost done. I think that they will do the vocals over again. Not that tight, and he can sing better. The only part that I really do not like. The guitars sound pretty good. Used 4 mics and made them double the takes, so 8 travks for acoustics. Used the TLM-103 on the hole, 435 above the shoulder pointing down... 012 and 435 at the 12th fret. 103 and the 012 went into the Trident 80B. The TLM went to the 1176 before Pro Tools and the 012 went directly to Pro Tools. The 435's were into the DigiPRE and then Pro Tools. All mics go into the Rosetta 800. Bass was direct into the 1985 Demeter VTMP-2a and the 1176. Vocals so far are the 103 into the 1176. Electric guitar is some VOX modeller amp on the AC-30 mode. Sounded pretty cool. Ran the 421 and 57 combo into the 1272. Liked that tone. A few little effects on the guitars and vocals. Then cutup and mixed....

I like it, but the vocals need work. Always the case for some reason.


Tapping On Glass

- Doc

BretFarewell 04-17-2005 03:35 PM

Re: Here\'s a new one

Started working with a new band yesterday. Doing 2 songs and one is almost done. I think that they will do the vocals over again. Not that tight, and he can sing better. The only part that I really do not like. The guitars sound pretty good. Used 4 mics and made them double the takes, so 8 travks for acoustics. Used the TLM-103 on the hole, 435 above the shoulder pointing down... 012 and 435 at the 12th fret. 103 and the 012 went into the Trident 80B. The TLM went to the 1176 before Pro Tools and the 012 went directly to Pro Tools. The 435's were into the DigiPRE and then Pro Tools. All mics go into the Rosetta 800. Bass was direct into the 1985 Demeter VTMP-2a and the 1176. Vocals so far are the 103 into the 1176. Electric guitar is some VOX modeller amp on the AC-30 mode. Sounded pretty cool. Ran the 421 and 57 combo into the 1272. Liked that tone. A few little effects on the guitars and vocals. Then cutup and mixed....

I like it, but the vocals need work. Always the case for some reason.


Tapping On Glass

- Doc

the whole mix seems really bass heavy imo, and definitely needs to redo the vocals, but besides that it sounds really good. the sound you got on the acoustic is really nice, same with the lead guitar, i just think the whole thing is a bit too bass heavy.

IntelDoc 04-17-2005 05:10 PM

Re: Here\'s a new one
No worries..... funny. Rolled everything 50 and below off but I did pump up the bass some. Sounds good in the car, but could be dropped a tad. Maybe 2bd. Still rough mixed and the vox will be redone for sure. They know this too. The guitars I really really like alot. The drums sound the best I have gotten in a long time. Probably due to the player actually had dynamics. The Vox really do not do much for me at all.

Thaks for listening... I will post it again when finalized.... They may take it to my mastering guy too. That would be cool to get him some business. Not that he needs it.

Also, the bass heaviness may be your room? Not sure as to what your setup is, but it sounds pretty balanced through my mackies... But again, I will check it out and maybe try to lower it a few db to see what that changes.

Thanks again though....

- Doc

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