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Chris Cavell 10-15-2004 06:29 AM

It could help them in more ways than that Mitch:

If you keep a tab of the tunes you play as filler and write up a small page that says what you played, who it was by, when and where, sign it and send it to the artist...that artist can count it as a "performance" as a member of ASCAP and receive a small lump of money! Other things that count as performances: bands covering your tune, radio play, ads, etc...

After three performances you start seeing "bonus" checks from ascap too!

Ascap has many other benefits as well.


Guit4Brains 10-15-2004 08:25 AM

Very good, Chris....I think that point would not have occured to alot of members....

Roy Howell 10-15-2004 12:25 PM

Hey Mitch...thanks...I, for one, will start tagging my stuff better. I appreciate it.


Roy Howell 10-15-2004 10:18 PM


Wow, what a fun night for me. My daughter's high school choir had it first Choral Concert of the year tonight. These kids are just a wonderful bunch of kids. One of the sub groups of the chorus are called the Madrigal Singers, my daughter being in it. In order to get into it, you have to audition a few pieces that are suggested, then you have to be tested on sight reading and then ear recall of up to 9 note patterns that the director plays and you have to sing it back. The result, is the following: (Mind you these kids are 14-17 years old)


This group will tour the entire year and are dressed in midevil wear, We had to have the dress hand made, from a design my daughter had to research. I'm flat broke, but man these kids are just great !

This is her dress:

Thanks for listening to me ramble !

Take Care,

That's just so fine...and man, you did a great job recording them too. Feels like I'm there. And your daughter looks beautiful in that dress too...(wooo, it even looks expensive... ).
thanks for the listen...

Roy Howell 10-16-2004 12:25 PM


I mix live sound for a living. Check out the link at the bottom of this post to see our rig(the site hasn't been touched in over 2 years, and we have grown! We've been busy). We do all kinds of concerts and festivals over the course of the year. Rock, country, folk, you name it. If I am not given some filler music to play by the promoter or festival staff during the band changeovers, I put in what I want. And most times, I put in your music. I think most mainstream acts have had enough exposure, and me playing them as filler isn't really doing anything for them. But it could be helping you.


By the way, Mitch...I had checked out your site way back...looks like a class operation...it would be interesting to watch you guys set up from scratch and do a show sometime. Let me know if you're ever in Memphis.

Nitronick 10-16-2004 03:53 PM

Thanks Roy. It's not a line array, but our rig does the job quite nicely. Like I said earlier, the website hasn't been touched in 2 years. We are up to a 48 box system now(24 3way tops and 24 dual 18" subs), powered by 10 QSC Powerlight 4.0s and 3 PL2.0s per side. If nothing else, it can get loud!
In the 5 years I have worked here, we have only gone as far east as Arkansas, but never say never. My boss is a selling fool, and we never know where we could be next.
You really are a very talented musician and I would love to mix you live sometime. Great players using good gear makes my job mixing a breeze.

Roy Howell 10-16-2004 04:21 PM

Thanks Mitch...I hope we can hook up one day.

Abomb97 10-16-2004 10:28 PM

Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Hey Everyone.
I just finished recording my bands entire album using a PT LE system with a 002r in my living room. You can listen to the entire album on our site here:


There is an entire photo album of the recording process you can see what we did for the guitars and drums and even vocals. Post a message on my forum to met me know what you think if you want. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Take care!!

bigbubbaj 10-17-2004 01:15 AM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Cool website. Awesome design.

Album sounds good! You guys are very talented. Great Production.

I see a picture of what looks like the mastering house, who did the mastering?

I really like Malarial(pearl jam vibe), Blood, Tell Me, Drifted(motown in a rock sort of way feel),Slowly Fade away(Awesome song- radio single material)

Your house looks like it was a fun place to record. Cool pictures.

Has a temple of the dog/Candlebox/Led Zepplin feel to it. That is a sweet sound.

Duccies - take a listen to this one!


passionofthed 10-17-2004 03:09 PM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
hey thanks so much for checking out the record and giving us feedback. to answer your question our album was mastered by a guy named eddie schreyer at Oasis Mastering down in studio city, LA. hes done alice in chains, incubus, korn, queen, a perfect circle, spinal tap and many others. he did an amazing job with it and we were quite happy with the results. thanks again

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