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phervort 02-01-2005 05:45 PM

Re: Arbeit macht frei

No sitten vaan mikseri.nettiin seikkailemaan, sieltä löytyy Suomi-poppia joka lähtöön. Ei tarvitse tyytyä Apulantaan. Muille ei voi suositella, kun eivät tajua valikoista mitään.

Don't know what you are saying...but good music. I like the first one the best. First poster to this site. What do you think of mine?

Century of Hell


badperson 02-01-2005 09:11 PM

Re: Arbeit macht frei
Roy, great job.
rabbit, finne, all very nice. and whoever did goodbye porkpie hat, very nice.



Finne 02-02-2005 02:06 AM

Re: Arbeit macht frei

What do you think of mine?

Century of Hell


You have found somethig different. I like it.

Roy Howell 02-03-2005 11:54 AM

Re: Latest stuff

AS usual,
Roy's, Frank Zappa, Steve Vai meets The Man himself "Roy Howell" on a dark street alley song rips it up.... Roy, I think that you should do a song that is FAST! I know you can do it. The driving bass lines with some whacked out shreddin'. You have it in you on that rig of yours!

This song is great! Very smooth and driving.... totally dig the low guitar riffs hidden deep in the background. That little slide guitar fits nice too. Way cool man!

The Dark alley slayer has returned!

C'mon, make a shred song called "Dark Alley Slayer" for me... please!

- Doc

Doc... .....so, you want a fast shredder, eh?...to be titled 'Dark Alley Slayer'?...OK, I'll throw that in the blender right now and see what comes out.

I'm gonna catch up on listening to these other recent posts now too. Sounds like some good stuff's been posted.


x9blade 02-03-2005 01:34 PM

Re: Latest stuff
hey double,sounds great

Boombatty 02-03-2005 01:40 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Three songs I did with my band: http://www.icewaterlegion.com/icewaterbbs.shtml (click on the jukebox to open a flash player).

Hope you enjoy.

Jack Rabbit 02-03-2005 04:31 PM

Re: Latest stuff

The intro to Rattlesnake Ugly is inspired (the rest is great, also, of course). Not to ask you to divulge secrets, but would you please identify the high frequency sound at the beginning of the fifth (10th?) measure...some piece of percussion...is it one of the triangles that comes in later?

Ralph K 02-03-2005 05:54 PM

Re: Latest stuff
Hey guys, check out the new instrumental that i uploaded a few days ago, "Rockin' the rice fields"


Roy Howell 02-03-2005 06:45 PM

Re: Latest stuff


The intro to Rattlesnake Ugly is inspired (the rest is great, also, of course). Not to ask you to divulge secrets, but would you please identify the high frequency sound at the beginning of the fifth (10th?) measure...some piece of percussion...is it one of the triangles that comes in later?

Hi Jack Rabbit...you have a good ear, sir. One whole midi track for that one note...hehe. It's simply a VS Bells sound from my Korg 01R/W module, and I felt the guitar harmonics needed a boost right there.
By the way, in case you missed my earlier post about 'crown', I'm very impressed by your stuff. Haven't heard your latest posting, but I'm about to get to listen. Looking forward to it.
thanks, Roy

Jack Rabbit 02-03-2005 08:35 PM

Re: Latest stuff

One whole midi track for that one note...hehe. It's simply a VS Bells sound from my Korg 01R/W module, and I felt the guitar harmonics needed a boost right there.

It's those touches that I'm looking forward to trying to implement myself...once I get the noise down to a level where such a touch would even be perceptible. Thanks for listening to my stuff...and if you ever want to contribute a lead part...

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