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rchaffin 01-06-2005 02:39 PM

Re: What do you think about this?

Hey again,

John Hey was kind enough to offer me some space on his site, so my songs up there now.


It took me a while to get it posted so I hope its worth it.

I also just noticed theres a nasty little click at the very end of the mp3. I cant be bothered to fix that now, hope nobody gets a fright.

This needs mastered and hopefully shall be soon once I get everything together.

Happy listening

Chris Tempest

Great job Chris! Nice tune!! Keep it up dude.....I'd love to hear more from you!!

rchaffin 01-06-2005 02:47 PM

Re: What do you think about this?



Here is the start of a solo/instrumental project I am working on. Unfortunately, I am using drums samples and making the best of it. Let me know how the mix is sounding.

anyone get a chance to take a listen?

The mix sounds fine Scott! Gotta love those whammy pedals! I wouldn't sweat the drum samples; they sound fine. Maybe throw in a fill or two here and there. Good job!

Super Seven 01-06-2005 02:59 PM

Re: What do you think about this?




Here is the start of a solo/instrumental project I am working on. Unfortunately, I am using drums samples and making the best of it. Let me know how the mix is sounding.

anyone get a chance to take a listen?

The mix sounds fine Scott! Gotta love those whammy pedals! I wouldn't sweat the drum samples; they sound fine. Maybe throw in a fill or two here and there. Good job!

Thanks Rick, yeah..the pedal is fun. I had a Digitech years ago, but got rid of it. Recently picked up a BOSS ME-50 and am loving it. Thanks for the input. This is sorta my, work the bugs out mix before I dive in and start recording all the tunes. The drums are simple for now, but was more concerned in getting the mix down. So to not waste a tonne of time redoing things later. The lead is mostly improved right now... although there are lot of things I am gonna keep. SO far, all the guitars are tracked direct into my Mbox from the BOSS and the bass is run through an old Peavey Century head into a DI then I run about 4 plugs in PT to get the bass sound I want. I don't have access to any good monitors so that is why I am asking for input on how the mix is sounding. It is sounding good at my end... but you never know :P

flautista 01-06-2005 03:00 PM

Re: Happy New Year
You can upload your file to http://s11.yousendit.com/ tthey still there 7 days and every one you warn can download from ther ,Files can be Up to I giga I hpope it works for you like I do

tempest18 01-06-2005 04:20 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Thanks for the kind words guys

I finally got myself a pair of cheap pc monitors today so I am able to listen to music from the internet. I took a listen to two of your tunes John, I really like alone it has a nice soft melody. I usually set my old casio up with a piano and strings pad and have play to see what I can come up with. I would only ever play ballads on piano when I was younger, my mum couldnt get me to play anything else. I should really get myself a good keyboard, although christmas has passed so it'll be birthday before I get anything new. I'll be 19 then so hopefully if I find some part time work, I can afford some nice keys.

I uploaded one of my other songs into the folder since John asked for more. I wouldnt usually let anybody hear my music. I've always been very self conscious about singing, playing guitar etc in front of people.

It was recorded hmm about summer last year in Cubase SX 2 with a Delta 1010 card.

Maybe someday I'll get to go into the studio and put these songs down properly.

Once again, thank you to John Hey for providing me with some space so I can share my songs with you.

here is the link:


This ones called 'Walk Away'

C Tempest

Aussie169 01-06-2005 05:10 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Just wanted to be post 5000

John Hey 01-06-2005 09:08 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Thanks Chris..... I just got my new Korg Triton Extreme tonight so I just had to write a song. This is all done on that keyboard and I had to mix it with headphones as all my monitoring gear has been packed away (having to sell my house as part of the divorce). Enjoy....


Aussie169 01-06-2005 10:50 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Roy Howell and Paul Curtiz have a track they did together called "Paint The Desert Wind". It's fantastic, you should check it out. You should find it if you follow the link in Roy's sig.

fredsparky 01-07-2005 05:52 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Posted a few newer songs here on MP3.

badperson 01-08-2005 03:32 PM

Re: Happy New Year
Just wanted to post my latest, which can be found here.

I need to redo the vox (I also need to learn to use graphical mode in a certain, unnamed popular vocal plug),

and I'll think about some eq ideas.

Oh, and gotta love that amp noise, right?! Some kind of isolation for my amp is a project this year. We'll see.

Anyway, would be especially interested in eq ideas.



p.s., haven't done any listening in awhile, I'm going to listen to stuff from the last few pages now.



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