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Roy Howell 10-04-2004 12:12 AM

Re: My first complete Mbox project

>>Here<< is the pre-production version of it.

Good song, my friend...very clean production and well mixed...like the guitar sounds(and the solo), and good job on the vocals.
Looking forward to hearing the completed version.

Stiff 10-04-2004 05:09 AM

Re: My first complete Mbox project

I like it! I especially like those guitars

spkguitar 10-04-2004 06:34 AM

Re: My first complete Mbox project
Thanks guys, much appreciated. Hopefully I will get well soon so I can sing it properly. You can hear spots in there where I'm trying really hard not to cough while I'm singing.

John Hey 10-04-2004 08:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I dig it! Love it Roy.

John Hey 10-04-2004 09:17 PM

Re: My first complete Mbox project

and the whole thing is just scratch tracks, but I was so excited about not being sick anymore and being able to actually do some work, I had to post something.
I'll post it again later when it gets a little more polished.

And you say it's just scratch tracks, sure !!!!
I like this sound. I am not sure what you would need to change. Sounds almost ready for release the way it is.

spkguitar 10-04-2004 09:27 PM

Re: My first complete Mbox project
Thanks John, much appreciated.

All scratch; done in one day.
Here's some stuff I have planned to change:
I'd definitely like to do the vocals over again when I'm feeling better and not coughing up a lung. Plus, I've already rewritten the harmonies to follow the chord structure a bit more, but I'm not well enough to sing them.
The drums are also a bit sketchy, some of the cymbal crashes are poorly placed, and the guitar solo needs a little bit at the end.

Man, I can't wait to finish this one now...

scottedog 10-04-2004 10:01 PM

Re: My first complete Mbox project

I'd definitely like to do the vocals over again when I'm feeling better and not coughing up a lung.


Man, I wish I could sing like that on a good day. Gotta say, really like the tune tho. Well done!
Oh...get well soon.

Jon Dickinson 10-05-2004 06:44 AM

More new Fingerwolf trax
Here's three more to go with Soft Earth (which I posted a few months ago) - let me know what you think of any/all of them!

Fingerwolf MP3 Page

Gene Backlin 10-05-2004 08:21 AM

Re: More new Fingerwolf trax
I had recently recorded some friends of mine, so they could have a live demo cd to send out for possible gigs, I had posted some of the tunes and appreciated the feedback. In addition to the cd, I put together a DVD for them also. Here is a clip of some photos I shot in addition to the video itself.

I hope you enjoy !


Take Care,

spkguitar 10-05-2004 09:01 AM

Re: More new Fingerwolf trax
Gene, very well done, as usual.

Jon, I've only gotten to listen to Fark so far, but it's really cool. I like the retro vibe. What instruments/sample sets did you use?

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