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Aussie169 09-12-2004 01:21 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That guitar sounds HOT! Best acoustic guitar sound I've heard here on the DUC by a long way. Awesome stuff. Vox sound great too.
I'm looking forward to hearing the finished product.

IntelDoc 09-13-2004 06:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Aussie! Me too!

Wait a sec... Am I dreamin! the DUC is back! Oh my god! The DUC IS BACK!!!!!

Woo hoo! I can got to work now!

- Doc

spkguitar 09-13-2004 08:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
DOC, like I said on the phone last night, Sounds great man. Keep it up.

Now I either have to sell all my gear and give up or take out another mortgage... great!

IntelDoc 09-13-2004 09:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Naaaa.... take out the mortgage! Buy Gear!

Thanks for the kind words! I will update it when we finish thedrums and such.
Cannot wait for the Apogee to show up! Then it is "Go Time!"

- Doc

badperson 09-13-2004 11:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Doc,

fantastic sound; the guitars were great, they had that punch and vibrancy of a real pro studio, but I'm wondering if they could have used a little more low end? Is that something you were going for?


IntelDoc 09-13-2004 12:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
He wanted them bright, but there are going to be more added and a bass track too. That will help thicken it up some. I did the mastering pretty quickly too. Probably will add more back in. Drums will be real too... The reason track was merely a click track for him. I was surprised that he played it so well.


- Doc

Eddie D 09-13-2004 11:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is yet another song by a different client. Old, and first real paying client actually. He was blown away with the sound change! Pretty fired up. The drum track is NOT staying. It was used as a click in REASON and we just kept it for now. We will be adding real drums, bass, and some solo parts. Did this in 2 hours tonight, and the chain was this.... VERY COOL SURPRISE AT THE END TOO! - keep reading...

VOCALS - TLM-103 into the Vintech 1272 into the 1176 and then into the box

GUITARS - Numerous tracks with various strumming techniques. APEX 435's into the DigiPRE into the box

GUITAR was a SEAGULL Signature Series - SWEET!

Then after I got the rough mix on it, I mastered it, but.............

This is the SWEET PART! The TRIDENT MTA 80B came in the other day. Bastiaan and I messed with it some and then applied it on the MASTER fader. Well Bastiaan, got me fired up that night, so I then applied it tonight and man what a huge difference it makes in the overall aireness of the sound. Really makes it come alive

The Master fader chain was:

TRIDENT MTA 80B as a stereo channel strip - used the EQ and gain stage to eq.

Waves linear Multi-band EQ


This thing (trident MTA 80B) is awesome and I really think that I will start to use it more once the new setup is all finalized..

So.... with that! Enjoy the rough and NOT YET finished song....



Hey IntelDoc,

The guitars do sound fantastic, my girlfriend and I are sitting here listening to it again and again lol. Love the different strumming going on in this, definately gives it a great sound and feel. The sound quality is superb. Them apex mics are really working for you. I definately am diggin it, hang on a sec gotta press play again. Ok im back Great job Chris, cant wait to hear the finished product.

Thanks again for your help with the Vintech


IntelDoc 09-14-2004 04:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks! Glad that you enjoyed it. It should be a nice tune when it is all said and done...
Guitars are pretty cool, and he has that strummy strum style that is kinda sweet when you double it all up. There are actually 3 stereo guitar tracks on this right now. Left is -100 and -50. Right is 100 and 50. (respectively) and the other is fully wide -100 and 100. If you listen to Train Wreck on my website, it is the same guy. Same style for the most part. This guy is pretty cool. Busy, he is a med student at Georgetown, and managed to land one of my better session drummers in his band that plays around the area. Really liking the APEX mics. I know that they are not "the best" but the get the job done pretty well. Oh well....

Glad you and the lady liked it. More to follow!

Off now for awhile. Talk to you all in a few days.

- Doc

Gene Backlin 09-14-2004 07:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good stuff Doc !

The gear is helpful, but the person behind the mix is pretty darn good also !

Take Care,

Roy Howell 09-15-2004 11:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here's something else that IntelDoc just mix/mastered for us..... a song Paul Curtiz and I wrote around a film script called 'Fa's Garden', which is basically the story of a southern lady haunted by a death in her past. Lyrics by Paul, and I wrote the music...with Ev/Nightshadecrisis on violin.

Fa's Garden

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