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David Penick 12-13-2006 06:19 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Yes. Thanks, it worked. Checking it out now.

sfraire 12-13-2006 08:48 AM

Re: Feedback Please!!

ok sergio...

Percussion- used edited Stylus loops and Reason to trigger various one-hits.
Bass- played a little $200 Ibanez through a GreatRiver mp-2nv(Pre), and a tweaked amplitube setting.
Main guitar(including solos)- UniValve head/1-12 Mesa cab...mics, Gefell M930 and senn e609...also used some tweaked GuitRig here and there.

3 solo vocals on this, as well as BGVs, so...
Solo 1/chain- Waves DeEsser, SSL eq, Antares Tube(very slight), RenComp, RenVox
Solo 2(female vocal)- Waves DeEsser, SSL Channel, RenComp, RenVox
Solo 3- Waves DeEsser, RenComp, RenVox (no eq needed)
BGVs main- SSL eq, Antares Tube, RenComp
More BGV's(Ooh's)- SSL eq, RenComp

Used 2 IRverbs slightly on this and that...one short, one long.

Various RH guitar/mandolin samples.

Mastered ITB by Ola Sonmark/Sweden... chain/Waves C4, Elemental Equium, URS SSL, URS Fulltec and Waves L3 Multiband.

Hope that helps in some way, and thanks for listening.


thanks a lot for taking the time to share, this helps me a lot,, you did a really great job at this song, and in LE I hope one day I can do the same,, thanks again this is encouraging.


Roy Howell 12-13-2006 02:31 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!
Glad to help, sergio...

edwardo 12-14-2006 04:56 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Anybody feel like checking out my 2 little bits? Just above in the thread? Anybody? Nobody?


David Penick 12-14-2006 07:28 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I'm downloading them now. I'll get back to you when I check them out. Sounds Latin-y and cool.

Harpo 12-14-2006 01:48 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

hey all!! just noticed that i can show off my music here!!

have a listen and let me know what you think!

PLEASE feel free to add me as a friend if you have a myspace page!




please give me your feedback!

many many thanks!


I keep getting "connection failed" when I try to play the songs. Might be a MySpace quirk...I'll try again later.

I may as well put my MySpace music up for scrutiny as well. I used an M-Box with version 6.1. (I'm in love with Pro Tools.) A Boss 880 drum machine, Amplitube, and Sampletank were used in addition to the regular guitar and amp things.

For the most part, these sound the way they sounded in my head. But any critique is welcome. I'm most proud of "These Hands". (Because it's my latest....go figure, right?)

7 Wyatts

Harpo 12-14-2006 01:57 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

sergio.....thanks so much...I will gladly post some specifics on the session, but can't right now. I did use an 002R/PT7/32 tracks........thanks, and more later.


In My Head

Love the guitar playing!

Roy Howell 12-15-2006 09:44 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!


In My Head

Love the guitar playing!

thanks Harpo...

superpenguin79 12-19-2006 07:09 AM

Re: Feedback Please!!
Hey guys, got a few new ones, plus a few DUC collabs up that have been happening over in the TR for a bit. check it out here. We also have a brand new DUC collab called Swing Thing in the works.

Roy: nice work as always man. How are things?

Harpo 12-22-2006 05:10 AM

New one!
I feel so darn prolific....Just finished a new one and put it up on MySpace. Cranked up the guitars for this one and got all sarcastic. But couldn't shake the ABBA influence for the chorus and stuck a flamenco guitar solo in the middle of it all. It can be done!

Isn't music fun? It's called "Brood".


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