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Roy Howell 02-12-2006 12:35 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I've got some of my latest stuff up at web page

I'm hoping just one person thinks the music is ok...

Sorry it took a while to listen...just heard 'Consumer Templates' and thought it was great...great job overall.


Roy Howell 02-12-2006 12:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
John Hey-


Hey Roy,

It’s been a long time. I have been very busy but I am finally taking time out to try to put some stuff together. Here is a quickie I did last night. It was mixed with headphones!!! Let me know what you think.

Song 22

Hi John...good to hear from you. Sounds like you had fun doing 'Song 22'...

Hope things are going well for you...


Wheeltard 02-14-2006 10:36 AM

Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
I did a remix of my song. http://www.songramp.com/view.ez?sampleid=41858
It still needs work but I'm pretty happy with it as my first mix and mastering exercise. I'll probably come back to it after a while, but I'm moving on to other fun stuff.

Any advice or input would be appreciated.
Take care,

Flux 1.21 02-14-2006 11:21 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Check out my first 3 mixes on my website below. Let me know what you think. Input on what I can do better would be appreciated.

Thanks guys and enjoy

nerd513 02-15-2006 10:59 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
FSP Music http://www.myspace.com/fspmusic check it out

Roy Howell 02-16-2006 12:48 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...

I did a remix of my song. http://www.songramp.com/view.ez?sampleid=41858
It still needs work but I'm pretty happy with it as my first mix and mastering exercise. I'll probably come back to it after a while, but I'm moving on to other fun stuff.

Any advice or input would be appreciated.
Take care,

Wheeltard....sounds great to me...guitars sound really good, like the song, arrangement, and the mix.
Good job, señor.


Wheeltard 02-16-2006 07:23 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Thanks for the encouraging words, Roy. That means a lot coming from you. I tell you, mastering my stuff is like ironing a wrinkly shirt with no starch and a low heat setting. But I think I've got my head around Sound Forge and Ozone 3 -- both of which I LOVE. I think that combo is the mastering neophyte's best friend.

Thanks again,

Wheeltard 02-16-2006 07:26 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
I really like it. Very Teenage Fan Club to my ears. My only nit-pick would be that the drum machine sounds like, well, a drum machine. And while that's not necessarily a bad thing, given your style, I think you might benefit from accoustic drums or accoustic samples. But I really like the writing and delivery.
Take care,

atff 02-16-2006 09:34 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
This is my first post on this topic - Love listening to all your stuff!

I thought I'd post one of my songs to get some feedback. It's a little out there!

Just click on the entrance to my site and a Flash MP3 player should pop up with the song playing.
(Warning- Explicit Christian Lyrics)



Flux 1.21 02-16-2006 10:45 AM

Re: Hey Dave C, the Tard here...
Thanks a lot. I completely agree about the drums. We actually just got a drummer and we are going to have him record his drums and eliminate the obvioous sounds of the SR-16.

Again, thanks for the compliments. We are so glad you like it.

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