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xraydelta1 04-05-2005 06:50 PM

Re: Off the top of my head...

Wassup guys/girls

here some hip-hop joints recorded in LE. Mainly eq'ed with digi's new eq 3 eq and some Waves plugs. Tracks done on MPC 4K.

let us kno wht u think.


cool beats mang. I liked split personality the best cause he was flippin it plus the drum pattern is all sporatic, but still hiphop. I like that big jus blaze theatrical new york horn stuff. Something seems missing in the frequencies, is it squashed/overcompressed? I am listening to it on crappy creative labs computer speakers with a sub, but when i play some other tracks it seems they have more mid and lower mid range or something. I am by no means a mixing expert, but it just seemed that way. do you hear this too? Sorry if this seems too critical.

Thankk you for letting me listen to some more pt stuff. right on man.

xraydelta1 04-05-2005 06:56 PM

Re: New CD is Out

Rational Punk-

The new CD, Reality Show, was released last week.........

Here are a couple of MP3s...more samples available via the audio page on my website.

"Out of the Closet" (320k mp3)
"Acid Rain" (320k mp3)

Hi Dave,
Good to see you back, and congrats on the new CD.....great sounding stuff, as usual. Great sounds, interesting arrangements, and well mixed. Best of luck with the cd...


what he said! those lyrics are funny man

xraydelta1 04-05-2005 07:05 PM

Re: New Music!

Here's a couple of cuts from my band's first album. We're called 22B, and we play hard rock with kooky lyrics.

Super Duper Crackhead

Satan Claws

I was laughing the whole way. I love it. But you made both songs start off the same way, i like the first intro better.

Super Seven 04-05-2005 11:05 PM

Re: Solo CD


Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments... also.... goto www.scottkroeker.com if you want to get the latest on the CD release


yes it was your songs i was talking about. Hey this guitar sounds great. Is there any possible way i could collaborate with you and do a hiphop remix of one of your tracks? I'm feeling this second song. Sorry if this seems a little forward.

drop me an email at info(at)thereal7.com and we can further discuss this possibility.


Roy Howell 04-06-2005 12:59 AM

Re: Solo CD
Super Seven-

Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments...

Super Seven...I like em...especially 'Crystal Clear'...some nice guitar sounds...what are you using for the acoustic/electric solo?

thanks, Roy

Super Seven 04-06-2005 07:28 AM

Re: Solo CD

Super Seven-

Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments...

Super Seven...I like em...especially 'Crystal Clear'...some nice guitar sounds...what are you using for the acoustic/electric solo?

thanks, Roy

Thanks Roy, for all the guitars, I have a BOSS ME-50 effects pedal. I run all the guitars direct into my Mbox through this pedal. For the clean electric solo, my guitar has a piezo pick-up in it. I use the BOSS' compression, stereo auto pan, delay, small amount of hall reverb for the clean solo. I panned the tracks <35 35>. It is wierd, you don't really hear that the tracks are auto panning, but you can sure see it in the wav view. I plan to mic up my Mesa rig and over dub some tracks to my tunes yet. I use very little or no plugins on the tracks a little HP and LP filters here and there and that is pretty much it.

Roy Howell 04-06-2005 12:14 PM

Re: Solo CD

Super Seven-

Thanks Roy, for all the guitars, I have a BOSS ME-50 effects pedal.

Interesting...thanks...the one 'acoustic' guitar sound intriques me if it's not an acoustic guitar. Sounds a little like say, an Ovation plugged direct, but it has the sustain of an electric guit. Anyway...good stuff...post more when you can.


Straatocastoer 04-06-2005 08:39 PM

Re: Solo CD
Hello everyone, I am working on mixing a live show that I recorded for a regional act back in February. I am nearing the end, and need to have some opinions on the sound that I am getting ready to hand over to these guys. They played 3 long sets and I captured about 4 hours of material to be produced. Give me opinions on sound; I am not involved with the song selection nor performances in any way; but I am solely responsible for the finished sound. Each one of these songs capture a different aspect of their night: different singers, different instruments featured, different genres. These are all covers ... no original music posted.

Watching The Detectives
Hard To Stop
Prove Yourself
Psycho Killer

Thanks for your time and criticism.

Joz 04-07-2005 02:54 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

man that song is sooooo good! Awesome job. Ive had that song on repeat 2 days straight, I cant remember doing that since Appetite for Destruction came out in the 80's.

WOW, you made my day!!!!!!!

A couple more songs are comming up really soon.
thanks everybody for liking our band.

Some things are happening with the band lately, I'll let you guys know later, just don't wanna jinx anything!!!


Ruben_B 04-07-2005 04:47 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hi Joz,
looking real forward to hearing more tunes mate. just sitting back at work on a friday morning......still listening to those tracks

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