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mytinycircus 08-10-2007 06:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's what we get up to. Sometimes loops but usually drum mics in via an Behringer ADA8000 into the optical in of the 02R.


GORILLA 08-15-2007 09:12 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hi Friends. Here's a tune from a demo I just recently did for a local band.
I used:
003 console
P.T.L.E. 7.3.1cs2
Rode & Shure mics
Krank amps


Roy Howell 08-15-2007 12:33 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

A beautiful piece of music and excelently played.Is the quick decay on the bass intentional,if it is its quite nice. great stuff roy.


Thanks Brandy.....and yes, the quick bass decay in places is intentional.


IntelDoc 08-16-2007 11:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Couple new ones on my page below. THe First one was finished up yesterday. 1 more to go and the record is finally done. Diggin it. Pretty straight forward Rock.



Cavet Your Eruptor 08-20-2007 09:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
So I am back once again - it has been a couple of weeks! And I have done a bunch of work on my mix, so any opinions of the progress would be appreciated!!



douglite 08-22-2007 12:41 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
great song and mix.very pro

tenchijin2 08-24-2007 04:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

My attempt at a very classic song called Bohemian Rhapsody. Perhaps you've heard of it?:)

glogan 08-25-2007 02:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Sorry no advice but the stuff sounds good and I think the material is strong.

Nice work

G. Logan

Wheeltard 09-03-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
New one here. It's close but not quite all the way there. Well okay, "close" is a relative term. So, "close" given my limited abilities. Any and all critiques welcome and greatly appreciated.
P.S. - This is the first mix with the Black Lion mod

PookaStew 09-05-2007 07:38 AM

Re: Need some help with this mix

mixing notes you said more than I could come up with. that being said what a cool bloody tune. and very nice playing. who is this reich guy?


Joz 09-07-2007 09:15 PM

Overnight Lows
Here's my new one


luffe 09-08-2007 04:01 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

Here's my new one


Joz.....this is EXCELLENT - nothing less! But tell me, what equipment was used for this recording - not a Digi mini..eehhh???

Best regards,


IntelDoc 09-08-2007 01:37 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Here's my new one


Sounds great man! I am happy to hear that you guys went a different route with your sound. The older stuff was very "No Doubt-Gwen" like and thi stuff is new and a better sound for you guys I think. I will definitely add this to my collection of your past work. Very cool stuff as always man.

Like the distant reverb vocal part towards the end too. Very fitting.

Great guitar tones as usual. You still doing that sheen high cut/low cut vocal trick too I hear?

Cool stuff

P.S. Still in love with your singer.

Joz 09-08-2007 03:31 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Luffe, my signal chain is, Brent Averill 1272 pres - Rosetta - 002.

Chris, I'm glad you like our progress. I don't use that shimmer vocal trick anymore, I just EQ it more and use 2 compressors with different attacks.



IntelDoc 09-08-2007 06:30 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Ya I have been gain staging alot lately these days as well. With the new setup and 25 channels of analog gear tied to my Apogees as a hardware insert it is easy to do. Love the hardware plugin ability that HD gives me. Pretty slick setup man. 32in, 48 out. All summed to a 16 channel API DSM setup. Writing back in with a Benchmark ADC-1 via AES. Slick....

Soundsd good man, keep it up!


luffe 09-09-2007 11:49 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hi Joz.

When I wrote Digi mini I was joking. I thought your recording was made in a HD system and not LE........

I am impressed of what you have obtained with the 002, really! It sounds very very pro to me. I recently bought the Digi 003 factory and I am in the process of learning as recording is all new to me. So frankly I am surprised that it is possible to get the recording sounding as your song "Are You Ready"

I hope one day my recordings will sound as good as that, but until then I guess I'll have to experiment a lot... Frankly I would give a leg - maybe two - for your song in a ProTools session to see how you do all this....

The band is all great but that singer....man she's good and looks nice also

Best regards and good luck with your music...I'll be looking out for more songs from you


IntelDoc 09-09-2007 02:31 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
I think that he is using other pre's though. Not the Digi ones....

Joz 09-09-2007 03:02 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Yeah I'm using the Brent Averill pres. I'm 100% bypassing the 002. The 002 its just a big dongle to me.


IntelDoc 09-09-2007 03:17 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Yeah I'm using the Brent Averill pres. I'm 100% bypassing the 002. The 002 its just a big dongle to me.


Smart move!!! ;-) Did it for years with my pre's.

Sounds great.


Scorpio253 09-09-2007 09:35 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
What plugs did you mix "Are You Ready" with?

Joz 09-10-2007 03:05 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
I mainly only use, Waves: Ren EQ and Ren Compressor, and the SSL EQ. The other comp I use is the bombfactory 1176. For this particular song I used digiVerb for that reverb part at the end of the song.
I really dont have many plug ins, so I get by with what I have.

I'm working on a huge anthem ballad right now, pretty exiting. But! I can't continue coz my singer is in London right now and I need her keyboard to record some strings. I'm supossed to have the song finished when she comes back. So does anyone know of a cheap "strings" sampler/softsynth, or a free one?



Joz 09-11-2007 05:44 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Here's another one


luffe 09-11-2007 09:56 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hi Joz.

Tried to get to your MP3 but no luck. It seems there's something wrong with the link....

Best regards,


sunburst79 09-11-2007 12:44 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

I mainly only use, Waves: Ren EQ and Ren Compressor, and the SSL EQ. The other comp I use is the bombfactory 1176. For this particular song I used digiVerb for that reverb part at the end of the song.
I really dont have many plug ins, so I get by with what I have.

I'm working on a huge anthem ballad right now, pretty exiting. But! I can't continue coz my singer is in London right now and I need her keyboard to record some strings. I'm supossed to have the song finished when she comes back. So does anyone know of a cheap "strings" sampler/softsynth, or a free one?



Maybe Xpand? Free is pretty cheap....

Even if the patches are not the exactly what you want it may be close enought to let you continue working.

Joz 09-11-2007 03:02 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Here I fixed the link: http://www.overnightlows.com/music/waitaminute.mp3
It's not finished, it needs strings at the ends of the song, and more harmonies. I'll try Xpand


Joz 09-12-2007 04:21 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Here I finished it! it sounds huge now. I found vintage strings VST for free, and I was really surprised by the sound.

luffe 09-12-2007 07:30 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Hi Joz.

Yet another great performance from you and your band! Great overall sound and I especially like the sound of the lead vocal. Could it be the pre's that sound so much better than the Digi Pre's or do you have some special plug-ins at work here. Maybe you could enlighten us with your settings - reverb, compression etc....? Great guitarwork and -sound, man. Do you write the songs for the band yourself - anyways strong material???

Best regards,


Joz 09-12-2007 11:01 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Luffe, it's the compression method. Lots of compression, works great on "radio friendly" music, but not so great for other stuff. Slow attack on the first compressor with lots of compressing, and a second one with a fast attack just to control the peaks a little bit. Then I send that to a couple of effects, but that depends on the song. for slow songs like this one I send it to a reverb (with about 15ms of pre-delay, very important) and then I put an EQ infront of it and hight pass everything above 400mhz and low pass at around 6K. Oh and a high pass on the vocal track itself at around 100mhz, and boost 9k. But that really depends on the singer and the song. And if the rest of the tracks don't sound great, or aren't tailored for the vocal, then there's no way the vocal can sound great.


Naagzh 09-12-2007 11:26 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks for sharing the tips! And yeah, filtering and pre-delay are absolutely critical!

Would you mind sharing about the drums? Is there any sample replacement/enhancement going on? If so, which plugs/libraries are you partial to?

luffe 09-12-2007 11:50 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Joz, thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge on this. As I told you earlier I am a newbie to all those recording techniques and stuff. It is quite overwhelming when you know zero about it, so I kinda suck every tip I can from people like yourself, that knows about it and have actually proved, that their recordings sound great. I will keep your tips warm till the day I am able to try making my first recording. I've had my Digi 003 factory for quite some time now, but so far I've just been experimenting. So your knowledge comes in quite convenient here... I'm sure it will help me come over the mountain top some day...

I have been playing a lot (I am a piano/Hammond/keyboard player) but the tech-stuff never caught my attention until now. But I find it very exciting to work with ProTools and all the possibilities, but there's quite a lot to hold in your head, right

Thanks again.... and now I'll enjoy Wait A Minute again!

Best regards,


Stixxs 09-12-2007 11:54 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

Here I finished it! it sounds huge now. I found vintage strings VST for free, and I was really surprised by the sound.

Nice stuff Joz,

How'd you do the drums...if i might ask?

...Or the signal chain for the production would be sweet.


Joz 09-12-2007 06:25 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
The drums are 100% real. There are overheads and room mics, and I never mic the bottom snare. We rent the kit, and professionally tune it. And is extremely important to check for phase issues between ALL of the mics, even if the phase is fine at tracking you gotta check every time you adjust EQ on a drum track and every time you insert another plug-in. When you EQ, especially the low freqs, it almost always changes the phase. Trust me I ruined many recordings in the past by not doing this thoroughly. I added a couple of dbs on the overheads at 7k, and low pass everything below 6k on the room mics. That way I can turn up the room tracks (a lot) without bringing a lot of cymbals. I automated the room tracks at the tom part in the middle of the song, turned them up about 7 dbs higher than the rest of the song. Of course there are a billion other things to take into account like, brand of drum set (Ludwig and Pork Pie are by far the best to me) the room where you record, mics, micing technique, and drummer!! And you can't get a good drum sound if the rest of the tracks don't work frequency wise. Now that has a lot to do with production.



Stixxs 09-12-2007 08:32 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks Man,

That's not the 002 pres and conversion...is it?

Really nice production nontheless!

Stixxs 09-12-2007 08:39 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Sorry just read the Brent Averill pre post.


IntelDoc 09-13-2007 06:52 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
One thing.... unless it was te desired effect, the auotune is a bit heavy on "Wait A minute" That Cher effect is really prominent in the slower verses. Going for that? or.....? I personally have gotten away from Autotune and gotten onboard with Melodyne.

Jut saying, it is pretty obvious in some of her more dramatic parts.


Naagzh 09-13-2007 09:25 AM

Re: Overnight Lows

The drums are 100% real. There are overheads and room mics, and I never mic the bottom snare. We rent the kit, and professionally tune it. And is extremely important to check for phase issues between ALL of the mics, even if the phase is fine at tracking you gotta check every time you adjust EQ on a drum track and every time you insert another plug-in. When you EQ, especially the low freqs, it almost always changes the phase. Trust me I ruined many recordings in the past by not doing this thoroughly. I added a couple of dbs on the overheads at 7k, and low pass everything below 6k on the room mics. That way I can turn up the room tracks (a lot) without bringing a lot of cymbals. I automated the room tracks at the tom part in the middle of the song, turned them up about 7 dbs higher than the rest of the song. Of course there are a billion other things to take into account like, brand of drum set (Ludwig and Pork Pie are by far the best to me) the room where you record, mics, micing technique, and drummer!! And you can't get a good drum sound if the rest of the tracks don't work frequency wise. Now that has a lot to do with production.



Sweet man! Glad to hear someone isn't relying on samples for that roominess, and understands the value of a good drummer! I'm curious about your decisions regarding phase: which tracks ended up flipped according to your expectations, which ended up flipped to your surprise, and which plugs necessitated the phase inversion(s)? Also (if you want to divulge) how'd you tune/mic/muffle the bass drum? And what and where were the room mics? I really like the idea of rolling off the highs on them; I've done this myself in the past to an extent, but I'll try it a bit more severe next time. Thanks for all the tips!

At the risk of overextending my welcome, would you mind posting a screenshot of the drums in the mix window?

luffe 09-13-2007 10:16 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Doc, you're right about the Cher effect. I noticed it too. Don't know if it was intentional, but I like the sound and think it suits the song very well.

Doc, I visited your web site. Impressive! I listened to a lot of great sounding music. It is obvious that you are an experienced producer Tell me one thing, 'cause I know you know. Lateley I've been listening to several country artists f.ex. Rascal Flatts. IMHO these country act's vocals sound stunning. How are they achieving that sound that are common for many country stars. I think they have a bit of the Cher effect or maybe vocal harmonizer kind of sound to them??? Is Autotune supposed to bring any effect to the recorded track btw?

Hope to hear from you.

Best regards,


IntelDoc 09-13-2007 11:45 AM

Re: Overnight Lows
Thanks first off. AS for your questions..... I think it realy bowls down to talent, financing and good use of plugins and preamps, prodicing and engineering. Mic choice is everything for the singer. Bad mic, good performance = medeocre sound in my mind. Great mic choice, great performance, great engineer and proper use of chain = key to successful sound. Alot of the coutry singers can sing their asses off too. Especially the females that do not whine about their boyfriends.

As for Autotune. I personally HATE the Cher effect and honestly find it a poor use of the plug. That is of course unless the desired effect is that, CHER. That is why I asked Joz if that was his goal as I know he understands and uses the sotware he has well. Some people thrw it on there and let it ride. That is when it goes south. I just finished a record where the label sent me material that was already autotuned and for ROCK, that is bad. SEND YOUR MIX ENGINEER, RAW, UNEFFECTED TRACKS. Please! So it sounded dlike a vibrato gone south. An NO, sutotune is not suppsed to affect the sound, it is supposed to TUNE the vocals that are slightly out.

So long story short on vocals. They are doing alot of take, a lot of processing and a lot of work to achieve that perfection that you hear. Lotsd of analog too I am pretty sure.

P.S. There is definitely some plugin tuning on the Flats CD. Listening to it now. Lots of doubling going on too in parts. Just a big production on the whole scheme of things.


luffe 09-13-2007 12:31 PM

Re: Overnight Lows
Doc, thank you so much for taking the time to answer. Really nice of you. It is really rewarding to talk to people like you and Joz and other great members who actually have a lot of experience and know-how - and actually willing to share. I am into this recording stuff on an amateur basis only, not to become a Justin Niebank or similar...hehe. But I am still interested in making my recordings sounding as good as possible with the tools available, so all the input from here is valuable in that process. And it can prevent loosing time going in wrong directions that would end up impossible anyway because of budget, gear, equipment etc.... On the other hand all the tips and tricks also help being more inspired to experiment and thats great.

I agree, that many of the country singers of course are amazing singers. No matter how good your equipment are you can't get a poor performance shining....!

Regarding the Rascal Flatts you're probably right about tuning, 'cause their vocals are sharp as a razor blade!!!

I guess all the music on your site is produced by yourself, right?

Best regards,


IntelDoc 09-13-2007 02:22 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

I am into this recording stuff on an amateur basis only, not to become a Justin Niebank or similar...

ha! Famous last words.

Thanks and not a prob. On here when I can.

All the stuff, yes I produced and engineered on my site.


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