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IntelDoc 11-16-2006 03:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well FINALLY the Guys from BABA G' NUSH finished up their 5 song EP and we just got it back from mastering up in New York withNathan James at Jigsaw Sound. I have the 5 songs up on my MySpace player in a 320kps format for a little better quality. All I can say is all the hard worked paid off. This thing turned out great1 Check it out and hit them up on MySpace too when ya can.

The tunes are at my myspace:





Jack Rabbit 11-19-2006 04:17 AM

Roy, IntelDoc, (anyone who has advice),

I'm having a lot of trouble with esses. I know my recordings are not so high-quality that it really matters that much, but anyway. My current method, which I learned from an engineer in a studio in San Francisco, is to use a separate vocal reverb send whose aux track has the high end rolled off, but it makes the reverb murky, so I end up bringing up the regular reverb send to compensate, and the esses return in all their ear-lancing brightness. Rolling off the treble on the vocal track kills the dynamics of the vocals (in my opinion), and I haven't found the de-esser function of the Digirack Compressor very helpful. Mic techniques notwithstanding, can I get some general de-essing advice?

Roy, thanks for listening to Jeremy, Johnny-O, Josiane. It was fun recording it. I wrote it as a folksong about a decade ago, but when I sat down to record it, I had been listening to an old Subhumans record all day. Here's my latest, complete with splashy esses.

IntelDoc, moving to your general area in Nov 07...I think...maybe. Anyway, your site, sounds, and studio are amazing. I would really love to come record a demo there.

IntelDoc 11-19-2006 08:07 AM

Re: de-essing
Jack Rabbit,
Thanks, if I am still here not a prob, may be moving to Denver and am trying to get my house ready to sell.

Have you tried the waves de-es plug? More later, gotta run

Get in touch when you are in town. More on De-esss.. later... Pop screen, or two i a good first defense.


Aussie169 11-19-2006 02:51 PM

Re: de-essing
You can also try volume automation.
It can be tedious, but a little automated dip in volume on the strong "esss" sounds can work well.

rogerhavoc 11-20-2006 02:32 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Playing with drums.... Just for fun!!! I did on my MacBook Pro.





rogerhavoc 11-20-2006 07:34 PM

Re: de-essing
Playing "with" drums.... Just for fun!!!




4times4mil 11-21-2006 01:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nice!! What are you using to record vocals?

4times4mil 11-21-2006 02:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry about this post ending up here. I was complementing a guy about a new son and ended up here!

Aussie169 11-24-2006 08:37 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Haven't posted anything for a long time.
Been building a new studio.

Here's a track from our first paying customer.
Band's a bit inexperienced and loose, but I'm pretty happy with the mix.

700 Daze


Roy Howell 11-25-2006 12:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Haven't posted anything for a long time.
Been building a new studio.

Here's a track from our first paying customer.
Band's a bit inexperienced and loose, but I'm pretty happy with the mix.

700 Daze


The new studio is sounding great, Mark....and nice job on the mix.


Roy Howell 11-25-2006 12:30 PM

Re: de-essing

Roy, IntelDoc, (anyone who has advice),

I'm having a lot of trouble with esses. I know my recordings are not so high-quality that it really matters that much, but anyway. My current method, which I learned from an engineer in a studio in San Francisco, is to use a separate vocal reverb send whose aux track has the high end rolled off, but it makes the reverb murky, so I end up bringing up the regular reverb send to compensate, and the esses return in all their ear-lancing brightness. Rolling off the treble on the vocal track kills the dynamics of the vocals (in my opinion), and I haven't found the de-esser function of the Digirack Compressor very helpful. Mic techniques notwithstanding, can I get some general de-essing advice?

Roy, thanks for listening to Jeremy, Johnny-O, Josiane. It was fun recording it. I wrote it as a folksong about a decade ago, but when I sat down to record it, I had been listening to an old Subhumans record all day. Here's my latest, complete with splashy esses.

Jack Rabbit...so sorry for the late reply. Email me when you can and I can help with the DeEsser, and more.....too much to go into here.


Roy Howell 11-25-2006 12:40 PM

Re: de-essing

Playing "with" drums.... Just for fun!!!




Nice, Rogerio....the low-B guits sound great, as do the drums. How've you been? In Cali now? Brazil?...both?

Nice job on this... -Roy

zebra_elements 11-26-2006 04:27 AM

hi im new here and i see you guys are giving eachother feedback towards mixing of songs
i got this new project here and i wondered if u people can give feedback. you can be honest, im not scared

a friend made an electro breakbeat accoustic album, and he needed an ingeneer and main producer for this one.

guitars and vocals are recorded with a dynamic mic, senheiser (exept "stop" vox and guitars are recorded with sontronics s2 at home in my livingroom.
drums are from samplers
everything is recorded with cheap soundcart and edited in nuendo.

im mixed in mbox 2 in protools with waves 5 and pluggo chamberverb
all fyles went tru the mindprint dtc tube, to warm it up
and all is mixed on event type bass speakers.
its not mastered, did not use L1+ or L2 or any mastering plugin so far.

hope to hear from you guys
peace peter


rogerhavoc 11-28-2006 11:48 AM

Re: de-essing

Nice, Rogerio....the low-B guits sound great, as do the drums. How've you been? In Cali now? Brazil?...both?

Nice job on this... -Roy

Hey Roy... Thanks!!!! i have been extremely busy with work lately... I'm doing Video Editing more than ever... All the songs that i write now are being used on my TV show. BTW, here is a teaser for the new show coming up: Icer Air 2006 - San Francisco

What about you, what have you been up to? Hope all is well...


bzldzl 11-28-2006 03:22 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Basement studio, all recording via ptle and reason, plug ins only. Mastered off location.


Working our next one currently.

Ryan Taylor 12-01-2006 09:05 PM

Feedback Please!!
My first mix with my 002R and PTLE 6.4
I didn't track it, they just bought me the raw tracks from a tracking session they did elsewhere.

Band are some young friends of mine from the local area.

At the moment I only have BOSE 101s to monitor through, so any advice/feedback from you seasoned pros would be great!!
Thanks so much.

'Excuse me' by Same Old Story: www.jcsmotorsport.com/nitrolx/excuse_me.mp3

Roy Howell 12-04-2006 02:21 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

Here's a new one...3 singers from 3 different countries. Hal Butler(memphis/USA), Paul Curtiz(Belgium), and Anna Biehl(Sweden)...mastered by Ola Sonmark(Sweden)....me, music/lyric/guitars.

thanks for listening... -Roy

In My Head

Aussie169 12-04-2006 05:38 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

Here's a new one...3 singers from 3 different countries. Hal Butler(memphis/USA), Paul Curtiz(Belgium), and Anna Biehl(Sweden)...mastered by Ola Sonmark(Sweden)....me, music/lyric/guitars.

thanks for listening... -Roy

In My Head

All bow to the master!

rogerhavoc 12-04-2006 06:59 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

Here's a new one...3 singers from 3 different countries. Hal Butler(memphis/USA), Paul Curtiz(Belgium), and Anna Biehl(Sweden)...mastered by Ola Sonmark(Sweden)....me, music/lyric/guitars.

thanks for listening... -Roy

In My Head

This is GENIUS work!!!! So GOOD!!!! This song is IN MY HEAD now!

Everything is so good.

Roy Howell 12-05-2006 01:01 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!
Aussie and Rogerio.......thanks!...

sfraire 12-06-2006 04:10 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

Here's a new one...3 singers from 3 different countries. Hal Butler(memphis/USA), Paul Curtiz(Belgium), and Anna Biehl(Sweden)...mastered by Ola Sonmark(Sweden)....me, music/lyric/guitars.

thanks for listening... -Roy

In My Head

mr Roy Howell this song is really good, thanks for posting what you done, is there any way that you can share with us some of the process you use for this song, I mean like did you track everything yourself, if so did you only use the 002rack or did you use any another gear, did you mix it on protools and did your mastered it also on protools? sorry if this seems like a lot of question but i am curious because when i heard this track i was like wow, now that sounds like a good track,

hope you can share what you can

thanks in advance


Roy Howell 12-07-2006 01:43 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!
sergio.....thanks so much...I will gladly post some specifics on the session, but can't right now. I did use an 002R/PT7/32 tracks........thanks, and more later.


In My Head

sfraire 12-07-2006 02:33 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

sergio.....thanks so much...I will gladly post some specifics on the session, but can't right now. I did use an 002R/PT7/32 tracks........thanks, and more later.


thans alot Roy

MrJohnoCarillon 12-07-2006 02:39 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!
hey all!! just noticed that i can show off my music here!!

have a listen and let me know what you think!

PLEASE feel free to add me as a friend if you have a myspace page!




please give me your feedback!

many many thanks!


Shawn Ames 12-08-2006 01:33 PM

Looking for some help...
Yea... below is a song I did recently with a band. The song is turning out pretty good for the time invested but I was wondering if anyone had any input on how to make the mix less boxy sounding... The vocals seem to sound boxy... That and I have a hard time finding a balance in the low end with bass and kick drum. I guess I'm looking for more clarity without being boom hissy...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Shawn Ames

The song: Give It Up.v.5

The band is called Dream For Underwood and they are pretty sweet. I just want to make them sound good.

psavdonim1 12-09-2006 08:51 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

2 songs, one protools, and serato 30 day-demo

result: one great meshup!



David Penick 12-09-2006 09:08 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I tried the link you provided, but you have to have an account to log in. Is there any other way to access your stuff?

edwardo 12-09-2006 09:39 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I would like to humbly submit 2 short jingles that I did to open and close an English-language project for a Swedish publisher. Done with Garage Band, Sample Tank, and 4 saxophones (played by yours truly.)
Neumann U87 for the horns.
Here are the links:

Dual 2.5
OS 10.3.8
PTLE 6.9

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm self-taught when it comes to recording, and obviously have a lot to learn-I work mostly with post-production.


psavdonim1 12-09-2006 12:03 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

I tried the link you provided, but you have to have an account to log in. Is there any other way to access your stuff?

hello there

can't you press the link "click here to start download" ?
no account needed


Roy Howell 12-12-2006 02:09 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!


Here's a new one...3 singers from 3 different countries. Hal Butler(memphis/USA), Paul Curtiz(Belgium), and Anna Biehl(Sweden)...mastered by Ola Sonmark(Sweden)....me, music/lyric/guitars.

thanks for listening... -Roy

In My Head

mr Roy Howell this song is really good......you can share with us some of the process you use for this song...

thanks in advance


ok sergio...

Percussion- used edited Stylus loops and Reason to trigger various one-hits.
Bass- played a little $200 Ibanez through a GreatRiver mp-2nv(Pre), and a tweaked amplitube setting.
Main guitar(including solos)- UniValve head/1-12 Mesa cab...mics, Gefell M930 and senn e609...also used some tweaked GuitRig here and there.

3 solo vocals on this, as well as BGVs, so...
Solo 1/chain- Waves DeEsser, SSL eq, Antares Tube(very slight), RenComp, RenVox
Solo 2(female vocal)- Waves DeEsser, SSL Channel, RenComp, RenVox
Solo 3- Waves DeEsser, RenComp, RenVox (no eq needed)
BGVs main- SSL eq, Antares Tube, RenComp
More BGV's(Ooh's)- SSL eq, RenComp

Used 2 IRverbs slightly on this and that...one short, one long.

Various RH guitar/mandolin samples.

Mastered ITB by Ola Sonmark/Sweden... chain/Waves C4, Elemental Equium, URS SSL, URS Fulltec and Waves L3 Multiband.

Hope that helps in some way, and thanks for listening.


David Penick 12-13-2006 06:19 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Yes. Thanks, it worked. Checking it out now.

sfraire 12-13-2006 08:48 AM

Re: Feedback Please!!

ok sergio...

Percussion- used edited Stylus loops and Reason to trigger various one-hits.
Bass- played a little $200 Ibanez through a GreatRiver mp-2nv(Pre), and a tweaked amplitube setting.
Main guitar(including solos)- UniValve head/1-12 Mesa cab...mics, Gefell M930 and senn e609...also used some tweaked GuitRig here and there.

3 solo vocals on this, as well as BGVs, so...
Solo 1/chain- Waves DeEsser, SSL eq, Antares Tube(very slight), RenComp, RenVox
Solo 2(female vocal)- Waves DeEsser, SSL Channel, RenComp, RenVox
Solo 3- Waves DeEsser, RenComp, RenVox (no eq needed)
BGVs main- SSL eq, Antares Tube, RenComp
More BGV's(Ooh's)- SSL eq, RenComp

Used 2 IRverbs slightly on this and that...one short, one long.

Various RH guitar/mandolin samples.

Mastered ITB by Ola Sonmark/Sweden... chain/Waves C4, Elemental Equium, URS SSL, URS Fulltec and Waves L3 Multiband.

Hope that helps in some way, and thanks for listening.


thanks a lot for taking the time to share, this helps me a lot,, you did a really great job at this song, and in LE I hope one day I can do the same,, thanks again this is encouraging.


Roy Howell 12-13-2006 02:31 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!
Glad to help, sergio...

edwardo 12-14-2006 04:56 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Anybody feel like checking out my 2 little bits? Just above in the thread? Anybody? Nobody?


David Penick 12-14-2006 07:28 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I'm downloading them now. I'll get back to you when I check them out. Sounds Latin-y and cool.

Harpo 12-14-2006 01:48 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

hey all!! just noticed that i can show off my music here!!

have a listen and let me know what you think!

PLEASE feel free to add me as a friend if you have a myspace page!




please give me your feedback!

many many thanks!


I keep getting "connection failed" when I try to play the songs. Might be a MySpace quirk...I'll try again later.

I may as well put my MySpace music up for scrutiny as well. I used an M-Box with version 6.1. (I'm in love with Pro Tools.) A Boss 880 drum machine, Amplitube, and Sampletank were used in addition to the regular guitar and amp things.

For the most part, these sound the way they sounded in my head. But any critique is welcome. I'm most proud of "These Hands". (Because it's my latest....go figure, right?)

7 Wyatts

Harpo 12-14-2006 01:57 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!

sergio.....thanks so much...I will gladly post some specifics on the session, but can't right now. I did use an 002R/PT7/32 tracks........thanks, and more later.


In My Head

Love the guitar playing!

Roy Howell 12-15-2006 09:44 PM

Re: Feedback Please!!


In My Head

Love the guitar playing!

thanks Harpo...

superpenguin79 12-19-2006 07:09 AM

Re: Feedback Please!!
Hey guys, got a few new ones, plus a few DUC collabs up that have been happening over in the TR for a bit. check it out here. We also have a brand new DUC collab called Swing Thing in the works.

Roy: nice work as always man. How are things?

Harpo 12-22-2006 05:10 AM

New one!
I feel so darn prolific....Just finished a new one and put it up on MySpace. Cranked up the guitars for this one and got all sarcastic. But couldn't shake the ABBA influence for the chorus and stuck a flamenco guitar solo in the middle of it all. It can be done!

Isn't music fun? It's called "Brood".


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