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Gene Backlin 10-20-2004 09:58 AM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!

How 'bout you Gene: I think a choral recording would be great for the diversity of the project!

Hey Chris, Wow, Thank you for asking. I just finished one concert, I have another this Sunday and will post some of that stuff. Do you want it seasonal, or what ? Also, when is the deadline for submissions ?

Thanks again for asking.

Take Care,

IntelDoc 10-20-2004 10:43 AM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
I am in... Can I submit a few, and the PORN VIBE! Gotta have PORN on X-mas man.... Tis' the season to be jolly..... right???

- No, I have a few that may be alright?

- Doc

Chris Cavell 10-20-2004 10:46 AM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!

The deadline hasn't been determined yet. It can be seasonal, secular, or religious...there are really no limitations whatsoever at this point.

I think you (or your daughter) might enjoy this recording so I'll go ahead and post it for you...it's VERY old but one I still keep around on my resume disc. Believe it or not, this was recorded with a single microphone...if memory serves me, a Neumann sm69 (old silver fet model, not reissue...so somewhat noisy by today's standards) into one of Wes Dooley's discontinued MS380 TX pre's (also noisy imo, but the builtin matrixing makes it an ideal choice for this app) straight to a tascam DA-P1 16 bit dat machine. There is NO additional reverb or spatial processing applied to these...just a great room (minus the noisy air conditioning) This women's group led by Dr. Sara Lynn Baird tours all over the world:

the LSU Women's Chorus with small chamber ensemble and a cappella.


Captain_Pants 10-20-2004 11:00 AM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Hey Chris. I would love the opportunity to participate. I dont have a working PC at the moment, but I expect to soon. I hope something good can come from this.

Good idea Chris!


And, Im not trying to disuay anyone, but remember the DUC XMAS CD songs must be recieved by me before NOV 15TH!

Gene Backlin 10-20-2004 11:17 AM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!

I think you (or your daughter) might enjoy this recording so I'll go ahead and post it for you

Just Lovely ! Sounds like it was a wonderful setting, and you did a Great job capturing it !

I have my daughter's group for the entire year, plus a non live recording for 2 CD Releases. The final performance of the year is going to be in a Church with the entire 110 piece choir, Brass quintet and possible pipe organ. I am pumped.

Thanks again for posting that stuff, it is just Wonderful !

I have 2 more selections from last Thursday.


Take Care,

Roy Howell 10-20-2004 04:28 PM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
The new mix sounds better to me...I like some of those good guitar sounds especially. Are you still working on this one?

Hey Chris,
I agree that you should post about the song thing in it's own thread so more people will see it. Some might miss it here...but of course, it's up to you.

bigbubbaj 10-20-2004 04:53 PM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!

I feel like I am always working on stuff. BUT, that one is probably done from a tracking perspective. A buddy did some leads, that are a little too sloppy for my taste, but what is a guy to do...

Any suggestions?

saltine 10-21-2004 04:41 AM

listen to my very first LP !
Hello everyone !

I have finished my very first LP entitled "does it make you feel sad ?"
It has been recorded with a Digi001 ptle531 running on Win XP.

You can listen to some extracts on my website :


I hope you will enjoy !

NB : thanks to everyone ; even if I don't write often, I have found very precious tricks here.

DR.Loop 10-21-2004 12:04 PM

Post deleted by DR.Loop

Roy Howell 10-21-2004 07:56 PM

Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Those LSU recordings are great, especially #1 to me(maybe because the strings make it seem cooler.. )...really amazing if just one mike was used...great job as usual.

Now downloading the other new songs to hear tonight...

Roy Howell 10-22-2004 02:35 AM

I like the new 'harder' guitar you added(all the guitars sound good)...I liked the setup in the first 45-60ish seconds of 'Cover my face/#1' more than this one...just a little better setup I thought(cleaner, the major/minor melody works better). But it's sounding good....good job so far.

Roy Howell 10-22-2004 03:21 AM

They sound great...really enjoyed both of them...

DR.Loop 10-22-2004 07:20 AM

Yep....I hear you Roy,

I woke up this morning with a new set of ears and A/B them back to back and i must agree with you. Lets see if i can work the new guitar in it somehow. Maybe ...maybe not.


WestPhillySoulzition 10-22-2004 08:32 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Some new tracks
this isnt radio garbage. its jazz infused groove soul . I do the tracks in one night and then put them to bed. tell me what you think, reviews are key.
thanks for listening.


WestPhillySoulzition 10-22-2004 08:33 AM

some new tracks
this isnt radio garbage. its jazz infused groove soul . I do the tracks in one night and then put them to bed. tell me what you think, reviews are key.
thanks for listening.


Chris Cavell 10-22-2004 11:57 AM

Okey dokey everyone...we've got only three submission to the 2004 best of the DUC album contest. I'll give it until monday before I give it it's own thread so the non-regulars of the "let's hear your latest" thread can have a shot too. It doesn't have to be "new"...just something you put up in 2004. Don't feel discouraged if you think your tune doesn't fit the "genre" of the album...the greater the variety the better I think.

Here's the page I'll use for it:

I'm obviously not a web-designer, so if someone could churn something out a little better looking...I'd be very thankful.


Chris Cavell 10-22-2004 12:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Those LSU recordings are great, especially #1 to me(maybe because the strings make it seem cooler.. )...really amazing if just one mike was used...great job as usual.

Now downloading the other new songs to hear tonight...

Thanks Roy! I've made an insane amount of live classical recordings over the years (more than 100 per year for the past 6 years or so is a conservative estimate) I'm not at that job anymore but I've still got several recordings I've hung onto from years past. I think you'd be surprised to see just how many classical recordings are made with a single carefully placed stereo or surround mic. My favorites for this type of "purist" recording style are:

AKG C24 ( link )
akg c426 b comb
neumann sm69 (this link is to the newer reissue...I used to use the original)
I like to use the aforementioned in blumlein configurations; b/c they are all large di and the figure 8 patterns reduce the amount of off axis coloration often found when using m/s with these mics. For m/s I like to use small di's. ( schoeps m/s page )

And for surround there were the schoeps and dpa(or b&k) mics placed in a decca tree configuration. A lot of people like neumanns for this, but I prefer the b&k's. ( streicher's take on the decca tree...it takes a while to load )

If I find the time, I might put up a couple of other classical recordings I'm proud of (Verdi's Requiem kicked butt!!! that would be a good one).

Now that I no longer work at that facility, I don't have those super nice mics at my disposal (sure I could call in favors to friends...but I don't like doing that usually)...I've been thinking about the comparatively super-cheap LSD2 from studio projects ( link ). If it lives up to the reputation of the newfound influx of super-cheap mics...I'll be happy.

Jet Recording 10-22-2004 01:14 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Well, here is my first official recording using my set up. It's a jazz trio. I didnt post the whole tune, just a little over a minute to give you guys a feel for it. I think the overheads may need to come down hair now that i've listened to it again..oh well.

Harbor Street Trio Sample

badperson 10-23-2004 07:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
yeah chris, those choral recordings were both top notch, you got a fantastice sound.

and gene; your "agnus dei" is by far the best thing I've heard you do, you really got a fantastic sound for that one. Your others were good, but you could tell it was a performance with a real room sound, this sounded like it could be on the radio.

Great work, both keep it up.


Aussie169 10-23-2004 10:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah Chris, they are great.
What model B&K's were you using back then?

Chris Cavell 10-23-2004 11:37 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Unfortunately, the model number eludes recollection at the moment. What I can tell you is that they were B&K's, not DPA's and were phantom powered...so they had to be toward the end of B&K Pro Audio's production. They were free-field omni's, in a matched set with a beautiful case and two extra "screens" per mic for changing the frequency response characteristics. They were half incher's too...not the super tiny's or the larges. That info probably would narrow it down to a single model number...but I just can't recall that number for the life of me right now.

Gene Backlin 10-23-2004 04:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

gene; your "agnus dei" is by far the best thing I've heard you do, you really got a fantastic sound for that one...this sounded like it could be on the radio.

Thank you Jason, it was my favorite of the whole concert. It litterally sent chills up my back, especially the beginning before the piano comes in. I really enjoy these kids, they are just so sincere.

Take Care,

Aussie169 10-23-2004 06:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Unfortunately, the model number eludes recollection at the moment. What I can tell you is that they were B&K's, not DPA's and were phantom powered...so they had to be toward the end of B&K Pro Audio's production. They were free-field omni's, in a matched set with a beautiful case and two extra "screens" per mic for changing the frequency response characteristics. They were half incher's too...not the super tiny's or the larges. That info probably would narrow it down to a single model number...but I just can't recall that number for the life of me right now.

I have ready access to a pair of B&K 4007's which are the tiny diaphram omnis. Fantastic sound and almost zero self noise. I can open my Buzz Audio pre right up and all I can hear in the cans is ambiant sounds. Every other mic add some degree of hiss in the same test.
The only reason I don't use them more is that they'll really show up a bad room LOL

Roy Howell 10-23-2004 11:54 PM



some new tracks
this isnt radio garbage. its jazz infused groove soul . I do the tracks in one night and then put them to bed. tell me what you think, reviews are key.
thanks for listening.


Some very nice grooves here...good variety...good job in this genre.

bigbubbaj 10-24-2004 08:12 PM

I wrote and recorded this song in memory of my dog, Jollie who passed away last week.

Thanks to Dan Walker(http://www.danwalkermusic.net ) for recording vocals and harmonica.

It is a bit sentimental, but you might like it anyhow.
Run To Heaven

Info on the song and others available at 5198 Studios


Roy Howell 10-25-2004 03:03 PM

Good song...a very heartfelt dedication and well done...thanks for posting it.

skyking 10-27-2004 05:48 PM

heres a full length version of a song i posted on another site a month er so ago..this site works better than the other one.......chas


spkguitar 10-27-2004 08:51 PM

By My Side

Here's a new one I've been working on. It's not even hardly mixed, but the pieces are coming together.

spkguitar 10-27-2004 09:00 PM

Justin - Great dedication to jollie. Well done.

Skyking - I really like that tune.

bigbubbaj 10-28-2004 10:26 AM

Roy, Shawn...Thanks!

Shawn - By my side is a cool tune. Nice prechorus/chorus. Like that part a lot.

A bit on the depressing side. But very brave self-expression. Takes big balls to write a song like that. Job hunt got you down?

I think a lot of people can identify with your message.


DR.Loop 10-28-2004 10:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi all!

I just posted a new song called Falling Away .It is my first recording with my Les Paul.

I apologize for not writing back on the songs i do check out.There is a lot talent out here and i enjoy ever moment of listening to you all. Great stuff people! I will try to do better in the future to responding to the material i listen to.

Thanks for checking me out as always!

spkguitar 10-28-2004 10:48 AM

Justin, thanks!
By My Side is actually a song I wrote about 10 years ago right before I got married. Yes, it was originally about my ex-wife, though now in hindsight...

I had writers block for awhile and decided to go through some old stuff. This was one of the better ones I came across.

Job hunting sucks but I'm not letting it get me down. I'll find something. At least I'm getting to spend a lot of time with my daughter.

bigbubbaj 10-28-2004 11:02 AM

Shawn -



Cool guitars. Drums are way too low for a song like this IMHO. Samples, I take it? Real drums would add some rockin feel to this. I like the riffs, but the whole thing seems to lack that "rocking-ness" one would get when a song drives one to "head nodding". Maybe it is because the guitars are so rocking.

As I am reading this back it sounds a bit harsh, but you need a drummer Dr. Loop! Your guitars are played and recorded awesomely.

let us know when you finish it!


skyking 10-28-2004 11:15 AM

Re: heres another tune
i loaded another song up called "you cant take it with you" at this site...http://user.cybrzn.com/skyking/...........kind of if you mated toby keith with the cars type song that i wrote.......chas


Randlerawk 10-28-2004 01:21 PM

Any metal fans?
This is band whos members I grew up with and they needed a demo. Just picked up sound replacer and thought i'd better use it becasue the kid can play the drums he just cant tune em. check it out.

download bloodstained sunsets. dont stream it, it wont sound as good.

Let me know what you guys think.


bigbubbaj 10-28-2004 02:16 PM

Re: heres another tune
You cant take it with you is a Cool song. Good recording.

kds 10-28-2004 10:42 PM

sweet dude! Is that you singing? I like the vocals.

DR.Loop 10-28-2004 11:08 PM

Hey Justin,

Thanks for checking it out and what you said is not harsh at all. Any honest feedback is great!
Fresh ears will pick up stuff i don't hear right away or not at all.

I agree the drums are a little low.I am going bring them up a little bit more and yes the drums are loops. I would love to find a drummer to lay down some rockin drum tracks as well as a singer.

Just got the Les Paul and really digging how it sounds recorded.

Thanks for feedback and compliment on the guitars in Falling Away .


Roy Howell 10-29-2004 12:20 AM



By My Side

Here's a new one I've been working on. It's not even hardly mixed, but the pieces are coming together.

Man, I really enjoyed that...every part of it is well done(very nice solo... )...I can hear the honesty in your lead vocal and lyrics, and everything else complements that. Good song...good job.

spkguitar 10-29-2004 12:25 AM

I'm building on the vocals a little, adding some harmonies, and I might take out or change the organ; I'm not totally satisfied with it.

Thanks again!

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