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vocalvoodoo 02-14-2007 03:48 PM

First Mix - Rock/Rap
Hey all,

Here is a tune I just got done mixing. It's not my band, but a friends band who I did this for. (Third Union) It's my first "real" mix, so I'll love feedback. For years I've done radio imaging and spot prod, so this is my first real stab at mixing a full song other than the bullcrap I tried to record years ago. lol

All things considered, I think it turned out pretty good. Although non-biased ears are what I'm looking for.

Third Union - It Doesn't Take Much


corTools 02-16-2007 09:57 AM

Re: First Mix - Rock/Rap
It has been well over a year since I've posted here...I cannot even remember my usernames.

I didn't plan on posting any music but got caught up listening. Basically, there is definitely some good stuff happening on here...wow.

Anyway, one of the songs for my band Cruelty Free was recorded by me and a friend on a 002. We used a Rosetta for our A/D and ext. clock and alot of cool mics/pres. If you are interested, listen to 'Spring Meets Summer' (the rest was recorded/produced by other folks at diff. places).
BTW, the song hasn't been mastered, just has some comp/limit thrown on for now.

Thanks, Corey

Creeping_Cruds 02-16-2007 11:03 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's my latest solo disaster/masterpiece... FRIED CHICKEN!

Roy Howell 02-19-2007 09:34 PM

Re: First Mix - Rock/Rap

Hey all,

Here is a tune I just got done mixing. It's not my band, but a friends band who I did this for. (Third Union) It's my first "real" mix, so I'll love feedback. For years I've done radio imaging and spot prod, so this is my first real stab at mixing a full song other than the bullcrap I tried to record years ago. lol

All things considered, I think it turned out pretty good. Although non-biased ears are what I'm looking for.

Third Union - It Doesn't Take Much


Nice job, Josh...

Saar 02-20-2007 05:06 PM

Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army

Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army

check out my mash-up at:

vocalvoodoo 02-21-2007 01:34 AM

Re: First Mix - Rock/Rap
Thanks Roy.

superpenguin79 02-22-2007 02:24 PM

Re: First Mix - Rock/Rap
(start rant here)man.... no offense against anyone caus I know a lot of you that post in here, but seriously will everyone please get over posting music on the mysuck.com pages?

seriously with all the malware infestations, and corporate government spy crap that goes on on that site, why does anyone use it? Its not going to make music any more popular, and half the people that attempt to join your friends list (DUC people not included) on there are not really your friends and don't give 2 cents about your music...

Personally this is just my humble opinion, but I'd even listen to more music on here if it were posted in low res mp3 format than posting music on musuck.com... that site is so evil and such a waste of time... (end rant here)

and now back to your regularly scheduled program..

mattdubois 02-24-2007 09:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

and if you don't mind linking to an external site:


IntelDoc 02-24-2007 06:53 PM

Re: First Mix - Rock/Rap
I am guessing that you are talking about MySpace. In all reality man, and I hate to say this, but I had most of my business last year with myspace. Free marketing is free marketing. Whether or not they track, etc. Pretty much any music site does this and is done vey easily. If you have server space and link it to a external player it is even better. There are a few crazy fanatical people on there that live, breathe and eat it up like it is the existence of man. That makes me laugh.

Otehrwise, free marketing is free marketing amigo.


Stiff 02-26-2007 03:21 AM

Re: First Mix - Rock/Rap
Wow... been a while since I checked this thread out! I really dig your latest song Roy!
Now I'll have to check the last 100 posts or so

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