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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That what I meant...there were NO similarities...you saying you can hear them?
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I think what was being made was that they were originally designed to be cheap clone of the 103's. I do hear some similarities. The 435's are definitely brighter though. Sensitivity is higher on the TLM-103. They both are very clear.
As for the link, I think that my provider is giving me some issues right now. New provider and I am working out the bugs. It is at PLACE 2 or at least it was... - Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah, I'd like to hear some A/B tests Doc if you get a chance. I need to get two cheap condesors to use here and there as needed and I've heard they sound good on guitars. I'm debating on getting those or a pair of pencils (oktava if I can find the real thing). Thanks
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Honestly I recommend the 012's and the 435's as they can be used for a lot of stuff, and worth having. You can find them probably for under 300 for a pair of 435's and the 012's. Maybe 400, but that is about it. Well worth it.
- Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I have a pair of each...(435 on elec and acoustic gtr, hihat) (012 - acous gtr, drum OH) They are both go-to mics and amazing for the price. The 435 was actually used for the vocal on "Riptide" albeit not a great performance. I also used them on Overheads that day, on his drum kit. RipTide - (high school aged band) |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc, I think I got the download ok. I feel your pain about new host providers. I am actually going through the same deal at the moment as my other provider was not reliable and I am transfering everything over to a new platform with a new company. it has been hell on ice so to speak, but will be very nice once all the bugs are worked out. Goodluck on your transfer there also!
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Bump, as I'd like to have a little feedback on these 3 extracts from my site : www.i-snor.com The site is only in french for the moment, but is very simple to handle... All you have to do is click on the little dog icon on the top of the landscape, and choose your song... - "Ovale" is a very complicate mix, all done in Pro Tools LE with nice gear attached and a lot of patience. Wait for the big drums ! I used an AGK C-414, a pair of Schoeps cmc6/mk4, TLAudio preamps, a Kurzweil K2500 RS, a Kurzweil KSP8 for most of the FX (reverbs !) and a Digi-002R. The plugs that were used are mostly from URS, PSP and Devine Machine. - "Peur du Noir" means "afraid of the dark", it's mostly a re-creation of a childish fear. The mix is simpler but the ambiance is quite harsh, you'll hear. Needless to say, my neighbours moved one month after this one... - "Superstar" is a more classical thing, made in fact as a song for a movie. Vocal, guitar, bass and drums. I do everything except the basses. Peace. Yann |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nice job on this so far...guitars and vox sound really good. I do miss the bass, and drums sound a little too up front, but I know it's early in your mix. Well recorded as usual, and I'll be listening as you go...The link to the teenage band won't work...Let me know if you put it back up. By the way, have you heard the new Jack Johnson cd?('Between Dreams', I think)... Superb mixing of acoustic guitar and vocals with a few other instruments, usually just bass and drums. Great songs and vocals too. I highly recommend it. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Very nice aura throughout this song...I like the unique arrangement, in that your vocal comes in so late, but works (though the delay is a little thick...just slightly less slapback vol, in my opinion). Guitar is soulfully played. Nice job overall, and I enjoyed listening. -Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Jack Rabbit,
Sorry to just now be replying...busy, busy.....Nice job recording Rebecca Perkins...sounds like a promising writer and I'm glad you're helping her out. Looking for some more of your stuff too. Again, I enjoyed playing on 'crown and anchor'...great song. -Roy |
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