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hookiefree 02-05-2004 08:43 AM

Check it out. You don't even have to comment this time. It took me two hours to read all the responses from the last song I posted!

Milkshake Remix

Roy Howell 02-05-2004 11:01 AM

Re: Reeemix!!!
'Milkshake' sounds great, man...good mix. Couldn't listen to 'what's inyo cup' before (just got SoundClick)...where's the MP3 for it? (works best for me).
thanks, Roy

Roy Howell 02-05-2004 11:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Finally, I have some new stuff. This is quite a change in direction for me, and there a few more similar ones to be uploaded this week. It's abstract, minimal and quite glitchy. It was all done in Ableton Live using cello, piano, tv static and various noise samples to create rhythms. It's quite 'different', hope you like it and thanks for listening.


Nice piece...shows the power of a single note in the right place. This would be great with film, or within a film.
Listen, I just realized I lost 'Southern Chill' in my recent crash (oh man...). Please send me the final mix.
I will email you on this too.
thanks, Roy

editor 02-05-2004 12:34 PM

Re: For Shawn.../Mixing etc.../Drums sounds

I learned that way of mixing from sitting next to some pretty great engineers. Most were careful not to tell me what they were doing, (trade secrets) so I had to watch closely. Shelly Yakus starts out with the tom mics, Clearmountain and most of the other really big name engineers I have dealt with, start out with O.H.'s on drums though. If you can get a good drum, bass guitar and Vocal mix, its a lot easier to add panned instruments like guitars etc... and keep them clear of the vocal. I once asked a great mix engineer his secret for mixing, he said "I Figure that the guy is singing for some reason"... That one stuck with me. Also as a mastering engineer, avoid overall compression, eq and leveling until mastering and hopefully in another room, than the one you mixed in.... let the .mp3's continue.

BTW: I have found that the new netscape 7, plays almost any file type automatically, with no muss no fuss.




Video Boy at work.... some music I did....

Songs with vocals...

Songs Instrumentals...



editor 02-05-2004 12:46 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!
Hey man,

I listened to your Cup mix. Good mix, well done, its ready for the radio, we do what we can do and then let em' go.

All I would say is that performance wise its fine, however, I would like to see you break outta' the box, so that when I hear one of your tunes it stands apart from the pack; and I go now that's that guy who is doing something new and unique with hip hop/Rap, there's no mistakin' this dudes stuff. That's just my shiznit on yo cupzit, with my II zents cause I ain't got fiffy.



Video Boy at work....

some music I did....

Songs with vocals...

Songs Instrumentals...



pk_hat 02-05-2004 01:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Finally, I have some new stuff. This is quite a change in direction for me, and there a few more similar ones to be uploaded this week. It's abstract, minimal and quite glitchy. It was all done in Ableton Live using cello, piano, tv static and various noise samples to create rhythms. It's quite 'different', hope you like it and thanks for listening.


Nice piece...shows the power of a single note in the right place. This would be great with film, or within a film.
Listen, I just realized I lost 'Southern Chill' in my recent crash (oh man...). Please send me the final mix.
I will email you on this too.
thanks, Roy

Hey Roy,

thanks for the kind words,

as a matter of fact, the piece got picked up for a feature film to be released later this year, by a mexican director named Ivan Avila. I actually wrote 4 more cues derived from that piece. The movie is called Adan y Eva. I'll keep you all posted.

editor 02-05-2004 02:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I dug the piece you posted! Ambient has become my favorite type of music to compose over the last ten years or so; as it has become so blatantly clear, that pretty much everything that can be done, has been done in all other forms, except Jazz maybe. If you are going to be original in a mainstream format, it takes a hella, hella original idea, genius even, to approach originality. I mean I like rock, although, it all is starting to sound the same, except for the occasional exceptional artist. I do feel that music that has actual players and not programmed... well everything will make a huge come back; when someone breaks through the current sound barrier and makes a true innovation, a quantum leap in the field. I like all music, yet I also think Rap has reached a point, where there is so much more that could be done, yet isn't, because nobody wants to take a chance, for me one Rap song is as good as another thus far, Rap like Rock has peaked... Rock isn't dead its just peaked, for a while... I remember hearing VanHalen One and when I heard Eddies' guitar solo's I said ... now that goes beyond anything I have ever heard in this format; we need people like Eddie, now in the Rock world, innovators to take us to the next level, which I can taste, but so far cannot get it on to a plate for consumption.

I turned to ambient music, after I found that its so wide open and ripe for originality, its actually fun to compose again... and Brian Eno was the sound track to my surreal days on the tour bus, so its also back to roots for me. I have around 2 or 3 hundred 74 minute ambient tracks that I like to use to frame the sonic atmosphere with, in my house... I just don't have enough server space to post them or I would have first, because they are what excites me most.



hookiefree 02-05-2004 02:46 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!
Thanks fellas.

Roy - I don't have permission to make it a downloadable MP3 but thanks for trying.

editor - I feel you and I'm not going to worry about the mix any more. It is what it is. Hip-hop really isn't my main focus (I'm really into acid jazz and soul) but it sells. I struggled with trying to take it to new levels and be innovative but people aren't too quick to accept new ideas. The radio stations, DJs, and pretty much everybody else brushed off all our previous attempts. One day we listened to what was popular and decided to dummy down our stuff and what do you know, the program director is begging to play it. It's either spend months working on a song just for personal satisfaction or do a track in 2 hours and get sweated for it. If I get to a point where I can make music full time I'll do the kind of music I love and try to take it where it needs to be. Right now I'm just trying to satisfy the beat buying public.

editor 02-05-2004 08:59 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!/In ery 1\'s kup
I hear ya'. The thing I think will happen, is that some talented fellow will discover another dimension, to music its self, finding a way to work within' the frame work the main stream demands... yet undeniably breaking through it from the inside out. Like that Cheech and Chong movie, where Man says "Hey man we want uniforms that are all the same, but different, you know man." LOL

On with the .mp3's



spkguitar 02-05-2004 09:07 PM

First post
OK, it's time for me to take the plunge: my first full song post. It has a few mistakes and newbie blunders in it, some known, and I'm sure some unknown, but I think it's time for me to commit and move on. I've been hiding it in my profile for about a week or two, and IntelDoc found it and was kind enough to do a little mastering for me. Not only is it my first song post, and my first session done from scratch in ProTools, it's my first online collaboration too.


All instruments/voices were played/programmed/sung by me using the rig listed in my signature. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. Thanks Doc!

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