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groovilator 04-25-2004 01:56 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Aussie, thanks for the props on the T Monk jam. Yeah it was a buzz. And at that time I don't think it would have been possible for me to play that well without those guys! The drum issue is unfortunate and it's because I was working with very little and barely knew what I was doing. I was working for a big, spread out sound on a cassette multitracker so I was bouncing tracks together and stuff which I guess is how they did it in the old days. But now I have no way of pumping up the drum tracks without pumping bass and guitar tracks as well. Que sera sera!

I liked "Here it is!" (Maybe you could actually call it that.) I think it would sound great done for real with some dynamics and real playing and stuff. For the lead it might be cool if you did more of a twangy, Dick Dale type of thing. And then maybe as the tune progresses use other vintage guitar sounds to state the theme, different octaves, some doubling, who knows. But something like this could definitely be licensable to a movie or TV show.

katoramone - you guys are great! I love your singer. He certainly has a unique sound compared to the CobainVedderCornell wannabes we've been subjected to for the last several years. And he's definitly a cut above. Your style of rock reminds me of one of my favorite bands, Fiction Plane (featuring Joe Sumner, progeny of Sting). I'll definitely be keeping tabs on Floozy! As for the mixes I was mostly just listening to the band and not the way it was mixed but there were a couple of issues that popped out at me but I'll hafta get back to you later on that because I've been sitting in front of a lit screen in the dark for an hour and a half now and the sun is shining outside! AAAHHH!! Later!


musicalone 04-25-2004 05:53 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Let us know what you think ??

Joe Evans 04-25-2004 06:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the great commments on Little Miami. You are not the first person to mention the Jimmy Buffett similarity. I think more the content and the phrasing than the music, but that's just my opinion. I have another tune called Bimini Summer that really has the ParrotHead vibe. Not intentionally, but it just happened. It is about me getting married on the island of Bimini. (I have also been married a few times). The last one (Bimini) was in the Bermuda Triangle and comes under the heading of "what the HELL was I thinking getting married there?" Anyway, live and learn and get some decent lyrics out of your pain.....

I would love to send you the raw tracks, but I no longer have them. All I have of this and about 6 other tunes I did around that time were the final mixes. (I wasn't expecting to own a digi system myself and saw no reason to save them. Hindsight is so great....)

I am working on several other new tunes that I should get around to posting soon as well as several others from the Little Miami "sessions". Thanks again.


Gene Backlin 04-26-2004 08:04 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Really nice stuff. The flute playing reminded me a bit of Ian Anderson. She has a real nice voice.

Great job !

Take Care,

Rabidium 04-27-2004 01:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, this time for sure, it should be working now...(no guarantees on the rest of the lynx. This webdesign thing is frustrating.)


Let me know what you think... I went into detail in the last post...

Just tell me if it sucks or not!

Alluvion 04-27-2004 07:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
my band is Alluvion. Rock band out of Lexington, KY. www.alluvion.net

badperson 04-27-2004 08:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

"until the end of time" is very cool. Nice vocal melody. What synth are you using? very good vocalist.

captain, I've always espoused the benefits of prescription drugs, I'm glad it worked out for you...."my angel" is a very cool tune. I like the vox.

Joe, I like your song a lot. As for the vox (don't know if you've listened to any of my posts) I think they sound good. I, too, have a; shall we say, **imperfect** vocal style, I think the combination of singing more and getting better at engineering and knowing my own voice has helped me. I actually wasn't wild about that stereo delay affect on the voice, but that's just my opinion. Very good song and good performance, you made the song personal.

rabidium, "the house of slovenly truth" didn't work for me, it was only 24 secs long.

groovilator nice performance on "well you needn't", and you're right, the guitar sounds very good. Burning playing.

Alluvion, very cool sound, very polished sounding production. I thought the vox could come up a hair, but that may be the vibe you're looking for. nice job

I just blew my tax refund wad on a new national delphi resonator. I love it. I'll try to post something with it soon.


Plastik909 04-27-2004 09:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I have a new mix of my tunes up on line. Multi genre (acid, dub, D&B, breaks etc.) but I think it works.


Roy Howell 04-27-2004 11:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nice jam on 'Well You Needn't'...

Captain_Pants 04-27-2004 03:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
"captain, I've always espoused the benefits of prescription drugs, I'm glad it worked out for you...."my angel" is a very cool tune. I like the vox."

Thanks Badperson, I just added some Violins that my good friend Gene recorded for me here on the DUC, and in my newly undrugged state, I actually mixed the tune... hehe.

Im putting up a new version of it in a few hours if you'd like to hear the correct sounding version.

Thanks for the listen! I appreciate it!


Rabidium 04-27-2004 03:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
bp, thanks for the heads up.

I've given up. No more stupid dreamweaver for me. I'm just using WiseFTP to put the files up, and I'm washing my hands.

Someday this will work out, I'm almost certain of it!

Rabidium 04-27-2004 05:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok, it works now. No, really. I just tried it. Why don't you believe me?!?!?

mrbobb 04-27-2004 08:04 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Please take a listen to Girl Gone. First mix I did entirely in the box. Suggestions, what's working, not working? Sorry, no good at HTML.

Go here:

Click on Music Samples, then Girl Gone. Thanks for your time. The other stuff is old, but feel free to listen to that as well.


Joe Evans 04-27-2004 11:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

People on the Streets is now stuck in my head! It reminds me of someone, but who actually eludes me right now. The song is really good all the way around, music, vocals, lyrics, production, etc... I love it!


Roy Howell 04-28-2004 12:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, I can't get 'Slovenly Truth' to play .....it downloaded just fine...looks like an MP3, file size is right, but it says 'Can't Initiate file'...
'Blue Moon' plays fine though...and I had to listen to 'Mice Rehearsal' again while I was in your song file...

Rabidium 04-28-2004 02:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, Roy, I'm stumped. I just have no idea what's going on. But I have all of tomorrow to figure it out. I'm going to rebuild the site and file from scratch (since I have the design and content, it's not that bad). I'll make an mp3 from the CD, because I know I can't screw that up. Something's fishy with PT's MP3 thing, I just can't figure out what, because it plays fine on my system. And the building people are replacing the plumbing, so that means no slacking off playing video games.

Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Roy Howell 04-28-2004 12:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I signed with garageband to hear your songs, but they've been 'disabled'. Let me know if and when they're back...

Roy Howell 04-28-2004 02:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I really do like you guys' stuff...'Gizard' and 'Logic Amber' probably the most...I would like to hear a touch more lead vocal here and there, but overall good stuff. Good job on the arrangements... Is that a guitar synth on the 'Gizard' intro?

AfricanCaneKing 04-28-2004 02:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
more new stuff, id like feedback on quality as well as feel of, the first two songs on the list plz.

Afircan Cane Kings music

millicent frndly 04-29-2004 07:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
OK... I just finished the first song that will be on our EP. Now I want to preface this by saying we're in the process of auditioning drummers. The drum performance on this song while semi-satisfactory could be alot better.

I'm basically wanting to know what you guys think of the mix and the vox, drum, and bass sounds. Hell any input would be nice. The song hasn't been mastered yet and I truely despise mp3's because I think they just sound sort of warbley but check it out if you have the time. Thanks everyone.

Timid Troubadour


NoviceDollars 04-29-2004 11:45 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Wow. Nearly 400 posts. Nice to see the thread is still dominating! It was around 140 last time I was in this neck of the woods.

IntelDoc 04-29-2004 01:31 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Out of curiousity, are you clipping anything? It sounds like it is breaking up a bit like it is being pushed too hard? Primarily in the drums. Snare sounds pretty hot! Make sure that you are not clipping anything, especially the master fader. I think that when you do decide to master this, it will be so loud that it will distort. Seems like it is Very compressed already. Can you tell me what else you have done to it? How you tracked it, plugs, etc. You may want to give yourself some more headroom to play with during the master process. I honestly think that if you were to slam this through the C4 and L2 that it would be too squashed and really break up.

Shoot me an e-mail man. I will help you out if I can

Thanks man, cool possibilities, I just think that your mix is really hot....

- Doc

doomain 04-29-2004 01:33 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here´s some metal.Everything has recorded on 001 and spirit 328.
Check it out!
Browse the media section and go to videos or sounds-section.In sounds-section,check"Suffer our pleasures" album.

Roy Howell 04-29-2004 10:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
millicent frndly/Chris,
I'm getting 'Can't find server'...let me know when it's up again. I wanna hear it.
thanks, Roy

Joe Evans 04-30-2004 01:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I like the tune alot. Sounds really fresh. My opinion of the recording is that it seems to lack much dynamic range. Looking at it on my system's VU doesn't show much change and I can hear some (what I consider) over compression. I am by no means a pro at this, but if you were looking for opinions, there's mine. I really like the song and band's sound though.


millicent frndly 04-30-2004 08:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
It should be working now Roy... hopefully... here's the link again. Yea, Thanks to everyone for the reviews. yea, overcompression is a problem of mine Especially when it comes to my voice and bass guitar. I love compression... but your right, I probably over did it. This song doesn't really have alot of dynamics. Much more of a balls to the wall approach to songwriting. Thanks again, glad you liked the tune. If you want to hear another you can check out this song. it's probably over compressed as well, hahaha! But it has a little more dynamics than the last.

btw, I encoded these to mp3 w/ cdex.. I think it's an older version and doesn't allow you to change the compression level. I probably need to get a new encoder. Anyone know of a good free one. (aside from musicmatch... I really don't like that little program.) thanks fellas.

Captain_Pants 04-30-2004 09:35 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Heys.. Sorry I havent been doing my part here and posting my listening results lately. I got about 6 songs I have downloaded, but I havent burned them to disc yet to listen(no speakers here), but I will soon.

I know some of you have already heard this song, but it is now newly updated with Gene Backlin strings, and mixed in a no-drug environment

Please, let me know if you think it sounds better:

My Angel

DR.Loop 04-30-2004 10:52 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guy's here is something my buddy and i are working on. It is call "Why Should I" at http://www.frozenbones.com/HomePage.asp

Give it a listen and any input would be appreciative.

The drums are a loop and would like to find a real drummer to replace the loop. Any drummers out want to record a drum track to it would be very cool!

Also thinking of redoing the vocals since now we have a vocalbooth.

The website is still in the early stages of development also...


Pete Weaver 04-30-2004 12:41 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
This link has two songs from our new album.
Getting airplay on 112 college radio stations in the US and Canada.
Tracked and Mixed 100% in the box in Pro Tools LE Digi 001.


Roy Howell 04-30-2004 10:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
millicent frndly/Chris,
Both 'TimidTroubadour' and 'nogood' are really good songs...very impressive writing...

Roy Howell 05-01-2004 05:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good song...interesting producion..and Gene's violin is a nice touch...

Captain_Pants 05-01-2004 11:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thnks Roy. I love Genes violin. He sent me a couple tracks, but one was unfortunately corrupted, so I was left with most of one track to mix in the violin. I have just recieved the second track, and I plan on mixing some of those goods in.

If I may ask, when you say interesting production, what does that mean exactly? (I assume that could be good or bad), I would really be interesting in your critiquing. I dont have monitors over here, so a lot of stuff is just mixed by pretty much my home stereo, and my car stereo(a balance between a good sound system, and a bad sound system, if you will...)

Thanks again,

millicent frndly 05-01-2004 11:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy.. I checked out a couple of yours too. I really like your production, really digital sounding but dreamy cool, you know?

Capt. Pants, I agree w/ Roy. Love the synth line and violin. Thanks you guys, it's always great to hear new music.

Roy Howell 05-02-2004 01:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
'Interesting' means unique in a good way...unique in the way it's built. The elements you used are very nice...the octave unison BGV with your lead vocal is cool...both the acoustic single notes and strummed chords are nice, Gene's violin.....these things made the overall production 'interesting' to me... -Roy

Roy Howell 05-02-2004 10:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks Roy.. I checked out a couple of yours too. I really like your production, really digital sounding but dreamy cool, you know?

Thanks, Chris...looking forward to hearing more of your songs too.

Captain_Pants 05-02-2004 12:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ahh.. I gotcha Roy. Thats for the listen. I was really interested in your opinion just because im trying to hone out a new sound for myself, so, naturally what you had to say was of importance to me. Thanks a bunch though. I value your opinion immensly. Even if I cant spell immensly right.


3000 05-03-2004 12:47 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi there,

Here is some of my stuff I have played, arranged and mixed all bymyself. In the first address, below, are 30 seconds of clips of my nu-metal album (In Turkish). The second address contains English songs (almost full length) and one full version of turkish song from the first address.

Generally, I don't know why, Geocities have problem trying to download mp3 these days. So, I first put the link of songs. If you can't listen the songs at first, please try "save target as" to your PC.


Birarada /Together (Turkish)
Biktim / Bored!
Hayat Oyun / Life's a Game
O Anda / Then
Kaybedenler / Losers
Olmadi mi ? / Didn't Like It??
Baskasi Var/ There's Another
Vakit Nakittir / Time's Money
Mezatasi / Tombstone
Karanligin Tadi / Bored!
Kizil Günler / Days of War
Biktim / Thief's Tale
Hiz Yaparim / Speed That I Like
Biktim / Bored!
Junkyard (Instrumental)

I hope you enjoy listening, most of all, geocities would let you to do so

Joe Evans 05-03-2004 12:48 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here are a couple more that I did last year at a friend's house.

I wrote No Matter What on a challenge from a friend to write a country song. The lyrics *were* of that genre I think, but the music came out a little different from my original intentions. It was my first attempt at writing a purely fictional song.

No Matter What

Twice to Me was written in response to my breakup. Again, more self-loathing, etc..... I am currently re-recording this one with some lyric and small musical changes. I hope to nail the vocals a little better this time and I am punching the guitar parts up a bit, adding a guitar solo in place of the organ break.

Twice to Me

Again, tear 'em up guys.... Thanks.


Joe Evans 05-03-2004 01:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I like My Angel quite a bit. Reminds me of 80's stuff....maybe The Cure or U2, but still unique enough to stand on it's own. The music, vocals and production sound good to me.


Captain_Pants 05-03-2004 02:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Joe. Thanks for the listen. I would be lying if I didnt say a lot my stuff is influenced by Depeche Mode, The Church, Oingo Boingo, and some newer dancy music(Clan of Xymox, Diary of Dreams).

I dont know if you've heard any of my other stuff, but im trying a different production style lately. Instead of filling all the gaps, im trying to be more open ended, and have a simpler layout and just make music that really hits me hard, even if it is something so simple.

A few songs that I really love have this formula, and i decided to try it out.
If you look at the song Reptile from "The Church", really quite simple song, but it is so great.

There is a song called "Colorblind" on Diary of Dreams CD, and its mostly just piano and some synths, and then of course a drumline, and i think it is so marvelous. In the case of My Angel, I knew it was pretty much complete once I added Genes violin. It fit that fragile gap that I had, that could only be filled with something equally fragile, but at the same time so powerful. Of course, this is all in my head, how you take it could be completely different, its just the way it played out for me.

Thanks again, I do appreciate it.

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