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MrJoshua 08-14-2005 09:03 AM

Hi, everyone. I don't post much, but, I'm posting now.

Anyway, here's a couple of songs I've recorded lately. They're rough mixes, and will sound a lot better when I have the band playing them instead of just me overdubbing myself on everything. But, enjoy!

Stargazer - drums were Pearl Export series recorded with an SM-57 on the kick and one SM-58 overhead. Guitars are a Peavey Falcon strat-copy into an Epiphone Galaxie 10 (neat little all-tube combo) mic'd with an SM-57. Bass was a Warwick Corvette Standard 5-string direct through a SansAmp BassDriver DI with the tone circuitry OFF. Vocals were through an SM-57.

Breakdown - drums were Pearl Export series with a Shure Beta 52a on the kick, and two AKG C-430 mics placed beside each of the higher toms. Everything else was done as above. I'm very pleased with the new drum mics.

Let me know what y'all think!

Tamar 08-14-2005 10:05 AM

Re: Hello...
I'm loving 'Stargazer', Mr J. Good one.

Greg B 08-14-2005 10:35 AM

Re: A first post

Greg...really enjoyed that...nice guitar sounds, and some tasteful playing...good mix as well. Good job...


Thanks Roy. I'm glad you have this thread here. I listen to some awfully good stuff on it!

IntelDoc 08-14-2005 03:53 PM

Another New tune from Doc
Finaly finished up the Tom Rothman project last night. Time to mix and get Jason (jstunner) to lay down his tracks. Going to be sending that off to him in the next few days. Good luck amigo! We finished a pretty cool tune last night and I did a quick mix without bass for all to hear. Pretty happy with this tune. Some little tweeks still to be made with some timing but that is always the case.

Had a good time with the drums on this one and really put the APi to work. The submixer is about the coolest feature on that thing. Ran all 4 mics for the toms to it, mixed them in the unit, then sent them out on a stereo track to Pro Tools and saved 4 mono inputs for 1 stereo. Way cool....

HEre was the chain:

Kick - - Senn 421 - X73i
SubKick - Yamaha Subkick - 1272
Snare Top - 57 - X73i
Snare Bottom - 57 - 1272
Overheads - Oktava 012's - Trident 80B - Distressors (3:1 - stereo strapped)
hi-hat - Oktava 012 - Trident S20
Toms - Sennheiser 421's - API 3124

Vocals - Apex 460 - 1272 - 1176
TLM-103 - X73i - 1176
Apex 460 - X73i
Apex 435 - Trident 80B
Apex 435 - Trident 80B

Hope you enjoy it... should be nice when the bass fills in its parts.

Tom Rothman - Original Sin

Should be a sweet CD when all done... I hope...


- Doc

superpenguin79 08-15-2005 12:08 PM

Re: A first post
Greg: This tune has an awesome vibe man! I agree also on the guitar tones that they are great. Sounds like a classic clean Telecaster if I am not mistaken through the new tubes on the amp??

superpenguin79 08-15-2005 12:15 PM

Re: Another New tune from Doc

Original Sin - Tom Rothman

Should be a sweet CD when all done... I hope...


- Doc

Doc: from what I hear on the 3 second sample, sounds good man! Is it really meant to be a 3 second clip though?? hehe

IntelDoc 08-15-2005 12:30 PM

Re: Another New tune from Doc
Try it now.... strange...

Tom Rothman - Original Sin

Corrected the first post too... strange... let me know please.

- Doc

superpenguin79 08-15-2005 12:36 PM

Re: Another New tune from Doc
yep, there we go. hehe It is taking much longer to download which is a good sign and just gave it a listen. Sounds like you guys have been busy and it sounds great man! can't wait to hear when you guys get everything finished up with bass also. I still can't take "Beautiful" off my playlist... chat ya later man. peace

surely 08-15-2005 08:46 PM

Re: Another New tune from Doc

Tom Rothman - Original Sin

Should be a sweet CD when all done... I hope...

- Doc

hey,... I really really like the song & the voice of tom...
and after listened to this one... I also downloaded the previous songs you posted...
as I understand from your "chains"... orinal sin was "better" recorded...
I like the sound of the other songs much better than original sin (though that`s far the best song). the other songs seems more "fresh".. and (my opinion) the drums on "original sin" are far too busy... leave the singer some more space!!!

could be a great great song... but I would work some more at the arrangements... I mean, with such a song, and such a voice, it`s worth the efford!!!
but as you said, it`s not all done... so what are you planning to do more on that song???


usd 08-16-2005 04:46 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
here is one of my latest...

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