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Chris Cavell 07-30-2005 07:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks Chris for the listen and input! This is what i want to hear.

Low end has always been a issue in my tunes. Tough to get it dialed in.(For me anyways)

Thanks again


Bob, a good rule of thumb when dialing in your rough mix is to cut out a substantial amount of bass on any tracks that are panned pretty wide (start w/ a high pass somewhere b/w 250 and 350 Hz). If the tracks in question were recorded using a coincident (xy, ms, blumlein, etc.) or near coincident (ortf, decca tree, etc.) you may want to try nudging one side a sample at a time until the bass frequencies lock together phase-wise, which will send all the bass frequencies to the center of the stereo image. When bass sources are hard panned, slight differences in phase b/w the two often totally cloud (read as 'make muddy') the entire bottom end of an otherwise perfectly acceptable mix.

Hope that helps,

GORILLA 07-30-2005 07:58 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!

Finally we have MP3's instead of stupid real media here they are....


Nice stuff. So was this done on a 002 or 001? Also none of your gallery pics show up on your site.

DR.Loop 07-31-2005 06:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Excellent Chris. I am looking forward to getting back into a couple of these mixes and doing what you have suggested here.

Thank you again Chris.


HotRats 07-31-2005 07:24 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


HotRats song downloads fully for me. I've experienced similiar problems before though, if you have a download manager installed you might want to try using that.


I share with you an exercise about dissonance I've made months ago
during a "music for films" course.

Wow man... Can you explain this exercise?

Many thanx for your listening, Stiff.
(may I suppose that my hosting site (altervista.org) works well only within europe?)
Did you enjoy it?

Explain? well...it was just an excercise
our teacher just asked us to write three small "songs" using dissoncances (in classic music meaning. i.e. intervals lika 4th flat 2nd, or clusters).
It's hard for me to exlpain it in engelish.

and that's all. the one you heard is the third one i've made and is build thinkin of
dissonance not only as intervals but also as the result a sound mixture (i.e. the very long feedback made with my sg)

now is holyday time, i'll back in 10 days

HotRats 07-31-2005 07:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Okay...just took some spare time to give a listen to a bunch of the recent ones:


I've got the same issues as Roy downloading your tracks. Try myspace.com (as much as I hate the place). Get a free band/music account and you can upload a couple of tunes for free.

Ok chris, when I'll back form holyday I'll try myspace, and i'll repost everything.

I think that altervista.org (my hosting site) has some problems to cross the ocean and delivery
music to usa

HotRats 07-31-2005 07:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Okay...just took some spare time to give a listen to a bunch of the recent ones:


I've got the same issues as Roy downloading your tracks. Try myspace.com (as much as I hate the place). Get a free band/music account and you can upload a couple of tunes for free.

Ok chris, when I'll back form holyday I'll try myspace, and i'll repost everything.

I think that altervista.org (my hosting site) has some problems to cross the ocean and delivery
music to usa

Sharritan 07-31-2005 09:44 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Re 'Nothin Losin'...I like the drum tones, but I think they may be a bit hot in the mix, particularly the hat and to a lesser extent the overheads. I can't really discern the kick through the bottom end throughout most of the tune. I think supplementing the kick and snare with soundreplacer tracks blended in would add a much more polished sound to the production. Great vocal performance. From a production standpoint I might compress the vox a bit harder and boost them a smidge. The only thing that really bugs me here is the bottom end. I think more upper mids in the guitars combined with a choice tonal compressor on the bass (which to me sounds a bit weak and "farty") could do wonders. I think that perhaps the lead could come up a tad too. Great work man. I hear alot of potential in this current version, and a careful attention to NOT do anything detrimental to the mix. Well done.

Thanks so mcuh for the feedback Chris. For some reason this one was a little tough for me. I will make some adjustments and repost.

Thanks again.


Chris Cavell 07-31-2005 10:20 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
No problem Scott. Keep in mind that my suggestions are merely that, suggestions and nothing more, based solely on first impressions while I listen to a tune. What I really wanted to emphasize about my first impression of this one is this: you know what you're doing...that's obvious...now stop being so careful with it and approach your mix with fervor, passion, and most importantly, confidence. If something doesn't do the trick...scratch it and try something else. You've definitely got the necessary basics down, now stop approaching it like a classical or jazz recording and dive headfirst into the rock mentality this mix needs. Remember, once you know how to do things by the book, you can choose to throw the book away.

Sevenlights 07-31-2005 01:25 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
I tracked the drums here http://www.greenhouse-studios.com/studio1.html on the SSL G series onto Radar. The rest was done on my 002. I used an Apogee AD 800, a Millenia STT1 and a UA 6176 for tracking and ran the sounds back through on mix as well.

Thanks for the heads up on the gallery

fredsparky 07-31-2005 05:11 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Chris. I'll give it a shot.


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