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bigbubbaj 05-04-2005 11:05 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
SOunds great doc....good work!

BretFarewell 05-04-2005 11:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
bump it up since nobody responded, here's 2 songs i recorded on sunday, had a short amount of time (band's budget) but I'm still pretty happy with the outcome. here's the link!


IntelDoc 05-05-2005 05:40 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Agreed on the snare... possibly the vox. Still working it. Mainly I was cutting up guitars last night. I ran a pretty hot session and actually had my master fader down like -8db to stop any clipping. I have been approaching the levels a tad differently lately and they seem to work. Anyways, I will listen to it in the car and at wrk to get ideas.

Thanks though for listening.

Will look into the delay too..

- Doc

superpenguin79 05-06-2005 07:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc: good work man! downloaded the track the other night and it is on the playlist for sure.

btw... I think my link got messed up due to hosting issues with my server space. Here is my new one:

Check it out and let me know what you guys think.

any feedback would be appreciated.

IntelDoc 05-06-2005 07:45 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the comments. I am working on finishing that one and 3 others up soon. The others actually I like better. Some more than others, but things are seeming to gel better on the others? I need to cut and work on some eq stuff with the LIE song. I am getting into some new bad habits and need to get back to my old ways rather than experimentation. Too hot, etc... Kick and Snare were put in pretty hot. Sounded good to my ears, but maybe a little too harsh. No telling, but I think the sounds in general were good. The guitars I liked a lot. The Distressors really helped out. That Bogner cabinet is definitely getting its workout. Well worth the $$$ spent on that one. I also am diggin' the Shure SM7B that I am using on the vocals now. For Rock and screamers it is perfect. Either though the 1272 or X73i to the 1176 or the Distressor and you are set. Nice little combo.

I will post it again and the others once I am done if they want me too.

Thanks again,

- Doc

doylemusic 05-06-2005 09:46 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I checked it out. Sounds really good. Vocals are really nice. ONly thing I'd say is teh snare bothers me a little. My issue is with the "ringing from the shell" Sounds like it may have been a metal snare drum. I personally don't like the ring, however it can be to your advantage if it's pitched to the same key as the song. Right now it's higher (some where around the fourth/6 semitones I think, but I'm not near a keyboard). My two cents, sounds really good though! Nice work

IntelDoc 05-06-2005 10:03 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Beleive it or not that is a wooden TAMA snare. Nice one too... but he tuned it that way and insisted on it. I can gate it out though when I get into the mix. I think that I am going to buy another snare to mess with too.

The SM-7B on vocals was pretty sweet. Picked it up the other day when I bought the other 1176. It is nice to have 2 now. Track bass and drums usually and it is nice to have that to use on snare and have another one for BASS. May try it on the kick too, but not sure..

Thanks for listening... stillrough, but will tighten up soon...

- Doc

superpenguin79 05-06-2005 11:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the comments. I am working on finishing that one and 3 others up soon. The others actually I like better. Some more than others, but things are seeming to gel better on the others? I need to cut and work on some eq stuff with the LIE song. I am getting into some new bad habits and need to get back to my old ways rather than experimentation. Too hot, etc... Kick and Snare were put in pretty hot. Sounded good to my ears, but maybe a little too harsh. No telling, but I think the sounds in general were good. The guitars I liked a lot. The Distressors really helped out. That Bogner cabinet is definitely getting its workout. Well worth the $$$ spent on that one. I also am diggin' the Shure SM7B that I am using on the vocals now. For Rock and screamers it is perfect. Either though the 1272 or X73i to the 1176 or the Distressor and you are set. Nice little combo.

I will post it again and the others once I am done if they want me too.

Thanks again,

- Doc

You're welcome. I am listening to it again right now actually and I definately hear what you mean about the SM7B on the vocals. I wonder how that would work paired with just a normal SM57 for a screamer/rock vocalist? sort of like taping them both together. Eh, I'll have to add one to my wish list to try it out with a 57 sometime. lol I agree with Doyle about the snare though for sure now that I am listening to it again. Snares are meant to guide the song and that one just isn't the right tuning for it. Needs a little more of a phattened pop to it sort of, but if the drummer insists... whatcha gonna do I guess? anyways, experimentation is never a bad thing as long as you know how you like doing things normally. I have seen a couple sessions that have blown the original idea's out of the water and sounded ten times better with experimentation, but like you mention sometimes it can go awry also.

Roy Howell 05-06-2005 11:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Headin' out to go canoeing in Arkansas on the Little Red River...you guys have a good weekend.


Sharritan 05-06-2005 11:58 AM

Third, Doc, and Doyle
Do you 3 mind checking this out and shooting me some feedback? I already posted it but hadnt heard back.

The china sounds awful, I know, however I only used one overhead so I cant seem to filter it out.

Talk soon and thanks in advance.

I Know

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