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Cavet Your Eruptor 04-20-2005 10:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Well, I was at it again last night. The whole bus thing was a bit confusing at first, but so worth it to figure out. I actually really enjoyed working with the reverb and delay that way. Thanks again for your great advice.

I re-recorded the guitars (again) and kept them as 2 distinct tracks - it really does open up the sound! I have tried to settle the vocal back into the track and I'm hoping that it sits in there pretty well now. I also tried to EQ the drums a bit more to cut the highs back.

If you get a chance...


Thanks again - you've made a HUGE difference!!!

Roy Howell 04-20-2005 11:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

i had this old Gretsch archtop givin to me years ago and never really played it till recently....heres a little swing tune i used it on and thought it sounded pretty cool for the old beater that it is...theres a pic of the guitar on the link also.........chas

That was great...and that old Gretsch sounds fantastic. When I was a kid, I wanted a Gretsch Country Gentleman so bad I could taste it. It felt like I was in a Cadillac when I played that thing. Great job on the song...


IntelDoc 04-21-2005 05:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Definitely a HUGE improvement! Congrats there. I wish that My Space would let you upload a higher sample rated song. Any way that you can e-mail me a link or a file of a MP3 at ripped at 320? The guitars sound so much better though. I would like to hear it at a freq higher than 96 though. The vocals sit much better and are not so harsh on the ears. I guess you compressed it a tad more eh? The new guitar tracks do spread the mix much better. I would actually pan the electrics a tad more. Still sitting a little too centered for my taste, either that or pick a side and put them there at about 30%. The bass sits nice too.

Good job man, and glad I could help.... Bussing is pretty cool when you figure it all out.

- Doc

Voideco 04-21-2005 08:47 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

sturdy guitarwork in Tragedy Remastered. The singing reminds me a bit of the Cure. Turns a bit into doom at moments. Nice work, that's said by somebody who doesn't like this style so much actually. Yet I really dig this tune.



Voideco 04-21-2005 08:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Some piece I made with PT 6.4 & Reason 2.5:

Flashes Recorded a Washburn guitar through a Rat distortion straight into the 001 and recorded some loops. Two of which I edited in the NN19 digital sampler. Tried to make a stuttering effect in it. It's only a concept at the moment, it's got some meat but still needs a lot of work.

This one's a more worked out song. Glorified clicktrack though, 92 % finished I'd say.

In the Silence Transposed a singing wineglass four octaves down and used it for bass. Used the same sample a lot higher here as well. Guitar also straight into the 001, this is a drawback, I still wanna record the guitar through an amp. Vocals need some autotune here.

Any comments welcome,



Cavet Your Eruptor 04-21-2005 09:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey IntelDoc,

Thanks again for your help. I sent an email to the address listed in your profile just to see if that one works. I can send you a 320 mp3 there if you can get attachments, etc.

Roy Howell 04-21-2005 12:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cavet Your Eruptor,
Finally got to listen (I couldn't get it to play for me 2 other times earlier for whatever reason)...the song itself is great, IMO...nice chord changes, good arrangement, tempo, and melody.
Sounds like Doc is advising you well on the production itself, so I'll leave that to him. But, good job on the writing, and best of luck with it.


Roy Howell 04-21-2005 03:13 PM

Re: Hanu
Another very good mix...and nice instrumentation on 'Hanu'. I still haven't learned Finnish, but give me some time on that...hehe


nightshadecrisis 04-21-2005 04:29 PM

Re: Hanu
alot of good stuff up here!
i've got a new song, its called Mammoth. Awesome guys. Going between names right now...used to be Attila though...
Check it out! i'd love to hear any comments...


skyking 04-21-2005 07:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks alot Roy....i had the same burning for a country gentleman and past on the chance to get one some years back cuz i was short on cash....been kickin myself ever since.....anyways thanks for givin it a listen i aint exactly Eldon Shamblin from the Bob Wills band but i was trying to give it that kind of feel..........chas

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