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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thank's for checking the site out Doc! I'm glad you liked it.
The guitar on Blank Minds is direct going through Behringer V-AMP Pro. I believe it is preset C-20 called Insane.It actually has a couple useful preset for guitar but still have not found a decent bass sound with it.lol I am playing my Schecter on that one. I put another rough mix up for you Doc to check out.It is called Sneeze. I did it with a nylon string guitar, Mbox, laptop, and a Peavey PVM22 mic on the road in a hotel room about year ago. I thought the guitar sounded pretty cool. Thank's again Bob |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thank's Roy
As for the guitar i am using Yamaha Majicstomp.Giving it tryout. Chuck Campbell(Campbell Brothers Sacred Steel Guitar) gave it to me over the summer and i am just getting around to it. I don't care for distortion preset but clean preset sound pretty good so far. Thank's again Bob |
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Chris, A good and interesting proposal, and very generous of you to offer your services...I would think that if nothing else, this is a good opportunity to get one's song mastered by a pro such as yourself. -Roy |
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
How is the list of takers going? Do you want us to put in the primary effects? Any preferred format? Preferred song length? Data please |
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
OK Chris, grab this one HERE.
It's our most 'complete'. Although we do have plans to re-track the vocals. But they are pretty good as they are. |
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
To SNS (and anyone else considering submitting something for this endeavor):
Only one taker so far but it's early (Well, if you count me, that's two...but you've all heard it already so I haven't reposted it yet...I'll wait for my little voting website to put it up again.) For submissions, mp3's are perfectly acceptable during the pre-decision/voting phase. If you'd like, I'll take a file and put a very quick "rough" master on it for this phase. Once tunes are picked for the album, I'd like to get the stereo (or dual mono) pcm bounce (that's a *.pcm, *.wav, *.aiff, *.sd2, or any other type of pcm file). As far as what I prefer for mastering: I'd like to make sure that the bounces are NOT CLIPPED but still above -6 dBfs at the peaks, and 24 bit files are preferred. Also, try to bounce at the same sample rate as the session...but if this takes up too much space and you need to SRC on the bounce, make sure to choose the "tweak head" algorithm and process "after bounce". As for compression on the 2-buss...it is not unusual or even unorthodox to compress the two buss at the mixing stage...just don't go overboard and be sure to check your levels pre and post plugin for any possible clipping. As for song length...it doesn't really matter to me...less than 7 minutes will probably be fine...but we should try to keep it around 5 or less to allow the most people to get their stuff on the album; you know, let's have some consideration for the other participants. I encourage ALL genres and music stylings for this project...the more the merrier! Cheers, Chris |
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
I am interested but we're in the middle of writing new songs and were not in tracking mode. Maybe we can throw something together, if we take too long and I miss the boat, that's cool...
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
chris, I sent you an email.
Maybe it would be a good idea to put this in its own thread with guidelines for submission and how the tunes will be selected? just a thought! bp |
Re: Pro Tools LE is great!!!!!
Good idea BP...(got your e-mail by the way...very nice tune!).
I've gotten three so far and am hoping for something along the lines of 12 to 14 going on the final disc. So....where are the rest of you guy's??? I'm sort of expecting to see something from each of the regulars. How 'bout you Gene: I think a choral recording would be great for the diversity of the project! Doc...you gonna pull out the greatest porn tune of all time or what? Roy, you could probably submit a few tunes...some solo stuff and a collab or two...I hope you've got something in the works. I'll wait a day or two before deciding to create a seperate thread for it...basically I'm trying to give the regular participants of the Let's Hear it Here thread first shot at this. There are a lot of genres out there we don't see here too often but would be great if they came out of the wood-work for this: rap, hip-hop, pop, country, bluegrass, classical, trance, lo-fi, etc. The tunes don't have to be new per se...just a tune you'd like to submit. On that note, if you heard something here you'd like to see on the disc that was posted by someone other than yourself, feel free to e-mail me and "nominate" them. I'll do my best to get in touch with the artist/engineer about it. Cheers, Chris |
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