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AfricanCaneKing 04-19-2004 01:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

AfricanCaneKing – You’ve got some cool grooves and good tracks but the only one that sounds complete is “Get It Right” because it actually has fully realized vocal tracks. In fact I really like the vocal arrangement and the string stuff was really cool too. Are the others still works in progress or are you just going for a minimalist vibe? To me they sound like foundation for something melodic or some creative rapping.

eventually i will get the newer tracks recorded with vocals. i like to build up about 20 - 30 instrumentals then start writting songs to them with my people i work with here in miami.


check out the afro cane

badperson 04-19-2004 06:20 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah, a bunch of great stuff.

hmt, I liked your piece, but it was tough to make the vocals. Nice tune and production otherwise.

Micah, MilesWonderland, AfricanCaneKing, all very nice work. Keep it up.


Micah777 04-19-2004 07:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks everybody for the flattering comments. I really appreciate it. I've put some ice on my head to keep the swelling down. I tracked some drums for the song Saturday night but after getting back to my studio I was unhappy with the recording, so I'll have to do them over again. (still a beginner at recording drums)

bp- thanks for replying to my first song post, you're the only one (tear).

groov- I've been to your site as well... and I like you too, buddy.

Micah777 04-19-2004 08:00 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Telepc- I've listened to a lot of your stuff off your site. You have an extraordinary band. Your guy's got a great set of pipes. I'm very impressed with your live recording, what was your process? How did you get such great separation?

Aussie169 04-19-2004 08:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Mark – Pretty song. That you singing? (Just kidding ) Did you record this, play on it or what? Details, we must have details.!.!.!.! My only criticism on this is that the lead guitar is a little harsh for this track. Everything else is so lush and pretty I think a smoother, less effected sound might have worked better. But the playing was good !

Hi Groov
Gee, I forgot I even had that link there. Thanks for listening.
No, I'm sorry, that's not me singing lead but I am doing one of the harmonies. I'm mainly the engineer and drum programer. (I don't think my current gear is up to doing justice to real drums, and I'm also not that good a player LOL)

I agree about the electric guitar. I don't mind the sound in the general body of the song, sort of adds something different, but the tone for the solo is way too harsh. Well probably redo it. It was tracked using a Vamp2 so that's why it sounds a bit brittle. I just got a nice preamp (Buzz Audio SSA1.1), so we might even try dusting off an amp and micing it up! Novel idea

We'll probably re-track the lead vocal too with the new preamp.

The acoustics are an Ibanez (???model) played into an MXL V67M through a Mindprint Envoice. Always seems to record very nicely. There's also a bit of Maton (Australian brand) 12string in there too.

The bass was tracked with a Behringer Bass Vamp Pro (the rack version). Then compressed with the Nomad Blue Tubes Comp (my favorite comp at the moment). I also had a panning phaser happening on the bass at one stage..... can't remember if that version has it or not.

Anyway... Thanks for listening. There are a few more tracks on that site if you're interested.

Tito Ricci Arballo 04-19-2004 01:30 PM

Re: nu 1
Ha Slink, some clean stuff. The mix sounds crisp and clear from here. The filter at first is nice but maybe a little strong, maybe not? I would be a little more subtle with the transition. Catchy goodfeel tune. Very electronica/pop style to me. Nice job.

Tito Ricci Arballo 04-19-2004 01:37 PM

My latest, this demo/beat tape explores creative beatmaking and acapella mixing to make a tasty beverage for y'all to sip on. Heavy on the bass, and lo-fi on purpose and a little ironic, this journy is a night out on the town with DJ CUPS. Rest up cause this night goes on until the next day.


Telepc 04-19-2004 02:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Telepc- I've listened to a lot of your stuff off your site. You have an extraordinary band. Your guy's got a great set of pipes. I'm very impressed with your live recording, what was your process? How did you get such great separation?

Thanks Micah. I'm actually really impressed with the live recording too! It was the whole reason I took the PT dive, and it was totally worth it.

The separation is just good luck and them some editing on the vocal tracks. Basically, we only reinforce about 8 channels live--vocals, keys, guitars, bass, kick & snare, so those went first to the board and then to my rig from the board's direct outs. (Simple Spirit Folio 24 Ch board).

The other 8 or so tracks--more drums, the stereo feed of the keyboard, crowd mics, etc., went directly into the rig.

The rig: Digi 002R, Behringer ADA8000 (yes, believe it or not), Gateway M500 laptop, Seagate 160 Gb external HD.

The drummer has his own set of drum mics (AKG I believe). The bass was direct, the keyboard was direct (stereo), the guitar was miked with an SM57, and the singer and I had SM58s for our vocals.

In the editing and mixing process I made sure to eliminate the bleed through on the vocal mics whenever the singer (and I) weren't singing, which cleaned things up considerably.

Thanks for your interest and your kind words!


Roy Howell 04-19-2004 04:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Each one of your tracks feels really good. Nice job...'Get Right' does indeed seem the most complete (with vocals), and I'm sure the others will turn out just as good.

AfricanCaneKing 04-19-2004 05:08 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Each one of your tracks feels really good. Nice job...'Get Right' does indeed seem the most complete (with vocals), and I'm sure the others will turn out just as good.

thanx for the props.

soon as my semester is over at school its full steam ahead, i hope to have alot more "new" stuff for yall to hear

Check out the AFrican Cane King

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