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hydrafonic 01-15-2004 07:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I really like the sound on this tune! Could I ask how you tracked the drums and if you used any outboard gear, compression, preamps, etc.. (acoustic drums or electronic)? Could use a few tips here.. thx

unsub1 01-15-2004 09:37 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks, Roy. I hear you!

Panning with 2 guitarists has always been a funny issue with me. I've always tried to emulate our stage setup and have always likes the sound of the two hard-panned guitars trading off. It's kind of a genre thing too. Sounds a lot more natural through speakers than phones.



xprod77 01-15-2004 09:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Hydrafonic! For the drums I recorded into a Digimax LT lightpiped to the 001 - I used all 8 inputs on the Digimax (8 mics). No other outboard gear was used. The drums are pretty dry too, just a bit of Waves compression and reverb. The Digimax is the best piece of gear I've purchased next to the 001/002r. Hope this helps,


nightshadecrisis 01-16-2004 03:26 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Got something i just recorded. any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!


the beginning part, is coming straight from another song into it, so it has a split second of other music, which is how i wanted it to be

i also just noticed that i need to bring it up a few decibels too...

thanks for listening!

nightshadecrisis 01-16-2004 04:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
also, i recently recorded a metal band, and they wanted some melancholy piano tracks, but since none of them knew how to play other than their respective instruments , i went ahead and did it. its fairly simple, but be forewarned, it brings to my mind the end of a very sad movie....hehe.



nightshadecrisis 01-16-2004 04:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
gazblake. That first song: jam can? is that the joy division on drums and bass? whatever it is, i like it lots.

nightshadecrisis 01-16-2004 07:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
da BaSsTaRd, that song(angelina) is great! i love the mix of everything, it flows really well i think, and my hats off to Roy! those guitars sound soooooo good. im having this song on constant repeat...i like it ALOT. great job!

minmax 01-16-2004 10:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Craiz- Vocals sound really good but they should be a lot louder. Recording sounds fine but the music is weak. There's nothing going on in the background. You should know tho rap isn't what I listen to. So what do I know?? Having said that I do like the way vocals sound.

nightshadecrisis-I like the song. It is nice, but it's hard to tell the quality of the recording since it was converted at 96kbits. Try 160-192 kbits @ 44khz. Only thing I would do different is at 2:07 minutes into the song (where it gets heavy) when everything stops and there's this guitar melody- I would turn it up louder. That's all.


Roy Howell 01-17-2004 02:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Evan,
I like the guitars on 'untitled', though I would turn the solo parts up some. And I love the mood on 'piano'...very spooky yet serene...very meditative piece. I enjoyed listening...
Again, I appreciate your fine violin on 'Fa's Garden'.
thanks, Roy

da BaSsTaRd! 01-17-2004 08:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

roy and db, great sound. db, are those drums done in reason? How about the horns?

no reason at all on that one. the drums are loops, and there's also a loop that i lifted from vinyl a couple of years ago (which explains the scritchy scratchy noise in the back). the horns were recorded live in PA by HammondX from www.globetraxters.com . that place is great. i highly recommend it to anyone that wants to collaborate. can you believe its totally free?!?!?!?!

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