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xprod77 10-19-2003 09:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Sounds really fine.... Nice ideas....Instruments sound clear, full with nice colors.

Good Job.


Thanks! I appreciate you giving it a listen. Until next time...


Roy Howell 10-19-2003 10:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I enjoyed the piece very much...love the guitar chords...clean and organized, but experimental too (in a very cool way). The bass sound is excellent IMO (what kind of bass?)... and good job on the mix too. Good stuff.
thanks, Roy

xprod77 10-20-2003 05:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I enjoyed the piece very much...love the guitar chords...clean and organized, but experimental too (in a very cool way). The bass sound is excellent IMO (what kind of bass?)... and good job on the mix too. Good stuff.
thanks, Roy

Thanks Roy! Glad you enjoyed it...you'll never guess what I used for bass. A busted up $50 Fender Squier directly into a Johnson J-Station then S/PDIF into the 001! All the guitars were done with this little baby right HERE Best $250 I think I have ever spent. I have a Mesa half stack but am finding that the sounds I am getting direct from the Tech 21 are surpassing the Boogie. Might be my less than adequate micing skills but whatever ... whatever works right? Thanks again for the listen Roy...I appreciate it.


Chris Cavell 10-20-2003 08:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great live tracking Bastiaan! It comes across as very "authentic"!

It really reminds me of my old hole in the wall blues joint days; four or five nights a week in the seediest neighborhoods till three or four in the morning just going deaf and then downing that early coffee for the 7:30 obligations!

metaltim 10-20-2003 11:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I've got a new one up.. haven't posted in a while.

the lyrics are there as well.

NOTE: Im trying to figure out that vinyl plugin from izotope. Once I do, I will apply that to the beginning of the track, and fade out accordingly.
Until then, this is all I could get

thanks for the listen

Also, I have another tune I'd like some creative input on, mainly, vocals..
Relume, (just a name i made up)
I'm at a loss on what to sing on here, some ideas would be appreciated, feel free to pop it in a session and send it to me..
It's kind of a dreamy, slow track, no drums..

let's go is a cool track..
it seems it would be hard to do those alternating left and right guitar parts.. i mean only playing one of those, and getting the timing right.
or did you play it all the way through and pan them back and forth.
they sound like different tones, so i figure you played em separately

Aussie169 10-21-2003 12:38 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Tim
Yes they are played separately. Two different guitarists on two different guitars. One's a Strat, the other's a Tele.
Oh, and the Strat is right handed and the Tele is left handed, so this track should look and sound cool on stage LOL.
Thanks for listening.

Bastiaan 10-21-2003 12:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well....you even have time times right...It was a motorclub with 8 members...(i think an excuse to run a pub... ). When we came in they needed to heta up the place a bit, so they got one of those hot air canons that run on petrol or something. Sure way for a headache...

Neighberhood was ok....it was was of those tin-sheds on an industrial estate (fancy way of saying in the middle of nowhere )

And the band had a last minute "swap". The leadsinger had an angina, and so he swapped places with the backing vocal-guy...

Roy Howell 10-21-2003 12:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks Roy! Glad you enjoyed it...you'll never guess what I used for bass. A busted up $50 Fender Squier directly into a Johnson J-Station then S/PDIF into the 001! X

I'de like to try that Tech 21 sometime...As far as the Fender Squier, I grab a Squier we have here every now and then, because it really sings for me on certain clean stuff. For some things, it's better than my good Strat. That Squier bass of yours sounds great too, it really does...
This is something I played using the Squier.

and dream of Paradise

GORILLA 10-21-2003 03:25 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha he he he hoh ho ho....
Here's some scary ass Metal for all ya'lls halloween trick or treaters!!!!
BOOOOOO!!!!! it's 4mb in size.
Abusing Reason's NNXT and Amplitube!!!!!

clutch 10-21-2003 03:40 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
A new track "PhoneTag4FourYearOlds" up at www.mp3.com/cswinter


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