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Captain_Pants 10-07-2002 03:35 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
tim, it seems the link isnt working...

metaltim 10-07-2002 03:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hmmm.., are you right clicking and choosing save-as???
I dont think a left click will work..

Captain_Pants 10-07-2002 03:40 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
You Tricker You!!!

Ok, got it.

Roy Howell 10-07-2002 03:41 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I got it too... [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

Captain_Pants 10-07-2002 03:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yeah, Roy, you have to right click on the link he put in the DUC. I thought I did that earlier, but I didnt.

-Tim, The drums are pretty clear(and definately XP drums, hehe, I use to have one), as well as the vox are pretty good and clear, but the guitar seems a bit muddy. While, its not my cup of Tea, I think the song could sound really good if you cleaned up the guitars a bit, and kind of took away some of the REAL up front items, like the chorus voice.. Keep up the good work!

Oh yeah, the bridge sounds really good too. Probably my favorite part.

metaltim 10-07-2002 03:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry guys... I didnt realize:

you cant left click on the link.. you must right click and choose save as..

you should get it then..

yahoo does not allow alot of activity at once, so you might have to just wait like 30 minutes, then try it again.

I'm in the process of getting them on www.mp3.com/tcw

You can also get me on AIM - mrwilli02
or yahoo messenger - metaltim

I can send files that way, just drop me a line

Roy Howell 10-07-2002 04:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Those drums sound great... is that you? Some of the vocals sound a little hot to me, but you did some really creative panning with them. The track sounds really good to me, and good song too. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

Burnzone 10-07-2002 04:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
METALTIM: I just got into the mp3.com thing myself and it took about 2 weeks before I got approved. Upload any pictures at the same time, they take about as long on those too...maybe 7-9 days.

The upload is pretty straight forward, just follow the directions they give you after you make an account. When you click to upload your song of your hardrive, be patient..it seems to take a while. Make sure it's recorded at 128kbps. Go have dinner or something. Then if all goes well, it goes live in a couple of weeks.

metaltim 10-07-2002 04:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks roy,
yeh the drums are me, or the xp-30 anyway
i agree with the hot vox, ive had that on my mind as something i need to fix, esp. the choruses.

here is the first thing i ever recorded using pro tools, or anything for that matter.
This is a very primitive mix. it's only like 7 tracks, and i did it about a month after using the 001.
in other words: very little knoweledge

What have I done

you can also just click here and make sure you right click and chooe save as...

Yahoo doesnt like alot of traffic, so if it brings you that error page just try again in 30 minutes or so...

Voideco 10-07-2002 05:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Originally posted by soundsurfr:
By the way, I'd like to add a quick note and remind everyone on this board that you don't need to consider yourself an expert mixer or music producer to listen and provide your comments on the stuff that's posted.

I say this because the ratio of people who post music for us to hear, vs. those who listen and comment on it is not always where it should be. Everybody wants to have their music heard, and everyone deserves feedback, but feedback is nobody's *job* and it can't be assumed that a few regulars are going to handle it.

As a general courtesy, if you're posting your music here, you should be listening and commenting on the music of your PT brothers and sisters also. Most of us are pretty good about it, but there are a select few who almost never comment on other people's stuff, and then show some attitude when nobody comments on theirs!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Ok got that one soundsurfr. I did give some feedback but I don't really 'grease the wheel'. I don't comment really much on the songs posted here, but I did blame Roy. So Roy, apologies for that. As I now see I give little input to this thread, I just must accept I also get little back [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] .

Keep up the good work.

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