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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
HEy Roy
THnx for the complements - i m sorry about the page - i mstill working on it - thnx for the feedback - i really appreciate it Vouts!! Greece [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanx Roy. We've been hard at work on those for a couple months now. We mixed for 13 hours the other day to finish Beautiful, I The East and a love song of theirs that will be seen on a Cleopatra compilation (I think the comp is gonna be called Kiss The Night). We'll post the love song as soon as they decide on a name for it. Once again, thanx for taking the time to listen.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a tune to check out. It was sone with an AMIII card. The band is called Capitol Air. This was initially intended to be a hidden track on their upcoming full length- but they were so pleased with the results they've decided to include it as a regular track. It's not like the rest of the stuff they do- but a neat track none the less.
No- the Radiohead similarity is not lost on me- or anyone else that had heard it. Its done in my eyes but it doesn't have to be yet. Any suggestions are certainly welcome. Thanks! http://www.kellyiris.com/mp3/capairhush.mp3 |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
It may sound like I'm overly free with my complements(they're all heartfelt), but I really do love this song. I like that the chord changes go to unexpected places, but cool places. Vocals are great, cool sounds throughout. As far as comparisons, I hate 'em. "Sounds like a cross between Blah and Blah!" Please......I'm sure you guys weren't trying to be compared to Radiohead with this. You are who you are, and the song is what it is. Good stuff, man. Tell Capitol Air for me they've got one new fan for sure.... Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks. I'll let 'em know. Meanwhile- you can check e'm out on the web at capitolair.com Your compliments are certainly appreciated. thanks! |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool rock song and cool idea - i honestly liked it - but i could hear the presidents voice played from radio - i mean you could try and make it sound a bit more like an anouncement from a radio or tv - in my opinion it sounds too clean the national anthem sounds pretty cool too GOod Stuff Vouts! Greece |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Good song, good production. Looks like you've got the site set up well to hopefully do some good. I do think Voutsonios has a good point. If President Bush's voice had that thin small radio sound(as long as his words are perfectly clear), it would only flatter the fullness of those guitars and stuff when they kick in. But, that's my only suggestion. It's fine the way it is, and you're the producer. Thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Check out http://www.garageband.com/artist/surf
Shallow and Song 3 were my first recordings with the 001 done about 7(?) months ago. Frequent Flyer was done on a friends Mix|24 system with a U87 for guitar and vocals.. Mark James |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool songs! And although 'Frequent Flyer' is a pretty song, I really enjoyed 'Shallow' and 'Song 3' the most. The vocals are great (is that you?), and I love those guitar sounds(were you running one/both guitars through a Leslie or something?.....sounds so cool). Anyway, they are excellent songs. I appreciate you letting me listen. Be sure and play anything new when you're ready..... it was a pleasure. Thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the comments! I play the guitar (which was done through a POD 2) and I did the bass also, which was done through a Boss BR-8 8 track recorder. The vocals on song 3 were done with an SM58 on the BR-8 and then transfered into protools via analog outputs, and the vocals on shallow were done with an AKG 3000C through a mindprint envoice.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, if listening to all your killer music doesn't jump start one's creative juices, I don't know what will.
Here's what I've been doing in my spare time this month. Song, production, drums, keys, guitar, bass, engineering, vocals: me. Your reviews are always welcome. "I Don't Change" (4 just a girl) download (c)2001 Valen |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I posted a couple clips at www.mp3.com/mpls_singer
We're looking for a singer so we recorded some of the ideas we had. Anybody here live in the Minneapolis area? Again nothing special but I'd like any and all feedback on the mix. Thanks, --Ben |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hi again
well i ve upgraded my site a bit and now its working ok - i ve posted 3 songs so far let me know what you think DiVouMusic |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Voutsonios,
I really like the guitar work in 'Vivid'(the 1st one, before the remix). The guitar sound itself reminds me very much of Ritchie Blackmore's killer sound of the old 'Deep Purple' group, when he was in his prime (but you're faster than he was, yet still tasteful). And the ending part (where it eventually fades) is really cool. You should make that part a song by itself (you really should...). Again, good stuff. Just keep working on the productions around your excellent guitar work, and you may just end up with a killer guitar CD. Thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
wow Roy
THnx a lot for the complements [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] i really do Vouts! Greece |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok....here it is then. My 1st 'finished' project. Done in Pro tools, with the aid of reason. Any advice is welcome.
Regards, Oneohone |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I really want to hear your stuff, but like yesterday, your site won't come up. Let me when it starts working. Thanks, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, the site is working it's just the link got screwie. You need to append "move it baby.mp3" (w/spaces no quotes) to the end of ...../oneohone/
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Silly me, I thought you were supposed to just click on it.(LOL) Now, maybe you can help me figure out where Cirxuser's song is on HIS site. It's quite a maze, and I almost can't read part of it because the font style is so blurry. Beautiful studio, though..... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Anything for you, Roy [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
<A HREF="http://www.triplane.net/overandover.mp3" TARGET=_blank>Cirxuser's song </A> |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well, you've won me over. I love the song, I really do. It reminds me of my favorite female artist, Annie Lennox (but also a little of Seal and Peter Gabriel, also my heroes). I love the different instruments that weave in and out. Really great stuff, in my opinion. Roy p.s. Darren, thanks..... |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I ll agree wiht Roy - i m not into that kind of music but i liked it - nice work on vocals and great voice and perfomance by her good stuff! |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
again not my favourite music but nice balanced clean production and in my opinion good vocal placement in the mix i was expecting to hear a rythm change but it s your song [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] nice work |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm not one to dole out complements- but damn. That was pretty cool (over and over). The vocalist sounds eerily like Skin from Skunk Anansie. I dug the song- and the orchestration was especially cool. Feel free to check out a song I have posted. The band is called Capitol Air. I did this with a AMIII card using Acid and PT. http://www.kellyiris.com/mp3/capairhush.mp3 |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Check out the ASYLUM Demo,pre-demoes at the link below. I also hire myself out as a studio drummer for local and non-local stuff. These demoes were mixed on PTLE 5.0.1 with a p3 450 256 megs of ram. ASYLUMOGRAPHY
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Everybody check this out, I recorded my band last month, go to the music section of this page www.modernamusement.net
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Everyone else has said it already, but this is one great song. One to rip on a cd and drag around to work. Come on out to California and do some BAy Area club dates. This would go over great in the SF/San Jose area. Loved it! Mark |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm listening as I write. I'm from the LA area. This is definately has the LA sound I remember. Good stuff. Julie looks like she's fun on stage. Club dates around Thanksgiving as I'll be down that way. Cheers, Mark |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Some have already heard this, but this being Halloween, might be a good time to post it again. The 'instruments in your garden-sheds' Cirx is referring to are glass jars filled with broken glass, from which I created samples for the percussion...
Anyway... 'Goblin's Moon' http://basstardz.dhs.org/roy/ |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Well Mike (IOP Drummer)
i ll say it one more time in public - KILLER SONGS - all of them - i can wait to hear them with vocals i prefer the sounds from "mad at the world" and as a drummer you kick ass!! well done |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool songs - i feel like im travelling when i listen to the way that i am [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] cool website too |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
You already know I'm a fan. I'm spreading the word in Memphis about Capitol Air.... IOP Drummer, Great example of excellence in percussion. In your arena, you guys certainly must be considered royalty...... Being a guitarist, I think I like 'Behind My Eyes' the most, because those 7-string guitars seem more present than on the previous songs(in which they still sound great). Tuff stuff.... And Joz, GREAT songs...because of great guitars, vocals, and productions. Thanks for posting them, and I wish you the success you guys deserve...... Thanks to each of you, Roy |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks everyone!! I wish I could hear your stuff too, but my connection is very slow.
This Friday My band is recording the new songs, with have a more organic feel, and as I get more used to work with PT the next mix will have more warmth... and for those in L.A, our next show will be Nov. 9th, and the GIG in Hollywood, more info: www.modernamusement.net and It would be nice to meet you And yes, Julie has amazing stage pressence |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
sorry about that, I ment to say "will have a more organic feel" and "at the GIG", thats what happens for posting at 1 am
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's a little piece I wrote so Quikdraw/Mike and I could work together. I wrote the bulk of it, and then he laid down the bass. I take full blame for this little ruff mix.
I mean it has flaws, but we had fun. It kind of bumps along, thus the title. Roy 'Bumper' http://basstardz.dhs.org/roy/ |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nice little piece Roy. You like the slide, don't you. I've heard you use it before in another song. I did keep waiting for an EJ style lead to break into the song halfway through.....just a thought. Great writing skills Roy. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok ...I would like (tentatively) to invite you to check out my first mixing effort in PT using a Digi001 (just borrowing it - looking at maybe buying one).
This is the first time I have let anyone other than close friends and family listen to my stuff so go gently... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] anyway, if you have a few spare minutes then check out Logiccal Insanity - Breathe for you Sorry, but the intro is pretty long - if you get bored skip to about 2 minutes into it!! (not saying it gets any better, but you do get to hear some singing [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Thanks Craig |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I just couldn’t pass up replying to this thread. Roy, thank you very much for starting it. I have listened to some amazingly great music over the past couple of days because of this thread. At first, I was very amazed at the variance in musical tastes and styles represented here. I don’t mean to climb on a soapbox with this, but I’m very impressed at how well everybody receives each other’s music. I’m yet to read any responses that are negative or in general bad taste. It says a lot about the people out there in the world creating art and taking the time to appreciate other art. I recently finished my first PT track and I admit, I was very hesitant to share it. It’s a little nerve racking to take something into which you’ve invested a lot of thought, emotion, time, and (dare I say it) money and just throw it out there. But this thread has prompted me to post my track for all to see. It should be available in a day or two, so go easy on me. I really appreciate any feedback you people can offer. And please keep the tracks coming…
-Jay |
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