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soundsurfr 02-06-2002 02:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
J Franz -

Okay, put me down as seriously impressed. This is really great stuff, and the recording/production is right up there where it needs to be. The drums sound great (I'm a sucker for a super-compressed snare). The vocal is appropriately raspy and sits right out front without overpowering the music.

I love the artist - cool lyrics, interesting voice, slick guitar playing, tight band, smart arranging - what else do you want?

Best of luck.


murph16 02-06-2002 03:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
That guy Ken Elevan is great! That stuff sounds good. I too am a sucker for compressed drums. The midrange to high-mid of the mixes doesn't sound over-compressed to me. If I had to be picky, I'd do something to the bass guitar to get more sustain out of it. It's melodic as hell, and I can't hear all of the notes. I say if the bass player's that good and the bass is that musical, let it shine more.
Must have been fun to work on that stuff. Good songs, good musicians.
Nice job!

Roy Howell 02-06-2002 03:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Sheesh, I can't get stuff from MP3.com to play through unless it's downloadable. It will only play about 10 seconds of it. If soundsurfr and murph say its that good, I'de love to hear it... Gotta find a way.


Jorge442 02-06-2002 04:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Roy,
I don´t even get the 10 seconds!!!

soundsurfr 02-06-2002 04:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

You can go right to the artist's website:


Jorge442 02-06-2002 05:03 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks for the tip soundsurfr.

the Ken Elevan tune is cool, pretty good high end for an MP3 done at 128 I imagine the master is even better.....I liked the vocals (great performance, matching engineering) and the guitars the most....

oh man, can´t wait ´til you guys tear my sh*t apart!! lol

Thanks for posting, I really enjoy listening to new music.

Kamurah 02-06-2002 10:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for taking the time to listen....I certainly appreciate and will return the favor...

And thanks for the nice words....always good to hear.


Jorge442 02-07-2002 01:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by tworooms:

Also, do you guys find this piece over "compressed / limited" also??



Roy Howell 02-07-2002 01:53 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Man, I agree with Jorge442...."I think the tunes are engineered superbly, specially Nubiat. Sound good to me!"

I just got a chance to listen finally. Excellent programming work, in my humble opinion...

Mark had emailed me the new piece earlier. Good job! You and Mark work well together...

Thanks, Roy

J Franze 02-07-2002 08:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Guys,

Thanks for all of the kind words, I appreciate it.

I have some of the Ken Elevan "Nightmares and Cigarettes" sings left. If any of you would like one, I'll be happy to send one your way (Free).

Just drop me an e-mail [email protected]

Once again thanks for the input.


Nicke 02-07-2002 10:11 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Time for some Death Metal,

This track is taken from my first project with Digi001.


Hope some will enjoy it!


Nicke 02-07-2002 10:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
http://hem.passagen.se/doomentor/rm/mp3/Runemagick - Requiem Of The Apocalypse - 02 - Temple Of Skin.mp3

tworooms 02-07-2002 10:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Roy Howell:
two rooms,

Nope, not in Singapore. Nope, didn't really hear it on the radio. Was a joke. You say it was used in a "Mandarin sitcom"? Well, here that means Situation-Comedy, and the music themes for them are meant to have a humorous tone. Thus, I didn't think it was in poor taste.

Didn't know it was meant as a serious piece. Please forgive me... as I said, interesting productions. 'Timeless Dreams' is very pretty.



Heh, yup sitcom is actually a short form for "Situation-Comedy" over here. It was meant to be funny, so I hope I achieved that. But, I think my engineering on it was not very good.

As for "Timeless Dreams", it was all midi and samples. It took me like more than like 5 hours to tweak the midi parts for the flute to sound more like a real flute player.

Hope you guys like it.

Thanks and Regards,

Roy Howell 02-07-2002 10:23 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nicke, I'm trying, but can't find the song on this site. What exactly do I look for? It appears to be Swedish(or a similar language), which is fine, but just confusing..... can't wait to hear it...
Thanks, Roy

BigRedButton 02-07-2002 10:41 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's the second mix of the Floyd tune with organ and horns thanks to "go i huvet".
Second one..."WishYouWereRough"

This is too much fun!

BigRedButton www.jacksonBjackson.com

Roy Howell 02-07-2002 11:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Wow...the flute in 'Timeless Dreams' sounds so real! Great job on getting that to sound so good. There's also an instrument that kind of 'swells' in the background, I think just in the later part of the song. It's like a Koto sound, or something, that really complements the piece. I could have sworn it was real, too. I'd love to have that sound. Do you know which one I mean?

Thanks, Roy

Nicke 02-07-2002 12:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I fixed the link to the song, this is the correct url:
http://hem.passagen.se/doomentor/rm/mp3/Runemagick_-_Requiem_Of_The_Apocalypse_-_02_-_Temple_O f_Skin.mp3

Jorge442 02-07-2002 12:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

True Death Metal!! I love it. Sounds heavy as balls, cymbals are nice. Good massive guitar sound, great guitar work!!!!!!!!! Congrats!
Good snare sound. Like it
Did you have a separate mic on the hi hat?
The kik sounds real good (acustic?), but IMHO it needs to have a little more click or just more volume?
I downloaded all the samples, I hope you don´t mind [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

I WANT A CD!!!!!

Roy, this is how I got it: http://hem.passagen.se/doomentor/rm/mp3/


Thanks Nicke!!!

Nicke 02-07-2002 12:16 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Yes I used a separate mic on the hihat and the kick is acustic. No trig! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
Note that 3 of the files you downloaded is not whole songs, only 3min samples!

Thanks for support!

The album will be released in March or April in EU and a bit later is US.


Jorge442 02-07-2002 12:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
hey Nicke,

Actually, I asked you about the hi hat because I didn´t think it sounded as good as the cymbals IMHO. If you have it on a separate track then it makes it simple to go back and scoop some high mids out(?) without touching your cymbal sound, which is all good.

I guess you´re a purist about the KIK by not triggering. I can respect that.

Can you add me to your mailing list?
What label is it gonna be on?

My band (Brutal Mastication)will be released worldwide through Arctic Music (Malevolent Creation, Hate Plow) and we hope to play some european dates in the near future. Let´s hook up!!



mlemos 02-07-2002 12:39 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nicke, great stuff.
Especially the Cryptopsy, Carcass(Heatwork) like thick and brutal guitars. They even sounded big on my notebook computer speakers.
The singer is no Jens Kidman but good nonetheless.

I would love to hear your stuff on a good stereo. It must sound enormous.

Good luck,

Roy Howell 02-08-2002 12:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Fantastic man! In the Death Metal arena, this is excellent in my opinion. I don't know it you've heard IOP Drummer's stuff(Asylum) in this DUC topic, but you should check it out too.

I'm curious about the guitar(s). Obviously, they're tuned down to at least a C, but are they 7-string guitars, and if so, what make and string gauges are used?(if you don't mind getting that specific). I really would like to know, because all stringed instruments fascinate me regardless.

I like the arrangements too, because you do some cool musical 'diversions', rather than just start to finish same straight energy(like some Death Metal). Like on 'Temple of Skin' just before the 3:00 mark, on this obviously short version. Now, that is sweet... Great guitars, man...

Thanks, Roy

Milco 02-08-2002 03:51 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
J Franz...........very impressive
Bigredbutton.....great recording, it would have been intrested to hear a more personalized version but great recording anyway

Here's my first track done on Pro tools....hasn't been properly mixed yet.....let me know what you think!!!!!!

Milco 02-08-2002 03:55 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
maybe if I give you the link you might have an easier time listening to it......

Dr.John 02-08-2002 06:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
here is some stuff from the pop/love song genre:

drenching wet love songs, brought to you by PTLE


Nicke 02-08-2002 07:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Cool that you like it!

The guitars are tuned down to B.
I used my Ibanez Artist for rhythm + leads and Ibanez Ghostrider for leads (both 6-stings) with original microphones.
D’Addario XL Jazz medium gauge strings .013-0.56


J Franze 02-08-2002 08:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Man, I love the diversity of music on this list...

Nicke - I had a chance to listen to your songs, and I think they rock. It's good to hear some driving music. I realy like the guitar tone.

Milco - Sounds good so far. If that's your rough mix, then your off to a great start.

Dr. John - I can't believe how much your tunes sound like Survivor. They've always been one of my favorite bands.

Bigredbottom - Your Floyd tunes sound cool...


soundsurfr 02-08-2002 10:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nicke, I still can't get to your stuff. The links I tried get me to some sexy underwear site in a foreign language, which I liked, but I had my heart set on hearing some death metal.


Roy Howell 02-08-2002 11:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
soundsurfr, Have you tried the link Jorge442 condensed for me a few posts up from here? That got it for me...I saw the link you've been getting...looks like something from 'Blade Runner', doesn't it?... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

Jorge442 02-08-2002 02:32 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Roy, I recently downloaded and installed the real player. I´m thinking that maybe it associated itself to certain file types that were previously handled by the WMP.
Thinking back, WMP is the only program that´s given me problems with streaming stuff. Real player always worked and so did QuickTime......

BTW, if you wanna try to get the real player happening, check under it´s preferences (¨view¨ menu), go to the proxy tab and check ¨use my web browsers htpp proxy¨



Bastiaan 02-08-2002 02:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
dont play mp3's with realplayer. They will sound awwful....

haggard 02-08-2002 02:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey great Floyd song man! sounds pretty sweet. I was wondering if you guys could give me some more input on my first recording session>.. http://haggard.iuma.com I recently got new mics from a friend so ill be re doing the drums soon. but any pointers would be greatly appreciated! thanks

s.d. finley 02-08-2002 02:50 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey guys, check this out....its the latest recording at my home studio..... http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/340/...d_dirties.html



Jorge442 02-08-2002 02:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Bastiaan is right indeed. Same goes for Quicktime. I compared Mark and Bill´s Evening Breeze both from the version I had downloaded and the Quicktime window that comes up from the link (hey, did someone configure it that way?)
WMP definitely sounds much much better.

Jorge442 02-09-2002 01:17 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I can finally listen to streaming audio from MP3.com!!!!! this time my real player poped up intead ot the WMP and uit´s working!!!! woo-hoo!!!

ok, let me settle down.

Milco, cool cool. Your tune makes me wish people would just release their rough mixes!!

Dr John,
I thought you were posting something new?


Roy Howell 02-09-2002 01:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Wonder why it suddenly started working for you? If you have any ideas, let me know...I've got RealPlayer, WindowsMediaPlayer, MusicMatchJukeBox, and a bunch of musicians ready for somebody to count the song off, and I can't get MP3.com stuff to play normally...(unless the 'Download' option is there)...Sheesh Kabob!!! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

soundsurfr 02-09-2002 08:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
MusicMatch also sounds pretty good to me, compared to Real Player. It's also very stable and converts wave files to MP3 rather nicely.

On another note, I have a question that is relevant to this thread - Is it time we all got together and started our own record label, or what?


haggard 02-09-2002 09:19 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
soundsurfer i seriously think that is a good idea... a promotion / record / marketing type thing with all of us digi users would seriously be cool. it could give artists that need an extra push into major labels eyes a chance. i can do web designs and print designs, so if you are serious contact me!

tcnort 02-09-2002 10:09 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Heres the first song I've submitted to the pile .
All critiques are welcome and appreciated!
Ive been diggin all the songs on here so far ! Keep em comin!



Roy Howell 02-11-2002 03:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
J Franze,
I got the Ken Elevan/'Nightmares and Cigarettes' CD out of the box today, and I really do appreciate it.
This is an excellent CD....goood songs! In my arena, I'll spread all the good I can.

Thanks, Roy

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