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Aussie169 02-03-2004 11:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'd love to hear some more, thanks.
My sister is a flautist. Classical only though.

Roy Howell 02-03-2004 11:34 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Absolutely, post some more...love to hear it.(and hi Mark).

flautista 02-04-2004 04:50 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
You can see one more in http://jaschakoneffke.tripod.cl/demo4.mp3 if you have some work I'love know it Jascha
[email protected]

flautista 02-04-2004 04:59 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I put some recording for your sister this is of my Trio( I have a Chamber music trio) playing music from Astor Piazzola. Is a piece from Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas de Astor Piazzolla
you can hear in http://jaschakoneffke.tripod.cl/Asto...aPrimavera.mp3 Jascha
[email protected]

hookiefree 02-04-2004 06:51 AM

Re: Virgin Mix
Damn. No love huh?

IntelDoc 02-04-2004 12:03 PM

Re: Virgin Mix
For your track, I would take a lot of the REVERB off. What are you using on that. I could not really crack it, but at work it sounded like I was at a concert with all the echo. I would reduce that to just have a nice long tail that is barely heard. It is a good trick, and still fills the sound. Also, are the vocals doubled, or did you pan them on a stereo track? I tend to keep them DEAD center for the mains, then pan any harmonies accordingly. BASS, SNARE, LEAD VOCALS at CENTER. That was told to me by a mastering guy. Then pan the guitars. The reverb is one thing that is killing you on this mix. I am not sure what plugs you have, but EQ, then compress the vocals a tad. They are too panned like I said before. Do what they suggested above and create a sub mix that controls the overall levels of the guitar tracks, and the drums. So make 2 Stereo AUX tracks and bus the outputs of the guitar tracks to one, and the Drums to another. That way you only need to mess with one fader once the individual levels are set. There are a lot of things that I would change in this, but that is just me. It is your first mix, and everyone has to get past that hump. For that I say "GREAT JOB" and keep up the good work.

Have not been on this post for a long time. I have some things to post, but have to get permission first.

Some new "Samples" are on my site though.

Later all! and hope that this helps? GET BOOKS!

editor 02-04-2004 06:51 PM

A bit of video w/tune for the hardcore music fan.
Here is a song with a video I did with an AM III and a Video Vision NuBus system. Its thrashy music, but worth a look. I dug the Jazz post, sounded like a live session, well done.





editor 02-04-2004 07:29 PM

For Shawn.../Mixing etc...

Good first production, with just a few moves you can sharpen it up a lot. First off, do a mix totally dry first and make it sound slammin', then add some verbs etc after that.

I have had the good fortune of working with the best of em' Clearmountain, Shelly Yakus, etc, etc... Most of the truly great mix engineers that I have worked with start out with the drum kit, and in this Mic. order. Starting with the over heads, try to make an entire full sounding balanced kit. Then use the single Mic's to boost what is lacking and get busses to verbs, like the snare Mic to a verb. After the OH Mics, sound full, balanced and good, bring up the snare Mic and eq it, to get the snare sound you want. If you boost and sweep on the eq's, (all eq's across the entire the mix) you will always find a dirty boxy sounding frequency around 400 hz, cut the boxy sounding stuff off a tad. Most of the greats, cut eq's in Mixing and boost in Mastering, although, its all subjective and in some cases, try anything to get what you want. Now when I say cut I mean, its all done gently and a 3db cut or boost for that matter is as far as I usually go, without re-recording the track. 3db equals a doubling of power, that's a lot. Next bring up the kick Mic. and get a nice thumping sound, dip the box off the kick and find the point of the beater as you did in your mix; and try to add a bit of 100 to 300 hz (in this case boosting a tad 1 db or so). Now remember that the kick must lock up with the bass guitar. The ONLY instrument that 400 hz work perfectly on is the bass guitar. So you have an excellent drum kit mix,sub-group it and send it to a track with a limiter on it; like the L1 and don't smash the kit, just get its upper volume threshold, under control by just kissing the reds on the L1 meter, now the kit is under control, now buss the snare to a verb or in some cases buss the entire kit to a verb, but not too much. Next bring up the kit and bass guitar, make the bass guitar, lock to the bass drum. This is sub-mix 1 bass guitar and drum kit. Now bring up the vox and compress them as needed. The next step is to Mix the drum kit and bass guitar, with the vox, when you have a good mix of these elements, you can start to add rhythm guitars and other instruments. As you add the instruments one at a time, be sure to pay attention to how they play up against the vocals. I usually solo the vox against each instrument I add to the mix and eq the guitars etc., very slightly to stay out of the way of the vox. A slight dip at around 800 hz (where the male vox is centered) will help keep the vox clean and audible. The female vocal is centered around 1000 hz.

After doing all this, add your efx. etc and always be aware of the balance of all instruments in the mix, drums and bass loud enough against the guitar and vox, etc, etc... I think you did a real good job for a 1st attempt. The performances are pretty solid... You're close to having some really good stuff.

There are a million things to do in a mix so this is a good starting point, if I wrote out what I do on a big mix it would be hundreds of pages. Just keep doing it and doing and doing it...... and you will get there.



Roy Howell 02-04-2004 09:29 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

here is a song I am working on its a bit different take a listen web page .the title is called AWAY ..clcik on the music tab for the song

I joined SoundClick just to listen to some recent stuff, but your song isn't there. Let me know if you put it back up. About to listen a few I've missed. thanks, Roy

nightshadecrisis 02-05-2004 12:44 AM

Re: For Shawn.../Mixing etc...
i found your post incredibly useful, i have a hard time recording drums, and i think what you said may have been the most clear and concise i've heard in a long time. im gonna try that this weekend in one of my sessions and see how it works like that.
catching up on everything. i like the Jazz! very nice!


hookiefree 02-05-2004 08:43 AM

Check it out. You don't even have to comment this time. It took me two hours to read all the responses from the last song I posted!

Milkshake Remix

Roy Howell 02-05-2004 11:01 AM

Re: Reeemix!!!
'Milkshake' sounds great, man...good mix. Couldn't listen to 'what's inyo cup' before (just got SoundClick)...where's the MP3 for it? (works best for me).
thanks, Roy

Roy Howell 02-05-2004 11:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Finally, I have some new stuff. This is quite a change in direction for me, and there a few more similar ones to be uploaded this week. It's abstract, minimal and quite glitchy. It was all done in Ableton Live using cello, piano, tv static and various noise samples to create rhythms. It's quite 'different', hope you like it and thanks for listening.


Nice piece...shows the power of a single note in the right place. This would be great with film, or within a film.
Listen, I just realized I lost 'Southern Chill' in my recent crash (oh man...). Please send me the final mix.
I will email you on this too.
thanks, Roy

editor 02-05-2004 12:34 PM

Re: For Shawn.../Mixing etc.../Drums sounds

I learned that way of mixing from sitting next to some pretty great engineers. Most were careful not to tell me what they were doing, (trade secrets) so I had to watch closely. Shelly Yakus starts out with the tom mics, Clearmountain and most of the other really big name engineers I have dealt with, start out with O.H.'s on drums though. If you can get a good drum, bass guitar and Vocal mix, its a lot easier to add panned instruments like guitars etc... and keep them clear of the vocal. I once asked a great mix engineer his secret for mixing, he said "I Figure that the guy is singing for some reason"... That one stuck with me. Also as a mastering engineer, avoid overall compression, eq and leveling until mastering and hopefully in another room, than the one you mixed in.... let the .mp3's continue.

BTW: I have found that the new netscape 7, plays almost any file type automatically, with no muss no fuss.




Video Boy at work.... some music I did....

Songs with vocals...

Songs Instrumentals...



editor 02-05-2004 12:46 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!
Hey man,

I listened to your Cup mix. Good mix, well done, its ready for the radio, we do what we can do and then let em' go.

All I would say is that performance wise its fine, however, I would like to see you break outta' the box, so that when I hear one of your tunes it stands apart from the pack; and I go now that's that guy who is doing something new and unique with hip hop/Rap, there's no mistakin' this dudes stuff. That's just my shiznit on yo cupzit, with my II zents cause I ain't got fiffy.



Video Boy at work....

some music I did....

Songs with vocals...

Songs Instrumentals...



pk_hat 02-05-2004 01:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


Finally, I have some new stuff. This is quite a change in direction for me, and there a few more similar ones to be uploaded this week. It's abstract, minimal and quite glitchy. It was all done in Ableton Live using cello, piano, tv static and various noise samples to create rhythms. It's quite 'different', hope you like it and thanks for listening.


Nice piece...shows the power of a single note in the right place. This would be great with film, or within a film.
Listen, I just realized I lost 'Southern Chill' in my recent crash (oh man...). Please send me the final mix.
I will email you on this too.
thanks, Roy

Hey Roy,

thanks for the kind words,

as a matter of fact, the piece got picked up for a feature film to be released later this year, by a mexican director named Ivan Avila. I actually wrote 4 more cues derived from that piece. The movie is called Adan y Eva. I'll keep you all posted.

editor 02-05-2004 02:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I dug the piece you posted! Ambient has become my favorite type of music to compose over the last ten years or so; as it has become so blatantly clear, that pretty much everything that can be done, has been done in all other forms, except Jazz maybe. If you are going to be original in a mainstream format, it takes a hella, hella original idea, genius even, to approach originality. I mean I like rock, although, it all is starting to sound the same, except for the occasional exceptional artist. I do feel that music that has actual players and not programmed... well everything will make a huge come back; when someone breaks through the current sound barrier and makes a true innovation, a quantum leap in the field. I like all music, yet I also think Rap has reached a point, where there is so much more that could be done, yet isn't, because nobody wants to take a chance, for me one Rap song is as good as another thus far, Rap like Rock has peaked... Rock isn't dead its just peaked, for a while... I remember hearing VanHalen One and when I heard Eddies' guitar solo's I said ... now that goes beyond anything I have ever heard in this format; we need people like Eddie, now in the Rock world, innovators to take us to the next level, which I can taste, but so far cannot get it on to a plate for consumption.

I turned to ambient music, after I found that its so wide open and ripe for originality, its actually fun to compose again... and Brian Eno was the sound track to my surreal days on the tour bus, so its also back to roots for me. I have around 2 or 3 hundred 74 minute ambient tracks that I like to use to frame the sonic atmosphere with, in my house... I just don't have enough server space to post them or I would have first, because they are what excites me most.



hookiefree 02-05-2004 02:46 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!
Thanks fellas.

Roy - I don't have permission to make it a downloadable MP3 but thanks for trying.

editor - I feel you and I'm not going to worry about the mix any more. It is what it is. Hip-hop really isn't my main focus (I'm really into acid jazz and soul) but it sells. I struggled with trying to take it to new levels and be innovative but people aren't too quick to accept new ideas. The radio stations, DJs, and pretty much everybody else brushed off all our previous attempts. One day we listened to what was popular and decided to dummy down our stuff and what do you know, the program director is begging to play it. It's either spend months working on a song just for personal satisfaction or do a track in 2 hours and get sweated for it. If I get to a point where I can make music full time I'll do the kind of music I love and try to take it where it needs to be. Right now I'm just trying to satisfy the beat buying public.

editor 02-05-2004 08:59 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!/In ery 1\'s kup
I hear ya'. The thing I think will happen, is that some talented fellow will discover another dimension, to music its self, finding a way to work within' the frame work the main stream demands... yet undeniably breaking through it from the inside out. Like that Cheech and Chong movie, where Man says "Hey man we want uniforms that are all the same, but different, you know man." LOL

On with the .mp3's



spkguitar 02-05-2004 09:07 PM

First post
OK, it's time for me to take the plunge: my first full song post. It has a few mistakes and newbie blunders in it, some known, and I'm sure some unknown, but I think it's time for me to commit and move on. I've been hiding it in my profile for about a week or two, and IntelDoc found it and was kind enough to do a little mastering for me. Not only is it my first song post, and my first session done from scratch in ProTools, it's my first online collaboration too.


All instruments/voices were played/programmed/sung by me using the rig listed in my signature. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. Thanks Doc!

editor 02-06-2004 01:58 AM

Re: First post

It sounds real good, good tune, good performances. As a mastering engineer, I put it up on my Tannoy Pro series DMT II 14" & 12" speakers, as well as my 8" Pro series Tannoys. Its real, real close to being right on the money mastering wise. I might add 1db or 2db at around 1k or 2k, to define the rhythm guitars and the mids, snare presence, etc... of the entire track, but a very, very little boost... you have just the right amount of high end eq (air) at 15k to 20k. You have isolated the point of the kick beater well, so the listener can hear the attack of the kick drum, however, the way it came through on my mastering system, it felt like the kick needs a tad more weight or umph to it so you can feel it as well. I might add a db or 2 of eq at around 100hz to 300hz, find the low end of the kick where you can feel it thump, but just a tad. A little goes a long way in mastering. ... And the mastering engineer might have already had to make moves in the ranges I mention to correct other problems, essing, harsh mids, all around etc... At the very first few bars of the song I hear a limiter dip into the mix a tad, perhaps the release is a bit long on it... or there is an .mp3 glitch, most people wouldn't notice it anyway.

I compare everything I listen to on a demo cut as to "How close is it to being a final, world class record release", so I am much more precise and critical in my listening than the average person ....and frankly I am never satisfied with my own stuff, any record could be better with time and work, even Floyds "The Dark Side of The Moon."

I am just splitting hairs though, (it could release as is, because the style of music it is, begs the rough edge question) its very well done and deserves snaps all around, no matter what try it is... 1st mix or mix # zillion and 3. Good Job, keep it up.



pk_hat 02-06-2004 08:43 AM

Re: First post

thanks for your comments on my track. Some interesting things you mention about ambient music. I feel like the creative process is very cyclical, just like life itself, you can never plan too much ahead and you must be ready for those unexpected surprises. As a result, our moods and perceptions change and when I first started piecing that one together, I was in a very unusual headspace, but in a good way. It was the xmas shopping rush, Manhattan gone crazy over what to buy, which party to go to, etc. I just locked myself into a room with my friend's Kurzweil K2600 (where the piano sounds are from) and adopted the road less travelled. I didn't want to kill myself trying to program the right 'breakbeat', find the right snare and eq it to perfection, I just wanted to do carry as much emotion I could with less sounds, it was my way of closing myself off to the world for a few hours and days. The art of subtraction, it's a beautiful thing....

spkguitar 02-06-2004 08:58 AM

Re: First post

Thanks for that. I've got to give it up to IntelDoc for the mastering, though. He sent me a remaster of my original mp3, that sounded really good and punchy, so I sent him my mixed WAVs and he mastered it (even though he lives like 5 miles from me). Mucho Props.

I've got the weekend to myself, and I'm planning on working on some more stuff. I'll post when it's ready.

BTW Your stuff sounds great. That goat video was pretty cool too.

IntelDoc 02-06-2004 09:36 AM

Re: First post
Editor and SPKguitar,
Thanks for the props! I had fun with it.... Now if I could just quit my day job and do this stuff for a living that would be great.... One day..... Get out of Defense World and do the "love."

Thanks Editor, and Spkguitar! It was fun.....

I think that FTP access accounts will work well when they are discovered.... Who needs the DIGISERVE... It would be nice though!


Gotta thank Calvin too for his killer post on Mastering. Ran with that for what it was worth!

See ya!

Roy Howell 02-06-2004 11:12 PM

Re: First post
Really impressive song, good vocals, guitar work...the only thing I hear that I would change, is this. During the verses, either the bass, the rhythm guitar, or both together are too 'muffled' overall (IMHO). But of course that's minor with such a good song overall. The vocal clarity is perfect, and the solo harmonies sound really good too.
Chris/Doc did a good job, and it's a really good song, I think.
thanks, and be sure and post your new stuff...

spkguitar 02-07-2004 08:33 AM

Re: First post
Thanks Roy.

Much appreciated coming from you, your stuff always sounds fantastic!

It's funny you should say that about the tones during the verses; my to-do list for this song includes an item that says "Fix guitar tones", along with a few other minor things. I may fix them later when I can get a fresh look at it.

I've got a 3 song project from about 6 years ago, tracked on da-88 that I'm re-mixing in PT. One of them is almost done; I'll post it soon.

Thanks again!

hb_nc 02-07-2004 12:30 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I am new to the board and thought I would post one of my latest DIY home studio songs. My taste in music is pretty broad, and I try to experiment with different styles. Basically I did this song a couple of months ago and have been trying to improve the sound with tips from this board. I wanted the guitar to be big and loud on this one.
I am also new to mixing & Eq'ing, so some tracks may need some work.
Anyway, I look forward to the feedback.

Try this link:
or this one

Roy Howell 02-07-2004 11:10 PM

Re: First post

I've got a 3 song project from about 6 years ago, tracked on da-88 that I'm re-mixing in PT. One of them is almost done; I'll post it soon.
Thanks again!

Cool...looking forward to hearing it. Again, I really enjoyed your song.

hb nc,
I like it....nice and raw. I did notice the track drop noticeably right after the solo.(because of the pumped rhythm guitar that comes in behind the solo. After the solo, it drops out and leaves the track at a lower overall level.).
Other than that, I love the feel of this song. Post more of your stuff when you can.
thanks, Roy

hb_nc 02-09-2004 07:45 AM


hb nc,
I like it....nice and raw. I did notice the track drop noticeably right after the solo.(because of the pumped rhythm guitar that comes in behind the solo. After the solo, it drops out and leaves the track at a lower overall level.).
Other than that, I love the feel of this song. Post more of your stuff when you can.
thanks, Roy

Thanks for the critique.

R/g Posting more stuff
Definitely. I've been exploring some different musical directions lately, mostly slower and less distortion. I have some older more agressive stuff from my early college days that I want to redo and clean up.

IntelDoc 02-09-2004 09:14 AM

I have not posted anything out here for awhile, mainly due to clients request. Seeing that I am working on this one I felt compelled to let my pals hear it. The first thing is the reason why....

I started working with George Mason University on a production that the Art and Media department are heading. I am there as an Independent Study student. It is a Audio/Visual play production with tons of animation, live acting and music. I have been tasked to help with some animation sequences as well as the audio recording part. I offered up the studio to help out with it. The play is a production about the Time Travel of a JOHN TITOR, and if you feel compelled to read more you can at www.johntitor.com. Pretty cool stuff really.

So the group came by Friday to lay down the sequences and voclas for 3 songs. I am posting 1 of the 3 for now. The others have not been finalized just yet. This one is really strange, and reminds me of NIN meets Skinny Puppy with a voice of ole Bjork.


All audio is REASON and vocals ar doubled with a waves software 2 tap set to a "Vocal Exciter" mode.

Enjoy and more to come....


DJ Insomaniac 02-09-2004 04:15 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
proof the Reason Adapted is worth it (but still go for the full thing)


Roy Howell 02-09-2004 10:34 PM

Good job, Chris...I want to hear the rest too when you get a chance.

IntelDoc 02-10-2004 05:51 AM

Thanks Roy,
It's a little wild, but still pretty cool. The entire production will be a cool thing that is for sure...

Thanks and I will post when I get it all soon....


Gene Backlin 02-10-2004 08:34 AM

Re: Time Travel
Hey Chris,

Sounds really cool.

Whenever I think of time travel...

Keep it up, you are really doing good work !!!

Take Care,

otto 02-10-2004 04:53 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
heya folks,
i've just had the chance to listen to 'a few' of these tracks.....cool! I'll post some comments when I have the chance. Here's the latest track/mix from my little project band.

puppet show

Would love to hear any comments/critcism on the song & mix.....& yes I know it's a long one - the 'radio mix' might happen later
I'll let you know what gear I used after a few comments

G4 533, PT LE 5.2.1 - all mixed in the box


oscargarlands 02-11-2004 02:45 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
here's some sketches of stuff I'm working on. The first one is just from fooling around in GarageBand, the second is a few hours after I bought Filter. Check'em out at

Oscar Garlands

Roy Howell 02-11-2004 08:02 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!
I finally saw your 'goat dance' video. Very interesting...what did you use to film and edit?
thanks, Roy

Tito Ricci Arballo 02-12-2004 08:01 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Here's thr track Slamzuki I made but edited and eq'd. Let me know what you think of the mixdown. Thanks.

Roy Howell 02-13-2004 06:31 PM

Re: Reeemix!!!/INYOCUP!
This is something that pk_hat and I did last year. pk basically created it around mandolin samples that I created. Nice piece, I think. Listen if you get a chance...

Southern Chill

murph16 02-14-2004 11:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
My little standby fun project that I've been tinkering with for a few months is done:

Borrowed Time

I'd like to hear what you guys think.
Seven minute song ... 10 MEG file. If it's too big and slow to download, I understand if you blow it off!! (ha)



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