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inspire 02-11-2024 11:54 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here

Did the bee pass gas at 44 seconds LOL
I had the idea to place a microphone in the beehive a while ago, but the birds don't like being disturbed, especially in winter. When listening, there wasn't anything audible from the outside.
I bought a hose of appropriate thickness, but then we inserted the microphone through the flight hole into the hive. We didn't want to keep it there for long because the bees became restless, hence the emission of gas.

basslik 02-12-2024 05:53 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
I see how that sound tunnel was very useful. Pretty neat.

DDDaniel 02-15-2024 03:56 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
We released an album with what we ourselves describe as ’the strangest music you might ever heard’. That’s the reason I am posting it here. Curious what you think of the music, the mix and if you know if there is an audience for this kind of music.
This album was recorded as a jam session of more than two hours, and afterwards the best parts were selected and edited which resulted in these tracks.
Extensive use of ProTools, beat mapping, elastic audio, Melodyne ARA, all tools needed to make this possible. Because everything was recorded live in one room and our main focus was the jam, the recording is not always of the highest quality.

If you know people who might enjoy this music please feel free to forward these links. We ourselves are crap in promoting, none of use are on social media. Any feedback is also appreciated.
Below links to Apple Music, Spotify and our website where you can find more info…

Thanks, Daniel




inspire 02-17-2024 12:37 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Daniel!
Look too professional, but I liked it!
If you have been used Pro Tools, very good. Are you willing to comment more? (If you were at the production)
How many musicians and several microphones were there, it would be interesting to know? Did you work a lot on after-treatment, how many hours? Looks like you have experienced!

DDDaniel 02-17-2024 04:28 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
thanks for the kind words. Some more info:
The musicians were a guitar player recorded through DI (post fx), a keyboard player recorded as midi, a vocal artist who uses his voice with a mike but processes it live through some fx processors, a sax/clarinet player recorded through a mike, and me on an electric upright bass. (from the Italian Alter Ego)
Four tracks were recorded and mixed in 2006, and on those a drummer was present with an electronic drumkit. (would have preferred an acoustic one, but the bleed would be too big to make music like this possible) All other drums/percussion was played by me afterwards.
Everything was recorded in a rehearsal room; I brought my MacBook with audio interface, and plugged everybody in, set the recording levels, hit the record button and start jamming together. (and that means we just start to play, listen to each other, and interact)

You then end up with a multitrack recording of several hours long, and then the real work begins:
I first listen through the whole recording and mark the parts which I think might be usable and throw away all the rest. I typically end up with around 20 sections. Each section is then saved as a separate session, and then I go through all the different instruments, and choose the parts which sound good to me and throw away the rest. That might be small sections of a couple of bars, or longer of several minutes.
Then I use PT’s beat mapping to create a temp map for each piece, and switch all tracks to tick base and use elastic audio, so that I can set one overall tempo for each song.
Then the super creative part begins: now everything is in the same tempo you try to combine/arrange the different parts and pieces of each instrument and might decide that what was one guitar part, now becomes three layer guitars or keys. So each instrument you hear might have been played in a totally different order.
Once I am happy with the ‘arrangement’ I start mixing and use fx to emphasise each musicians style. Favourites are SoundToys, FabFilter, Eventide, and Pianoteq. (most keyboard sounds are made with Pianoteq)
It is an awful lot of work, the beat mapping and elastic audio part are the least fun part, but needed to make the rest possible.

I have always been fascinated by music which is partially improvised, and partially arranged. On the website I mention in the first post (https://www.unheardconcepts.com) you can see other project which were done in a similar way. The BeMixed! project was the first time I experimented with this form of music.

This was all done in ProTools, and I love that this is nowadays possible… (been working with PT since 3.1 I think, and seen it evolve from a tape recorded to a music production system)

All the best, Daniel

inspire 02-17-2024 08:08 AM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Thank you for the descriptions, very interesting.

So, I'll write that my favorite track from this album was the 12th one, "Traveling," and I'll add that I also enjoy traveling! I play the clarinet and saxophone myself, the latter being my favorite, and it's great to find it on this album. Your descriptions added a special touch to this record, and I downloaded it from Apple Music to listen to it more.

"Favourites are SoundToys, FabFilter, Eventide, and Pianoteq. (most keyboard sounds are made with Pianoteq)" - good choices/combinations!
Best of luck in the future!


basslik 02-17-2024 02:59 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Totally hear great work in all the aspects in creating this album.

I'm digging FRANTIC.

I bet if Allan Holdsworth was hearing this album, he would be digging it.:-)

EGS 02-17-2024 06:11 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's an ambient/mood track for a YouTube art presentation, made with VIs & Pro Tools. Thnx for checking it out!


inspire 02-20-2024 11:07 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
Hello Gary!
I was wondering if comments are welcome, hopefully yes!? I didn't rush with my own, as I wanted to give it time to settle.
It was a nice journey and meditation, very soothing. Like cave drawings speaking from before our time and calming music (including the sounds of water) that induces meditation.
Quite mature and sophisticated happening, the kind one sometimes encounters at art exhibitions. I haven't come across such on a YouTube channel before, but perhaps I'm not always present.
"I PAINT LIKE DALI" is a good summary of what was depicted in one pen-on-paper sketch.
I enjoyed it, and thank you for sharing it with us!

basslik 02-22-2024 04:23 PM

Re: Let's hear your latest stuff....right here
I likey:-)

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