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filosofem 04-03-2006 09:46 PM

Re: Within Reason
Jack Rabbit

is there a way to send a signal from an audio track in PTLE to a Reason effects device like the reverb?

No, but you can import a WAV. audio file into the NN-XT.


mykhal c 04-04-2006 02:13 AM

Re: new sounds in my player
hey roy. things are good in SF. how's memphis treatin' ya these days?? my bad on the link code!! should be good to go now. hit me back when you've had a listen. thanks for checkin' in man. aloha for now...mykhal


Aussie169 04-05-2006 05:45 AM

Re: new sounds in my player
Hey Mykhal

Nice lookin site there. But you need to sort out the sounds. I think I had three different tunes playing at once there at one stage. Had to shut it down. Just too much to take.
Also the intro tune is really loud and distorted.

You got some nice chops but bro!

I'd like to hear more of your stuff, but one at a time would be great

Roy Howell 04-05-2006 01:12 PM

Re: new sounds in my player
Allen Hallada-
You are alive. Last I heard you were writing a song called "Prison Blues". How is it going in Memphis?



Things are good in Memphis. I've been scoring an indie film for the last few months...almost through now. How are things in Sun Valley?

mykhal c...thanks for fixing the link. Your bass sounds great as always. Your new site looks good too.


Stiff 04-05-2006 05:31 PM

Re: new sounds in my player

Have you been in prison?

Roy Howell 04-05-2006 06:48 PM

Re: new sounds in my player
Oh sheesh...

mykhal c 04-06-2006 12:06 AM

Re: new sounds in my player

Hey Mykhal

Nice lookin site there. But you need to sort out the sounds. I think I had three different tunes playing at once there at one stage. Had to shut it down. Just too much to take.
Also the intro tune is really loud and distorted.

You got some nice chops but bro!

I'd like to hear more of your stuff, but one at a time would be great

hey mark. thanks for checkin' out the site. the only thing i can say is that you must be on a MAC!!! i have not debugged the site for mac users yet. on the to-do list!!!?? well sorta!!


mykhal c...thanks for fixing the link. Your bass sounds great as always. Your new site looks good too.


yo roy. thanks for takin' the time to listen. i'll hit ya up when i got some more new trax!! keep it flowin' man!!

Captain_Pants 04-06-2006 12:21 AM

Voices(I Miss Her Still)
Latest offerings here...

Voices(I miss her still)

Only up for 7 days though on Yousendit..

Input appreciated.

Aussie169 04-06-2006 12:35 AM

Re: new sounds in my player

hey mark. thanks for checkin' out the site. the only thing i can say is that you must be on a MAC!!! i have not debugged the site for mac users yet. on the to-do list!!!?? well sorta!!

No, not a Mac.... but I am using Firefox so that could be it.
But lots of people are using Firefox so you really should sort that out.
I'll check it in IE.

Aussie169 04-06-2006 12:39 AM

Re: new sounds in my player
Yep, works great in IE.

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