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KroNEe 02-20-2004 08:56 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is another song from our first demo CD done in 2001. It was the first song we recorded with the 001. The mix is preaty bad but it was my first one so cant expect perfection the first time but it gives a perspective of how far I have come at recording and mixing as well as playing.
Check out the solo maybe I should post it in the best solo thread This guy can rip it out.
Then I'll Know.MP3

I will be posting the 2004 version in a couple of weeks.

doylemusic 02-20-2004 09:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

This is new...first rough mix.

Deep In Scarlett

Roy, nice tune. What did you use for the strings? Man they sound great. Do you Midi everything? If memory serves me correct, I think you play guitar, so I assume those are live. Anyways, nice tune. It sounds like something they would use as a music bed on the Weather Channel!

Micah777 02-20-2004 09:25 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
IntelDoc- Great mix, sounds very good... the drums sound great. I woulda liked to hear a little more attack on the kick but that's probably just my phones.

kroNEe- Saviour: good overall mix... drums are really dry and the snare is pretty weak it gets better after the solo. bass sounds great.
Then I'll Know: I like this mix better than the first ...sorry i know you don't want to hear that. The only thing about this one is a little more guitar presence.

doylemusic- ahhh! 80's ballad good stuff.

Roy- good stuff as usual... the only thing i wished I heard when I listen to your stuff is real drums but your programming is getting really good.


IntelDoc 02-20-2004 09:57 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks! Vocals are tonight, and I will get the kick up a notch. I may be able to pipe them through a pair of Distressors so that will help ALOT! I think that I can get them where I want though!

Thanks! I think that they sound GREAT! Very impressed by these guys!

I will post the final cong when I get it done this weekend...


Roy Howell 02-21-2004 12:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just heard the 2 tracks you sent me(without vox)...good mix job on both of them, and I especially like 'Speedys'. Nice guitar sounds throughout. You're doing a fine job with these guys, IMO. Looking forward to hearing vox too.

IntelDoc 02-21-2004 12:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks ROY!
We tracked tonight and it turned out pretty well. I plan on mixing them on Sunday in the morning. Have a CD realease party to go to for Laughing Colors tomorrow. Good friends of mine. www.laughingcolors.com

Thanks for the compliments though. The singer was pretty good for the most part. I think that they sound a lot like old Incubus now that I hear vocals. Still good though.

More soon! Time for ZZZZzzzz's.

Thanks again! I think that this is the best stuff I have done so far. I am very happy with the results and overall clarity.


Roy Howell 02-21-2004 11:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Roy- good stuff as usual......


Thanks, Micah....

editor 02-22-2004 12:55 PM

Goat Dance Video
Hey Roy,

In answer to your question a pg. or so back. I used a straight 8mm camera to shoot and a VideoVision NuBus system with Premiere 4 to edit it, a few years back... I hate to say it but like 8 or 10 years back . I got all of the efx by tweeking the video input upon capture into Premiere. You can really do a lot with a little if you get creative. The biggest challenge was to get a 4 gig file smashed down to net size and still have anything at all left to see or hear. I like media cleaner pro for that job and I have everything that compresses' A/V, including Apple's Compressor, which is kinda lame in some areas.

Now days I use a sony digital8 to shoot with (I think its a DCR-TRV-230) and firewire camera control, the low end sony cameras are fine as long as you throw strong light onto the subject, they are really weak in low light. I have made a ton of videos that compete with MTV stuff where some serious dollars were spent. With Premiere 6 I can grab ins and outs, while in Fast Forward or Fast Rewind on the camera; I have FCP4, however I use it about 50% of the time, mixed with Premiere, depends on the pject. I like digital8, because the tape is more hardy than the mini dv tape. Also there is a backup program that you can use to dump up to 15 gigs of digital data to a 120m HI8 tape, on your camera using firewire, which is handy, when a DVD will not hold an entire collection of session(s) data. I have to say that even though I have final cut pro, final cut express is faster, less crashy and easier to use Vs FCP. BTW: Pro Tools will import and handle DV in 5.1.1 and up, at least it does for me. I do post production in it all the time, with DV on the same screen as PT, (although its less choky of you spit the DV out to an NTSC monitor) and up to 12 or 15 post tracks no problem, never any slip problems... yet.

I think in this day and age (sadly) a person seeking a record deal, had better be as serious about making their own video as their own audio. DVD Studio Pro 2.0.4 is another must have if a person wants to get their message out there, in a powerful way, for not a lot of bucks. At any rate let the .mp3's continue.



Partial list of album credits/editor.

Video Boy at work....

some music I did with PT....

Songs with vocals...

Songs Instrumentals...

Roy Howell 02-23-2004 01:16 AM

Re: Goat Dance Video

Hey Roy,

Now days I use a sony digital8 to shoot with (I think its a DCR-TRV-230) and firewire camera control, the low end sony cameras are fine as long as you throw strong light onto the subject, they are really weak in low light. I have made a ton of videos that compete with MTV stuff where some serious dollars were spent. With Premiere 6 I can grab ins and outs, while in Fast Forward or Fast Rewind on the camera; I have FCP4, however I use it about 50% of the time, mixed with Premiere, depends on the pject. I like digital8, because the tape is more hardy than the mini dv tape. Also there is a backup program that you can use to dump up to 15 gigs of digital data to a 120m HI8 tape, on your camera using firewire, which is handy, when a DVD will not hold an entire collection of session(s) data. I have to say that even though I have final cut pro, final cut express is faster, less crashy and easier to use Vs FCP. BTW: Pro Tools will import and handle DV in 5.1.1 and up, at least it does for me. I do post production in it all the time, with DV on the same screen as PT, (although its less choky of you spit the DV out to an NTSC monitor) and up to 12 or 15 post tracks no problem, never any slip problems... yet.



That's interesting...I have a Super8, but just got a mini DV. I've been converting a lot of analog film to digital lately, and I've got some video things in mind coming up.
thanks for describing your technique..... ~Roy

CreationStudios 02-24-2004 10:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Origianl song ,.. ant thoughts on the song,.. good/bad?.... Like/dislike?
www.creationstudios.org/inthemidst Johnny

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