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Roy Howell 09-27-2004 02:12 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Great job on these mixes...both are really good songs too...the singer is great, IMO, and I like what you did with the ending on 'on display'...very cool.
I'm gonna email you later about something else.

Ruben_B 09-27-2004 11:00 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Chris,
great job on 'Canopy', listening to it right now & sounding real good.
How did you get that vocal sound? Did you double up on the vocal tracks? it almost reminds me a little of Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon.


bigbubbaj 09-27-2004 11:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
From Cavell....


it's just a little doubling and detuning on the vox...foo fighters style. It just seemed to work for the tune; gave the vocals a texture that seemed to gel with the song.

cruisemates 09-28-2004 05:18 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
My first full Pro-tools production. This was done in my home, I wrote the song, played all instruments, sang all vocal parts, did all recording - it's all me.

The Way Love Is

The drums are minimal, I need a better method, ie: DFH or similar. I do not like my voice, though it is passable. The lead guitar sound is getting there, but will be better when the new mic-pre arrives so I can put the outboard EQ inline.

I have many more songs, some older (no Protools, some hybrid PT+analog).

Flying - done analog on 1/2' 8-trk 15 ips no DBX. Same story: all me.

More available if you want to hear them...

Paul Motter

Ferrante 09-28-2004 04:13 PM

2 minutes clip of my new piece
Hi everyone!
Here's a 2-min clip of my new piece; "Asian Sun".
I'll post the whole piece here as soon as it's ready.
Hope you'll like it.

Roy Howell 09-28-2004 10:30 PM

Re: 2 minutes clip of my new piece
I really like this...the arpeggio intro and melody are nice, as are the changes that follow...aptly titled piece...clean sounds(might I ask what you're using?)...

SimpleNatureSpirit 09-28-2004 11:49 PM

Re: 2 minutes clip of my new piece

Ralph K 10-01-2004 08:27 AM

Re: 2 minutes clip of my new piece
nice work ferrante, i would have lowered the piano level a bit at 0:52 , just my opinion.
that asian flute is a sample?

Kustoo 10-01-2004 01:42 PM

My first complete Mbox project
What the deal peoples?

I just finished a mixtape with a local producer (All recording was done with my 6809 and the protools Mbox. The lappy worked like a charm. It was absolutely beautiful. Much more stable than my Compaq 2140US) that we are putting out and I wanted to get some feedback from some folks here. We are giving it away and so i put it on the internet for all to access and download. Feel free to pass the link on to anyone you know that likes hip-hop. I don't care if you make copies or anything. Just put the name of the mixtape on there and the email address below in case someone wants to contact us.

All I ask is that you email me at [email protected] with your comments; good or bad.

p.s. I am on songs 5, 11, 12, and 15

Rapture Kamp Unleashed Vol. 1

IntelDoc 10-01-2004 05:44 PM

Re: My first complete Mbox project
Here are some that we are working in Pre Production phase right now...

Old client that is back for more...

It's OK

Right Now



Still in the NEW phase. Done all at once and one take each. The vocals will be done separate when complete. Guitars, and so on. Drums will be added and bass. Should be a cool production when it is all said and done....

Cannot wait to use the new gear!

- Doc

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