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mykhal c 04-06-2006 10:07 AM

Re: new sounds in my player
well, again, thanks for checkin' it out and the feedback on firefox. yeah, i'll have to find a firefox hat one day too!!!

bigbubbaj 04-06-2006 07:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
This one is for INTEL DOC.

Doylemusic finally made it down to my neck of the woods today and we made a quick Jam.

Hey Guys - a Ditty by BigBubbaJ and Doylemusic

Doyle is on the horn, tambo. I am on the other instruments.

We both get engineering and mix credits. I did the mastering. heheeh.

Doyle is a great guy! I'm glad we got to hang today.


IntelDoc 04-07-2006 12:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Wait for my retaliatory strike...

Any chance Justin that you can send me just the audio track for his vocal part. PLEASE...


satchvai 04-09-2006 08:18 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
If you go the music section of my webpage and scroll down near the bottom you can find my 3 latest songs. I'm especially pumped about the newest one which is the one in the middle (The Angst of Everyday Life)!

link http://www.hamletskingdom.com/music.html

Fulltronics 04-10-2006 07:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
my computer was down for a while, got it back working and here's the first couple beats i came up with

lo-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getpl...d=3768466&q=lo
hi-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getpl...?id=3768466&q=

lo-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getpl...d=3660017&q=lo
hi-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getpl...d=3660017&q=hi


IntelDoc 04-10-2006 09:12 AM

Some Baba G Downloads
Please go to the below link and download the songs as well as listen to the fusebox. Doing a small campaign to see how it pans out with some rough takes and free marketing. Would really appreciate it from all who have listened.




rogerhavoc 04-11-2006 09:06 AM

Me and my Fiance
Hey guys,

Long time no talk... I've been busy with a bunch of work projects, and also i had a bicycle accident that put me out for a while.
Good news: I am getting married in June, so me and my Fiance came up with the idea to record 3 songs we like and give them away on a CD as our Wedding Favors.She is the Singer and the Keyboard Player, and i do everything else.
The first song was recorded and roughly mixed yesterday. Also i ditched my 002 and got an M-Box 2, since i've been on the move in the past months.
Here is the song: Bless the Broken Road

Tomorrow i might have the 2nd one done. Hope everybody is well.



superpenguin79 04-11-2006 11:27 AM

Re: Me and my Fiance
Doc: nice work on BodyBags man! the vocals have turned around 100% on this one compared to before.

Joz: nice work on myohmy also! good to see new tunes from you guys. It is a diff. style from your usual imho, but it is very spacious which is cool.

Kryst 04-11-2006 09:04 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's some stuff I've done on Pro Tools. Not the best, but I just love it as a hobby. Also, I made the website it's uploaded on (follow the link), which is another hobby I love.
Kryst Studios Samples

IntelDoc 04-12-2006 02:29 AM

Re: Me and my Fiance
Thanks Charlie... It was still painful.


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