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Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Nice! Very nice! I have listened to it several times now and I like what I hear. Okay, now for the critique.... The vocals seem to start out low but then soon gain momentum, volume-wise. Was that intentional? R.E.M. used to do that in their earlier songs and NO, I am not comparing this to R.E.M. so anyone who was gonna bling me on that just go ahead and bite me. The vocal most definitely fits the song. I think the interplay between the drums and guitar at the solo *is* busy, but it works for me anyway. Was it done live or overdubbed? Either way, it sounds tight. What all were you doing in that tune, vocals, guitar, what? More! --joe |
Here is my demo Mash it up (cups jointz) mp3 ep
1.Black Nostaljack 2.Mash it Up 3.Rock the Party 4.The Jump Off 5.Foolish 6.Hurricane Bunus Beat: Reel Like Dat Pick a track and rate it. Thanks, tito |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Cool tune and it sounds great! Has a strange psuedo-VOIVOD sound on the guitars. Very cool sound. I would bump the vocals up a notch or lower the guitars and the hi hat a tad. Other than that, very cool tune! -Doc |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
hey, thanks for all the input, i get alot out of hearing what you guys have to say. joe, the volume for the vocals wasnt intentional, i've actually been meaning to clean that up a little bit. there are 2 vocal tracks that are right in the beginning-a low and a high, and i think a little automation would do it wonders.....
as for the Djembe drum playing in the solo, thats another thing i was thinking about taking out altogether, it seems a bit too much. in the other parts though i was going to turn it up a notch so that it comes out a bit more. it was done overdubbed(drums, then bass, then guitar, vocals, then djembe). it was recorded with 4 888's(I'm trying to convince my boss to go HD3 Accel...."no sir, your plugins will be just fine.....), an SSL 4035 board, a few Distressors on most things going in...for the vocals i used the Neve/Shep 1081 preamp, Fatso comp and a Neumann Fet47. It's great to have so much pro gear at my disposal, i didnt play anything on this one, though on a few of their other songs i'll be doing some stuff. the funny thing is this is a pretty rough mix, i havent done all that much to it, but we really spent alot of time getting everything to go in sounding good, i think for sure its the best thing i've done(also the first on a TDM system). Thanks everyone for the suggestions and input! I'll try to get a more mixed version up at some point this week if i get a chance. ev |
Re: Latest stuff!
Thanks for all the inputs.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is my last record:)
http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=381468&T=6767 I hope You will enjoy it |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Schmidt: the link asks me to register. There must be easier way to listen to your dongs. I have no time for a registration.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Here it is
http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=381468&T=6141 Now you should not be asked to register Listen and enjoy:) hope so:) |
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Schmidt, that's really nice. I saw in your other post that it was done with only sampletank and PT? Nice.
Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
That's right and converted Akai saples
I think Sample Tank si the best software sampler I am thinking of upgr. to PT HD but I allways will be inlove with my Digi 001 It is something like my first Love..hahahah |
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